Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Join me on this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast as we take a deep dive into understanding why we plateau in our fitness journey and how to keep it afloat! Your fitness journey is more like sailing than you would think. You get all excited about your journey, hop on board and start sailing away happily. Next thing you know, your momentum is slowing and you aren’t quite sure what to do. Instead of just jumping ship and giving up, it’s important to figure out what’s going on with your boat, learn to make some slight course corrections on the way, and you’ll be back to smooth sailing in no time! The Pattern of Your Fitness JourneyFrom my years of experience with my own fitness journey and helping others navigate theirs, I’ve been noticing a particular pattern that arises whenever someone is ready to start a new journey or reach a new weight loss or fitness goal. I don’t know if it’s the leaves changing and the new season among us or if people are just ready for a change, but I’ve been having this conversation with friends and clients lately about how to get out of a plateau and whether or not they should try a completely new program or simply make adjustments. I figured I could share this pattern with you today and discuss my advice on how to handle the dreaded plateau. OptimismWhenever we make a goal or set out on a new journey in our health and fitness, it is more often than not greeted with optimism. Like getting on a sailboat to start your voyage across the sea, you’re filled with excitement, motivation, and a dash of anticipation. You’re ready for what is ahead, and you’re dedicated to the journey.Because of all these positive feelings and the “newness” of it all, people will also tend to see encouraging results coming their way. But, as time moves on, obstacles move in, and that’s where people enter the next stage of their journey. Valley of DespairAt one point or another, I notice that clients will eventually begin to plateau. Their body becomes used to the once new and exciting routine. They grow weary of the early morning wake ups or the numbers on the scale slowing and showing less progress. Known as the “Valley of Despair”, this is the moment in sailing when the sailor notices they’re getting off course or they see a storm ahead. When the Valley of Despair arises for those on their fitness journey, a decision must be made. The Decision: Course Correct or Jumping ShipThe final step in the process of getting through these plateaus is often reached with a decision. More often than not, people will see the slowing progress as a sign that it has completely stopped working altogether. For these people, they will choose to completely abandon ship. They will course correct so quickly and so hard that they essentially will start this entire process over.However, I want to challenge you all to think about these plateaus as a simple wind shift. With my sailing analogy, a sailor would approach this issue with a small course correction and get back on track, and we can do the same. Slowing in progress doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world. It can mean that our bodies are ready for an adjustment. Maybe we need to mix up our workout routine and try something new on top of what we’ve been doing. Maybe we can hire a coach to walk us through our journey so far. Maybe we can stop drinking soda except for the weekends.When you’re sailing, it’s never going to be a perfectly straight line to your end destination with beautiful weather for the whole journey. There will be storms. There will be times for course-correcting. But, if you stick with it, you’ll find yourself somewhere incredible, and that’s how I want you to think of your health and fitness journey.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Episode Summary“I feel better in my fifties than I did in my thirties.”On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I am thrilled to chat with Kristen about the steps to take in order to age backwards. We also go over some incredibly helpful tips and tricks on eating your best! This is the goal of Kristen Owens, a Holistic Nutritionist with over 2 decades in the health and wellness industrusty. She has dedicated her life to helping healthy women age backwards and feel the best they ever have with a focus on diet and lifestyle.Taking Your Health in Your Own HandsIt all started for Kristen Owens when she wasn’t feeling right in her early 20’s. Her doctor’s response? Drink some orange juice! Seriously?!This began her journey to learning about different approaches to medicine, health, and feeling her best. It all started when she made the decision to take her health into her own hands, and the rest is history! If you’re wanting to take your health into your own hands and start “aging backwards”, Kristen shares three main steps.Assess your HealthBefore doing anything, take a look inward. Assess