Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard

Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

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Monday Feb 06, 2023

Join me as I share why stepping away from the hustle and bustle is essential, how to know when you need to take time off, and some tips on how to get a plan in motion! 
Do you ever get in a rut and simply feel like your spark is completely gone? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed and busy that you can’t even take time for yourself? 
Well, in this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m calling baloney on myself and so many others who constantly claim we’re too busy for some fun! More often than not, when we are at our busiest, we are also in most need of some fun and adventure!
Why Do We Need Adventure?
Our definitions of “adventure” may differ. For some, it may be a hiking trip and for others it may be a weekend at the spa or shopping with friends. No matter your definition, we all need moments in life to disconnect and change things up. Here are the main reasons why..
Change is Good
Change is so good for us.  If we are stuck on that hamster wheel of life, it is important that we hop off every now and again to switch things up!
Recharge and Rest
Life is messy and stressful. An adventure will allow you the much-deserved time to recharge and find some quality rest. 
If we’re hustling and bustling too much, we will often lose ourselves. Taking a step back from all of your priorities for some good ole fashioned fun will allow you the space to re-prioritize your life.
Stretch it Out
New and fun experiences stretch us. They challenge us. It’s so good to get out of our comfort zones, and that’s a big reason why adventures are so important! 
When do we know it’s time for an adventure? 
Ideally, you want to go on an adventure before you reach your complete burnout point.  Here are some ways to help you recognize when it’s time to change things up and prioritize some “you time.” 
Feeling Overly Tired
Lack of Excitement
Brain Fog
Feeling Too Busy
If you notice that you’re feeling most of the reasons listed above, you may want to consider taking a break and doing something fun. Even if you went on an hour-long hike by yourself, that could be better than nothing! It’s all about quality over quantity.
How do we get an adventure in motion? 
So you’re at the point where you understand the importance, you know you need an adventure, and now you want to plan one.  Well, here are my top tips for how to get the ball rolling…
Even if you aren’t at a point where you desperately need some “me time” or a fun adventure in your life, it can never hurt to stop and dream. Dream about big trips and small little getaways. Think about what you would want and what you would like to do! 
Book Early
Once you have an idea, pay attention to your body and your mindset. If you notice you are having any of the signs listed above, try to book or plan your adventure before you get to the burnt-out point of no return! 
Take a moment and try to anticipate what might get in your way of making your adventure a reality. While this may seem counterintuitive, anticipating potential obstacles can actually help you prepare and combat them.
After you’ve decided on everything, share it with friends and family.  Telling people about it will help you to be accountable, making you less likely to back out.

