Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard

Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

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Sunday Mar 20, 2022

In our 5th installment of the Fitness Consistency is Key Series, I will be sharing the four non-negotiables to find overall health and well-being, and it’s a lot like the table analogy. You’ve got to have an equal balance of all four of these to have a solid and steady fitness foundation! Have you ever been to a restaurant and one leg of the table is slightly shorter than the other? You know, you’re just sitting there and trying to enjoy your dinner, but the table just won’t stop wobbling! Join me as I share why each of the four non-negotiables is equally important and how you can set up a great foundation for a more consistent, healthier, and happier YOU!

Sunday Mar 13, 2022

Fitness Accountability is the secret weapon to helping you build your fitness consistency. It gets the ball rolling, gets you motivated, and sets you up for fitness success. So, in this Fitness Consistency is Key Series, it only makes sense that we dedicate a chapter to it! On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be sharing all about fitness accountability including…WHO your ideal fitness accountability partner should beWHAT you can do to find fitness accountabilityWHEN and WHERE you need it mostWHY it is so importantI’ll also be sharing the most important piece of fitness accountability that is also the most overlooked! 

Monday Mar 07, 2022

Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m asking the big question, “What do you want badly enough that you’ll find the time to make it happen?”, as we’re going to deep dive into our own lives and find ways to save and build time for fitness to prioritize our goals! Whether you’ve been following along, or you’re just joining us now, this 3rd installment in my Consistency is Key Series is sure to get you well on your way towards a more focused and fit lifestyle!  I’ll be sharing and discussing the following…My top 2 universal time wastersThe importance of delegationDumping Excuses TechniquesWe are all so busy. We’ve got families, jobs, commitments, and, well, just life going on! But, if we want to find fitness consistency, we’ve got to find the time to be consistent! If you’re struggling with finding the time to be consistent, then this is the episode for you! 

Monday Feb 28, 2022

Welcome to my second installment of the Fitness Consistency is Key series here at the Fit is Freedom Podcast! In this chapter, we’re going to be working together to determine what you want badly enough to make the changes you need to get what you want most out of your fitness.If you want to have a solid foundation for developing a consistent and healthy lifestyle, then grab a pencil and piece of paper or the notes app in your phone and follow along! We’re going to dive deep and find your biggest motivations and your fitness “why”.Once you have an understanding of why you want to be consistent and see change, you’re setting yourself up for success!

Monday Feb 21, 2022

What is the one factor that can make or break your health and fitness? Some may think it’s the next and newest diet. Or others may think it’s an all-in 8 week bootcamp at the new gym down the road. But, the real factor that can make or break your health and fitness is plain ole consistency.Yep. Nothing sexy or flashy here. Again and again, I am finding and helping clients realize that consistency is what moves us forward in our fitness.So, this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast is the first chapter of my Consistency is Key Series, where I’ll be taking you from A-Z and sharing everything you’ll need to make consistency work for you and your life! In this first installment, I’ll be sharing an amazing client of mine named Sherry and the journey she embarked on with me. She experienced a complete mindset shift when it came to her fitness, learning that small changes over time actually add up to bigger success in the long run. I’ll also be sharing the benefits of her mindset shift and why the glitz and glamour we’re used to seeing when it comes to diets and fitness aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Monday Feb 07, 2022

On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, Anna Huthmaker, founder of Trail Dames, and I- swap some fun hiking stories and discuss the importance of women feeling empowered to get outside and see their own strength! Among other things, we’ll address all of the wonderful magic that comes from hiking and trail groups like Trail Dames including…The magic of outdoorsThe magic of movementThe magic of camaraderie The magic of people facing the same directionThe magic of not letting fears keep you from trying new thingsThe magic of knowing your worth“A hiking club for women of a curvy nature” is dubbed the original slogan of Trail Dames, but it has become much bigger than just that. In 2007, Anna Huthmaker founded Trail Dames in an effort to see more women like herself out on the trails and make the hiking world more inclusion of women of all shapes and sizes. Today, it has 10 different chapters around the country and has become a safe space for women to learn the ropes of hiking and get to know some really incredible people.Links:Trail DamesTrail Dames Podcast

Monday Jan 17, 2022

From the moment I read Kate Champion’s book, Never Too Late, I knew I wanted to have her on the podcast to learn more. It was an inspiring page-turner that I simply couldn’t put down! In this episode, we’ll not only hear about Kate’s journey into writing, we’ll also discuss a wide variety of topics which include...Letting the fog of doubt clearMeasuring “fitness age” over your chronological ageThe importance of our brains in our fitness journeysSustainable wellness for the long haulImportance of your circadian rhythmKate’s new book and tips for women hikersWhat’s important to keep you fit as you ageImportance of communityKate is an astounding author who was first inspired to write when she encountered an amazing woman who was well into her 60’s and dominating the trail as a hiking lead for a retreat she was on! From there, Kate realized how inspiring it would be to hear more about later in life athletes and all of the amazing things that they accomplish! Here are some important links we mentioned throughout the podcast…Kate Champion Author WebsiteNever Too Late by Kate ChampionFree copy of Pocket Guide to Hiking, Running, and Backpacking

Monday Jan 10, 2022

If you find yourself having one of those down in the dumps days, this is the podcast episode for you! On this podcast, I’m joined by Renée, a 69 year old bodybuilder who didn’t even start weightlifting until her late 50’s! Have you ever had those days where you feel like your goals are just impossible? You come up with all the excuses...You’re too tired, you’re overworked, you had a rough day...The list could go on and on. We’ve all been there. In this podcast, we learn about the obstacles Renée was facing and how she grabbed the cow by the horns, taking them head on and kicking butt along the way!Some of the barriers Renée discusses include…Back SurgeryCOVIDHer AgeOvercoming nerves and insecuritiesRenée also leaves us with some parting wisdom…Get a trainerWrite your goals downAge is just a numberIf you’re ever having a day where you just feel like your goals and your dreams are impossible, give this episode a listen and you will feel those blues melt away.

Monday Jan 03, 2022

Join me on the Fit is Freedom Podcast today as I recount the time I “trained” for a 25K!  We discuss some really good lessons I took away from the experience. For most people, they like a plan. If they’re setting out on achieving an ambitious fitness goal, they like to map out their training, figure out the perfect nutrition, and make sure all of their ducks are in a row before getting started.What if I told you that doesn’t always have to be the case? What if some of us are missing out on better fitness because we’re too afraid to fail? If you’re anything like what I mentioned above, or if you’ve ever found yourself afraid to start up a fitness goal because it seemed too overwhelming, this is the podcast for you!

Monday Dec 27, 2021

Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to walk you through how you can figure out exactly what you need to do to get fit.Have you ever Googled “how to get fit”? Well, I have, and the results can be underwhelming. You’ll find all kinds of cookie-cutter answers like “exercise an hour a day”, “count all of your calories”, and “lose weight”. This advice doesn’t really do much for us (other than possibly make us feel defeated or overwhelmed).You see, everyone is different so getting fit looks differently to each person. We all have different paths, backgrounds, needs, and wants. So, the first thing I do to figure out what needs to be done for someone to get fit is ask them a series of questions including...What’s bothering you? What’s working right now? What in your lifestyle isn’t working?Who around you is empowering you? What do you want in your life?What makes you excited? There’s usually this one thing that starts making everything else fall into place. It tips over the domino of your fitness life, and by diving into the questions above, you will be able to find what you need to do to better your life by bettering your fitness.Trust me, you won’t want to miss this episode if you’re trying to figure out how to get fit!

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