your health. Have others assess your health and see where you are at in your wellness journey. This could include your stress levels, current diet, hormone levels, or anything in between. Seeking advice and assessing your health is the first step in understanding where you’re at and where you can go. Decide to CommitOnce you understand where your issues and health struggles lie, make the decision that you are willing to adjust your diet and your habits in order to change your life for the better. Making the decision to commit is crucial in the process!Make AdjustmentsEvery person is unique in their needs and challenges when it comes to their health and fitness journey. For some, they may need to prioritize their diet. For others, they may need to get to the root cause of their poor eating by eliminating stressors. No matter what it is, make the necessary adjustments and you’ll start to see and feel the results. Kristen Owens shares one of the biggest adjustments that needs to be made in the standard American diet is adding 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Whether it’s spinach or cauliflower in your smoothie or more salads, a plant-focused diet is crucial in most women’s journey to aging backwards. If you’re already eating the right amount of fruits and veggies, you may want to consider going organic. Or you can look into avoiding certain toxins like the “dirty dozen” to avoid your toxic load. There are so many different ways you can adjust your diet and lifestyle. It’s important to figure out what you need! Links:Kristen Owens InstagramKristen Owens

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Episode SummaryAge is just a number, and it has NOTHING to do with your ability to start your fitness journey! On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m joined with the amazing author and fitness guru Joni Grant. We discuss the importance of fitness as you age, what you should be training, and why you need to embrace the journey and love what you do. The excuse of “I’m too old to start” just doesn’t hold any water. Joni herself, an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, Functional Aging Specialist, and Kettlebell Coach, didn’t even start thinking about improving her health and doing something about her aging until she was 58 years old! Since then, she has competed in powerlifting meets, learned to parkour, become a kettlebell master, and written her book, Train to Age. If You’re Losing It, You Need to Train ItWe can’t simply walk our way to better health if we’re losing muscle mass as we age. It’s important to find ways to incorporate strength training, endurance, and everything in between to keep up your fitness.Take note of your body. If you’re realizing something is a struggle, it more than likely means that you’ll need to train that particular part. For example, if you’re slow to get out of the chair, build your lower body. It’s amazing what we can improve by targeting our weaknesses and making them strong, no matter our age! Train for What You Want to DoNot only should you train if you’re noticing a weakness, you should also focus your training for what you want to do in life. Joni has trained clients with a wide variety of aspirations and goals. Her clients have goals ranging from simply wanting to pick up a grandchild or being able to easily get out of a chair, to climbing Machu Picchu. Have a goal in mind as a motivator! LINKSJoni Grant Website and BlogJoni Grant InstagramJoni Grant’s book - Train to AgeJoni Grant Facebook GroupLiving Fit Workouts Find Things You LoveIt’s important to train in a variety of ways, but Joni Grant and I discuss the importance of finding ways to train that you actually enjoy! Hate strength training with free weights? Try a kettlebell! Hate running? Try hiking or riding the stationary bike! Improving your health doesn’t have to be a drag. If it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable. Find something to love and you’ll start to see results that you love! How to Get StartedNo matter your age, the best time to start is NOW if you want to improve your health and fitness! Figuring out where to begin can be overwhelming, so here are the three top jumping off points according to Joni…Find a TrainerEspecially for the inexperienced or people who are a little rusty when it comes to working out, the best way to get started is to find a quality trainer that works for you. They can help you develop a customized plan. They will guide you to building the muscle and mobility that you desire while teaching you the ropes of fitness. Take a ClassIf you can’t find a trainer you like or you’d prefer a more social setting, try taking a class! Local senior and civic centers will typically offer a variety of classes. Look for one that sounds interesting and just dive right in! Be Brave When you’re putting yourself out there, have courage. Be brave and take that first step towards a better life and a better you!