Monday Jan 30, 2023

You’re in for a treat with this one! Join me this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast where I will take all your questions in this Q&A style episode. From weather changes to simply hating the gym,  I’ll be addressing some of your biggest fitness concerns and roadblocks while giving reasonable steps to overcoming them! 
Q&A with Kelly Howard
Q: When the weather changes, I lose momentum. What should I do?
A: Honey, I live in Texas. If there’s anyone who relates to this question, it is ME! But, of course I know so many people can also relate. Whether it gets scolding hot in summer if you live anywhere in the South, or you struggle navigating freezing temps in the winter, we all more than likely experience this at some point.  Here are three of my top tips for keeping momentum despite the weather…
If you know the weather is impending, you have time to prepare physically and mentally. Stock up on appropriate clothing and gear or research fun and exciting activities that are appropriate in that particular weather to try. If it gets too cold to run for you, maybe you could look into local skiing routes. If it’s too hot to run or hike in your area, maybe you could find a local lake or creek to give kayaking or paddle boarding a try.
In the summers in Texas, it gets unbearably hot. If I am preparing to go on a hike in the heat of the summer, I will not only prepare by ensuring that I have plenty of water and appropriate clothing and head coverage, but I will also make sure to acclimate myself to the weather beforehand. This can be done by spending time outdoors ahead of time in little increments and building up my resistance. This can also be done beforehand by not blasting the AC in the car before heading out. Maybe I’ll roll the windows down or turn it off so that it’s not such a stark difference between the car and my hike.
Remember, It’s Temporary
Just know if you are feeling less motivated or losing momentum because of the weather, this too shall pass. It’s okay for your momentum to waiver. It’s okay to stay out of the weather if it still makes you uncomfortable despite attempts to prepare and acclimate. Find indoor activities, make them as fun as possible, and know that this time will pass and it doesn’t define you. 
Q: What can I do if I feel like I’m getting by but not getting better? 
A: The age-old excuse of “I’m just at that age where nothing will work” is complete baloney! If you’re working consistently but feeling like you are plateauing, my biggest tip is to change it up! You can’t keep expecting results if you do the same thing again and again. 
When you notice you are feeling this way, start by assessing where you’re at. What does your fitness look like? Where are there gaps? How can you change it up or fill those gaps? Sometimes, it can be something we discover ourselves, while other times we may need a coach or a close friend to help us.  Find those gaps and find new and exciting ways to fill them and you’ll be right back on track! 
Q: I know I need strength training, but I hate going to the gym. Thoughts?
A: Chances are if you “hate exercising” it probably means that you aren’t doing the right stuff.  By “right stuff,” I mean the right exercises for YOU.  There are so many different ways to build strength other than the traditional hour-long weight-lifting session at your local gym.
My biggest advice for anyone who doesn’t enjoy exercising or has a negative attitude towards it is to find something FUN! Having fun while working on your fitness will not only make it “less unbearable”, but will help you with your motivation and its effectiveness. If you hate the gym, look into creating a home gym, taking a class at your local rec center, scavenge the Internet for the thousands of Youtube videos for yoga, pilates, kettlebell workouts, and more. Sign up for Peloton classes or subscribe to a workout regimen. Keep trying new things until you find something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good! 

Monday Jan 23, 2023

Anna Levesque is a fellow outdoor and adventure enthusiast who encourages and empowers women all over the world! Join me today on the podcast as we learn about her amazing journey. She’ll also share some incredible words of wisdom on how to improve your mental agility and how to find yourself again with something you love! 
Have you ever had people assume you are friends with someone just because you have similar interests? Like, “Oh, you must know Sarah! She goes horseback riding all the time around here!” Well, that has been happening for quite some time between myself and my amazing guest on this week’s episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast.
All About Anna Levesque
I’ve heard so many amazing things about this woman, and I can finally say that it all holds true! Anna Leversque is an award-winning paddling coach who is also an author, certified Ayurveda health coach, yoga-certified teacher, and former pro-athlete. On top of this long list of accomplishments, she has an incredible company, Mind Body Adventure, that focuses on empowering women to develop mental agility while paddling, growing their confidence, abilities, and mental toughness, all at the same time! 
After starting to paddle at 19 and working in the kitchen of a rafting company, Anna discovered an amazing outdoor-loving community that completely changed the trajectory of her life. From there, she found a passion for the paddle sports world and noticed a trend of women like her struggling with certain aspects of the sport. 
From there, she realized that she could be a voice for the female experience in the water sports world, creating instructional DVDs, doing tours, and eventually starting a small company that would transform into her current venture, Mind Body Adventure. 
Anna Levesque Website - Mind Body Adventure
Anna Levesque Facebook Page
Anna Levesque Instagram
Developing Mental Agility
Realizing You’re Not Alone
Anna learned that the number one fear and hesitation for starting paddling isn’t injuries. The biggest fear is looking bad or not being good enough. It’s important to remember if you’re starting something new, like paddle boarding, that we all start somewhere, and it will take preparation and building of confidence to get where you eventually want to be. 
Establish a Morning Ritual
It’s essential to start your day with mindfulness to get off on the right foot. For many, this is making sure you don’t immediately start scrolling through social media, watching the news or doing anything that will spike your stress response. 
Prioritizing Rest
Another important piece in setting up for mental agility is prioritizing your rest! If you can, shoot for getting 8 hours of sleep a night. It’s the basis for health and can really affect your performance and mental agility. 
Accept the Process
Where you are doesn’t define your self-worth. Even if you used to run marathons and you feel like you’re starting from scratch, it’s important to accept where you are and focus on where you want to be. Know that the process will take time, and you will have a better mindset. 
I really enjoyed this chat with Anna, and I hope you did too! If you’re interested in learning more about Anna and what she does, be sure to check out her website, Facebook page, and Instagram, or even sign up for her weekly newsletter! 