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Episode SummarySome people train so hard that they completely crash and burn out, but there is a better way! On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be sharing the best ways to prevent burnout through working backwards, being specific, and following the 3 phase rule of training! It happens all the time. People train for a big event, race, or adventure, dedicating so much time and effort into the process. Then, after the event, they completely drop the activity. Have you ever checked Facebook marketplace the day after a 150 mile bike race? You’d be amazed at the number of bikes listed for sale! Work BackwardsThe best way to prevent burnout after a big race or adventure is to work backwards! Start with the end in mind. Study the route, look for elevation gains, understand the season and the weather you’ll be in. More often than not, adventurers will train in the wrong conditions. Then, when race day comes, they are facing much bigger challenges than anticipated.The more prepared you are, the less likely you’ll be blind sided. You’ll know how to train, and you’ll feel better both mentally and physically for the big day of your race or adventure. 3 Phases of Training for an EventOnce you fully understand your event and what you’re getting yourself into, you can start training in a way that will get you ready. While there are countless planning guides available online, give yourself a solid 3 months of training. This way you can have the time to personalize it to you and your specific needs. With these three months, I suggest each month being a certain phase as listed below…Phase 1: Preparation and FoundationOnce you’ve got a good understanding of your goal, it’s time to prepare your body! Start by listening to your body, noticing any discomforts, and getting them taken care of. I had a client once who got terrible rashes under her arms from her workout clothes. She changed her sports bra, and it completely fixed the issue! While this may not seem like a big deal now, if you don’t fix these things in the beginning of your training, it will only perpetuate and keep getting worse. By preparing your body and laying a solid fitness foundation, you’ll be ready to ramp up your fitness in phase 2.Phase 2: Get Moving and BuildingThe first month is all about listening to your body. Essentially, it’s your warm up! Phase two is where the magic happens! Take into consideration all that you’ve learned about your race or adventure and try to prepare for the worst. Add more weight to your backpack than you would need. Run intervals to get your heart pumping even more. Build your stamina, strength, and endurance during phase 2 so that the actual event feels like a walk in the park. Phase 3: Slow it DownI think of phase 3 of your training as the end of a rollercoaster. You’ve still got speed. There might be another loop or another hill, but then it eases back into the loading spot gently. That’s how the last month of your training should be. 3-4 weeks out from your event, your training should be at its peak, but by the 2 week out mark, you should start tapering back. Your body should feel ready, and you should reward it by taking some time to recover and mentally prepare for the event that is quickly approaching. Final ThoughtsTaking your time, knowing your race, and listening to your body will greatly help in preventing that end of race burnout. You want to think of being the tortoise and never the hare when it comes to your fitness and adventure journey. Making it a more sustainable goal will keep you loving your activities for years to come!

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Episode SummaryThe FUN40 came from a few different ideas. The first came from my friend as she explained the 75HARD book. She was super excited about finishing it, with good reason. Learn More and Buy the 75HARD Book Here The second inspiration for the FUN40 was when I was reminded of a “challenge” we did in the group years ago. I think we called it the “Fit and Fun” challenge. Everyday, we had to do something for fitness and something for fun, and they could be the same thing.As challenges go, we learned something we didn’t expect; scheduling something fun every day was more effort than expected.There was a third spark of inspiration as I listened to all the 75HARD rules. I remembered that I don’t really like rules. In fact, at this point in life, suggestions are great, but rules rankle!Below you’ll find a rough outline of the FUN 40. Make sure you RSVP, and we’ll go over all the suggestions, how to have them work best for you, and how to play the game.Before you say, “this sounds great, but I’m going to be traveling,” don’t worry. Rules can be bent and fun activities while traveling should be easy. High-level 75HARD rules2 - 45 minute workouts per dayFollow a dietNo alcoholNo cheat daysDrink one gallon of water dailyTake a photo of yourself dailyRead 10 minutes per day FUN 40 SuggestionsDo something fun each weekTake a photo at the beginning and the endEat mindfully - what, when, and how you eatSkip the desserts, sweets, sodas and adult drinksDrink water based on your weight and activity levelTake time to journal/meditate/pray/read daily - that fits your beliefsWorkout 20++ minutes daily (with a minimum of 10 minutes of mobility, yoga or stretching) Join the accountability group and get ready for a little friendly competition 😇Take a day each week to rest, relax, recharge and renew.This is all.Learn More and Register to Join Us Here What Results Can You Expect?Based on past challenges I’ve led, such as Sugar Freedom and Fit & Fun: You’ll lose weight, probably 1-2 pounds a week. You’ll sleep better Stress levels will dropYou’ll make new friends Plus, you will have started on habits that can change your life for the good. Is There a Catch?There’s only one hard and fast rule :) You need to schedule something fun to do every week; bonus points for more than one fun activity in a week.Bonus - your small accountability group will result in BFFs, best fitness friends! Join!Want to join us? RSVP here.Am I too Late?!If you’re finding this after we have already started? No problem. Register anyway, because this is one we’ll do again and again. We all want more Fit & Fun in our lives.

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
It Happens to Us All. You Need a Fitness Reset. Something slowed you down or you got off track. We’d all love to believe that our fitness is a straight line, but the reality is that we are always course-correcting in life.You’ve been travelingYou had an injuryA family member has been illNew (insert your) job, house, relationship, dog…The heat (or cold) outside has you staying in and slowing downThe thing is, life happens. When it does, our routines suffer. And, when our practices start slipping, our minds can go straight to worry mode! “Am I going to lose all the fitness I’ve gained these last three months?”“Is the weight I’ve lost going to come back?”What to do if You’ve Gotten Off Track With Your FitnessIf you’re having trouble getting restarted, no matter the reason, do these three quick things as MANY times as you need to!Stop the worry and the mind chatter. Take a deep breath. Trust yourself. Ask yourself one question: If it was easy, what would I do today to get moving? (easy is the key word here, we’re not looking for a life plan, these are the smallest, most straightforward steps you can take. Actions like the MDM we discussed last week, scheduling your week, planning ahead, and going for a walk. )Schedule an activity in the next two days. Call a friend for a hike, book a class at your gym, or find a local group that plays tennis or pickleball. What would be fun and get you moving?You Can Do It! Action is the antidote. Remember, a body in motion stays in motion. Time to get moving in any manner that makes you happy!

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Episode SummaryHave you ever wondered what all of the fuss is about with intermittent fasting? Have you ever thought about doing Pilates, but never really knew what it was? Well, thanks to our amazing guest, nutrition fitness and mindset coach, Heike Yates, you’re about to get answers! Heike will be sharing all of the details in regards to intermittent fasting and Pilates. She also talks about how they have transformed her life as a woman in her empty nester phase.All about Intermittent FastingHeike was a triathlete and was working out constantly. She realized that she was gaining weight, not feeling her best self, and struggling through symptoms of menopause and other ailments. Upon discovering intermittent fasting, she quickly became aware of the amazing benefits it had on her body and mind. While intermittent fasting isn’t for every woman, it’s definitely something to look into and talk with your doctor about.What is Intermittent Fasting?Essentially, intermittent fasting is a series of eating windows and not eating windows. Some people choose to eat from 7 AM to 7 PM, meaning that they fast for 12 hours per day, while others choose bigger fasting windows of 14+ hours. The idea is that it gives your body time to reset and digest properly, bringing many benefits along the way.How does it work?The great thing about intermittent fasting is that you’re in control. This isn’t some fad diet with a long list of rules. You set the rules by determining when you eat, your fasting window, and what you eat. It’s really as simple as that. Some people will choose to start fasting by simply eliminating their late night snack. Once they finish their dinner, they simply won’t eat again until the next day. For Heike, she realized she wasn’t really that hungry in the morning and simply shifted her lunch from 1 PM to earlier, 11 AM. It really depends on you, your body’s needs and hunger cues, and what you think is best! What are the benefits? Heike shares many benefits that she discovered for herself, along with others she has learned through research. Intermittent fasting is associated with improved gut health, memory, clarity, and overall health. For Heike, she experienced lessoned menopause symptoms, lessoned bloating, burned body fat, and more. All about PilatesBeing in the Pilates world of over 20 years, Heike has seen any and every kind of client reap the benefits from this practice. From clients over 600 pounds, to breast cancer survivors, to people of any age, Pilates is an exercise practice that can help anyone. What is Pilates?While most people think you need the fancy machinery to do a Pilates workout, this is simply not the case. In essence, Pilates is a type of conditioning that focuses on strength, flexibility, and alignment. You only need a space in your home about the size of a yoga mat in order to practice and start reaping the benefits! What are the benefits? The benefits of Pilates run far and wide! First and foremost, one of the biggest benefits is that it can be done by anyone. It’s an inclusive workout that targets your whole body. Other benefits include: better mobility, improved balance and strength, better posture and alignment, and more. LinksHeike Yates WebsiteHeike Yates FacebookHeike Yates Instagram