Monday Jan 16, 2023

Are they really worth the hype? Join me as we walk through the pros and cons of joining a 30 day challenge.  We’ll also cover tips for determining which 30-day challenge will truly challenge yourself in a way that is beneficial and worthwhile! 
30 day challenges have been growing wildly in popularity. Especially during all of the new-year buzz.  I feel like I am seeing 30 day challenges EVERYWHERE! 
Is a 30-Day Challenge Worth It? 
Challenges can be the sucky thing to do.  Challenging yourself though, can be a dream come true. It’s all in which kind you choose, how you approach it, and your level of flexibility. 
We see them all the time–the 30-day crunch challenge or the 30-day squat challenge.  In theory, it sounds so easy!  But, in reality, a lot of challenges are sold as broad reaching when they’re really not for everyone. 
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons…
Negatives of Challenges
Too Specific
Most challenges like the “30-day crunch challenge” only focus on one movement. Aside from the fact that crunches aren’t the most effective form of core movements, doing one movement constantly over a whole month can bring deficits to other parts of your fitness or body if you’re not properly training, stretching, or otherwise. 
Short Term Motivation
When you get your challenge started, it’s so exciting!  But, that motivation is bound to wane. Slip-ups will happen and the motivation can quickly turn into guilt, which isn’t really what health and fitness are all about.
Positives of Challenges
If you select the right challenge, it can serve as a great kickstart to future habits. For example, if you participate in a 30-day sugar-free challenge where you avoid any and all processed sugars, you will find yourself less motivated to eat those even after the challenge.
Appropriate Length for Results
30 days is plenty of time to see results.  Especially if you are choosing a challenge that focuses on mobility, weight loss with changes in eating, or mobility, you will definitely be able to feel or see results in this timeframe.
A 30-day challenge is simply exciting! There’s just something about joining a challenge with your friends that can really bring some variety into your fitness routine.
Tips for Challenges
If you pick the right 30-day challenge, you’ll be able to experience all of the positives while minimizing the negatives. Here are some things to consider when selecting one that is right for you…
Pick One For YOU
Don’t just join a 30-day challenge because your office is doing one. Really consider what you want to focus on and what movements or objectives will best serve your body. 
Pick One That Shows Results
As mentioned above, 30-days is enough time to show results. Results can be incredibly motivating to take your challenge beyond that 30-day window and into your everyday life.  Select one where you will be able to quantifiably see, feel, or notice a difference.  
Look for Fun
There are so many challenges available out there: some that prepare you for a race, ride, or hike, some that challenge you physically and mentally, and even some that are virtual.  Shop around and find one that you feel would be incredibly fun. 

Monday Jan 09, 2023

The new year comes hand in hand with new goals, but what stops us? What keeps us from achieving our goals? Well, there are two things, actually: getting going and then keeping going. In part one of this two-part series, I shared how to get things going when you set a goal.
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, part 2 is all about how to stay on track once you’ve gotten started! These five tips for staying on track will be sure to help you reach your goals and maintain them indefinitely!

Monday Jan 02, 2023

In this two-part series on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be addressing how to both get on track and stay on track with your health and fitness resolution goals! In this particular episode, I’m going to be focusing on getting on track. A solid foundation is key for truly holding those resolutions and aspirations. What people need most is consistency, and that’s what we’re here to talk about. 
2023 is HERE, and so are all of the dreams, ambitions, and New Year’s resolutions! We all know how it goes. January rolls around, and people are pouring into the gyms in droves. But, when it gets to about mid-February, most have already lost their motivation and drive.