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Episode SummaryJoin me this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast as we change things up a bit! A while back, I had the pleasure of visiting with Jane Hogan, Wellness Engineer, on her podcast, Wellness by Design. It was such a pleasant experience that I wanted to share it with you! So, listen in as Jane leads our conversation on “why starting small is starting smart” through answering the following questions:How do you want to feel?How can I become pain free?What’s my minimum daily movement?How can I make it stick? We’ll also share some tips on how to create a lifestyle change from a small start through…Rewarding yourself to startChanging it upGiving yourself graceJane HoganAs I shared above, Jane Hogan is a Wellness Engineer and the host of the Wellness By Design Podcast. Like her title suggests, in her past life, she spent decades in the engineering world before suffering from health struggles that altered her life’s trajectory. Since then, Jane has dedicated her time and her career to using her previous life in science and her spiritual journey to help others rid themselves of chronic pain and become the best versions of themselves. LinksJane Hogan WebsiteJane Hogan FacebookJane Hogan Instagram Why you should start smallWhen it comes to setting goals and wanting to make life changes, people will oftentimes dive in head first. Want to eat healthier? Well, some will rid their life of any and all potentially “bad” foods and refuse to make exceptions to their new diet. Want to start a fitness journey? Well, some will start by making a rigid schedule of 6-7 days a week of gym time. While this may work for some people, making such quick and drastic changes can actually alter your success in the long run. Instead of having an “all-in”, “go big or go home” attitude to your health and fitness journey, what if you took a softer, more realistic approach? If this sounds more your speed, then you can start by asking yourself the questions below. Determine what’s important and how you can build your way to successful changes in your life.How do I want to feel?Before you set out on making any kind of life change, you’re going to be more successful if you understand your why. One great way to know your why is to ask yourself, how do I want to feel? This simple question can unlock what you should be focusing on in a more positive and realistic way. For example, maybe you want to feel strong. In that case, you can think about small and simple ways to start feeling stronger. Or, maybe you want to feel energized? This could be weaving in more sleep each night or incorporating some workouts to give you energy. Getting this clarity in what you want through thinking about how you want to feel will start you off on the right track to making changes for the better.Add button here → “3 Simple Ways to Help Calm Inflammation While Eating” link to: How can I become pain free?If the way you want to feel is inhibited by any previous injuries or struggles, it’s important to address those from the get-go. If you have previous knee issues, start small by learning how to prevent further injury and heal through talking with your doctor or other professionals. Addressing potential setbacks ahead of time, will keep you from derailing in the future.What’s my minimum daily movement?Starting small is all about being realistic and not overwhelming. Once you’ve determined how you want to feel and you’ve addressed ways to ensure you’re pain free, ask yourself, what is your minimum daily movement? If you’re overloaded with work and stressed with kids at home, can you simply take the stairs instead of the escalator at work? Or maybe you wake up 10 minutes earlier to do a 10 minute yoga flow on Youtube? Once you start with these minimal changes in your movement, it’s like the snowball effect. You’ll see that the minimum you found will change over time as your strength changes and your priorities start shifting. How do we make it stick? You’ve determined what you need to do minimally to get started, and you’re on your path to greatness! But, how do you know that it’ll stick this time? How will starting small be different than the other times you’ve tried before when you just dove in head first? Here are some tips for making sure it sticks! Plan AheadEver heard of FPA? In our Fit is Freedom community, it means “Friggin plan ahead,” AKA if you don’t plan it, it’s not real. Decide ahead of time what you’re going to do. Set out your clothes the night before. Plan out your rest days and stick to them. Making a plan will make it happen, especially when you’re starting small! Start with rewardsRewards can be a great way to increase your motivation at the beginning. While they may not be for everyone, I’ve always found them fun when starting small and trying to develop a habit. Maybe you have a favorite TV show? If you do, you could reward yourself by watching it on days that you achieve your goal. Something as simple as this could help train your brain to develop these small changes into a habit! Change it upSome of us are creatures of habit, but when it comes to fitness and health goals, you’ll stick to them better if you add in some variety every now and again. Try that pilates class at the gym. Go for a hike every now and again. Your muscles, your body, and your brain need to be kept on their toes, and it will make reaching your goals much more fun and enjoyable in the long run! Give yourself graceOne of the biggest problems with starting big is that people get burned out or they are too hard on themselves when they “fail”. Whether they decide to completely quit all processed foods or workout 6 days a week with no excuses, having a setback or a moment of weakness can bring your mindset and success to a screeching halt. If you give yourself grace and have a softer approach to your goals, I find that people are more successful long term.

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Episode SummaryGrab your lifevest! This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re setting sail with an amazingly inspiring guest, Lorie Tesny. She is a two-time cancer survivor who used her experiences to change her life and prioritize the important things. She left her life behind to set sail and start a podcast, Sailing Through Life, to inspire others on her journey. Join us as we discuss the following and more:Lorie’s StoryBalancing Sailing and HealthHow to Not Sail Through LifeHow to Course Correct in LifeThere are a lot of magical parallels between sailing and life. Join us as we explore those in this episode. Lorie’s StoryUp until just a few years ago, Lorie Tesny led a “normal” life. Then, everything changed. With each twist and turn, her life became less and less “normal” and more and more authentic to who she truly is. Just one month after completing her treatment for stage three melanoma, Lorie received the gut-wrenching news that it had, in fact, returned. She fought for her life a second time and completed her treatments in February of 2020, just in time for a global pandemic. After enduring the recurrent storms and unexpected twists and turns from life, Lorie figured out how to stop sailing through life. Her solution? Start sailing, literally. LinksLorie Tesny WebsiteLorie Tesny FacebookLorie Tesny Instagram Balancing Sailing and HealthAs Lorie made the decision to change her life and start sailing, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Sailing is a very physically demanding activity with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. While some may think of sailing as sailing the entire world, circling the Earth, that’s just not realistic for Lorie and she didn’t let that stop her. In order to balance her health and her passion for sailing, she chooses to sail locally on a semi-permanent basis. That way, Lorie is still working towards her goal while ensuring she can make her doctors appointments and check-ins.How to Not Sail Through LifeWhether you’ve faced some hard times like Lorie or you’re simply finding yourself in a rut, going through the motions, it’s important to find ways to get out of your comfort zone. You don’t want to look back on your life and feel like you simply sailed through. There are some ways you can proactively prevent this including: focusing on what you can control, ride the waves that you’re given, slowing down when the waves are rough and taking advantage of the times when the conditions are perfect.How to Course CorrectIf you feel you are sailing through life and you need to course correct, all hope is not lost! First and foremost, think about what you want to do and commit to it. Write down goals and aspirations to make it tangible. Start by making small changes, taking little steps to get you on the correct path.

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Episode SummaryThis week, we are joined by Dr. Meg Mill, and we’re talking about all things headaches. At some point or another, I’m sure you’ve had a headache or two. I struggled with chronic headaches for years that would stop me in my tracks for days and days. Whether you’re like me or simply get a headache on occasion, you are definitely going to enjoy this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast. Dr. Mill will be helping us answer some important questions including...Where do headaches come from?Do hormones impact headaches?How can we prevent headaches?Does our diet and lifestyle have an impact on headaches?How can we learn more? Guest Spotlight: Dr. Meg MillDr. Meg Mill is a busy mom of three and a Functional Medicine Practitioner as a Doctor of Pharmacy. After living in the world of conventional medicine for years, she found a need to focus more on helping people thrive in their lives, finding ways to get to the root cause of sickness rather than treating the symptoms. Dr. Mill has a newly published podcast, a published “8 Step Guide to Say Goodbye to Headaches”, and offers consultations and customized health plans through her website. LinksDr. Meg Mill WebsiteDr. Meg Mill FacebookDr. Meg Mill InstagramThe Environmental Working GroupA Functional Medicine Approach to HeadachesThroughout this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, Dr. Meg Mill and I discuss all things headaches through the lens of functional medicine, addressing many of the common (but uncommonly discussed) struggles of women to balance life through the inconveniences of occasional or constant headaches.Do Hormones Impact Headaches?Hormones can actually play a crucial role in headaches for women. Oftentimes, women will get cyclical headaches either before ovulation or before their period begins. Women going through menopause or perimenopause may also experience more frequent headaches. How Can We Prevent Headaches?While conventional medicine will tell us to just take some medicine and all will be well, functional medicine focuses on the why. Dr. Mill explains that medicine may get rid of a headache, but it won’t help you uncover how to prevent one in the future. By taking a functional approach, you can explore different potential causes and get to the root of your unique reason for headaches–whether that is chronic stress, hormones, your diet, or something else.Does our Diet and Lifestyle Have an Impact?YES! Diet and lifestyle can have an impact on the frequency of your headaches. Dr. Meg Mill shares how some people can have specific food triggers, like caffeine or histamine foods, while others can be triggered by food sensitivities, which is an autoimmune response. There are even things in our environment that could cause headaches like BPA in plastics.How Can We Learn More? Dr. Meg Mill has spent a great deal of time learning and exploring headaches for women and has developed an informational guide to help! Her “8 Step Guide to Say Goodbye to Headaches” is a great resource to start learning more about headaches from a more functional lens!