Monday Dec 26, 2022

12 weeks is the magic number for fitness consistency. Trust me on this one and take the leap! A few months ago, I sent a text out to some of my clients. I asked them questions like, “What am I missing?” and “What more do you need from me?” From this thread of texts, the 12-Week Accelerator Program was born! In recent weeks, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the program.
What is it? How does it work? Well, on this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be outlining all the basics of the program and sharing anything you need to know before signing up!

Monday Dec 12, 2022

In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be sharing a new perspective on what December can look like and how it can set you up for a strong January through a fun finish. With January being the starting line for everyone’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations, December is often seen as the opportunity to simply coast into the finish line. For many, it’s the time to slow down and let routines and goals slip in the name of “New Year, New Me.” What if your December didn’t have to look that way? Finishing Strong with a Fun DecemberYes, January is often seen as a fresh start. Many people love this month and how it brings promises of new beginnings. But what if you didn’t have to keep putting off your new, improved, or more fit you? What if you embraced December with all of its hectic schedules, mile-high to-do lists, and time with family and friends? What if you used this unique month to your advantage?Find FunFitness can and should be fun! Dedicate the month of December to find new and fun things to try before setting all of your resolutions and goals.There are plenty of fun activities you can find for this time of year. Turkey trots, skiing, indoor swimming parks for the family, hiking, indoor climbing gyms, and so much more.You could try new things on your own or with your loved ones. You could set a goal to carve time to do three fit-related activities per week or try two completely new ones this month.Think of December as a time to explore and make fitness fun. If you find things you love, you’re going to make your fitness more sustainable and set you up for a more successful January. Find TimeYes, you can think of December as this secret month to discover more fun! However, we can’t ignore the fact that December may also be a very busy month for most people! Even in the busiest of times, we can find some wiggle room, and December is no exception! Make a PlanOne of the best ways to find time for fun is to pencil it in! As you’re heading into the crazy month, take a glance at your calendar. Find some days in the week when you can plan these activities or squeeze in a new Youtube workout and write it out. If you plan for it, you’re more likely to commit to it! Look for Time WastersIf you are looking at your schedule and feel like there is no time, start searching for your time wasters. Do you notice any unnecessary scrolling at night? On weekends, does it take you 30 minutes of snoozing before popping out of bed? Carve out small pockets of time and start weaving in some fun fitness! Once you see you can do it, you’ll do it even more! 

Monday Nov 28, 2022

On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to share some of my most cherished first aid kit add-ons. From sore feet to alleviating aches and pains, there are several items that could help on your next outdoor adventure.Most people understand the importance of being prepared for injuries and having the right supplies. Whether it’s a backpacking trip, kayaking or a simple hike, you’ll likely remember to bring along the first aid kit.  Most first aid kits, however, only focus on fixing wounds and injuries. First Aid Essentials for Aches and PainsIt goes without saying, I am no doctor!  I always advise everyone to consult with their doctors when it comes to health.  While I do not have medical credentials, I have had years and years of experience going on various adventures–hiking, biking, kayaking, and more. I wanted to take a moment and share some items that have helped me keep my adventures going.  They help me enjoy my adventures more, and feel better when I need it.Of course, you should always pack a first aid kit with all of the essentials for helping in emergency situations. Sometimes though, you might find yourself on a hike where you’re simply uncomfortable. You don’t exactly need medication, but you could use a quick remedy to ease discomfort. Here are some items that I’ve found myself packing for my next retreat that do just that…MoleskinWhen I’m hiking, Moleskin is a lifesaver! When the inevitable blister sneaks up on you or one of your friends, you’ll be so glad that you popped some in your pack. Biofreeze Roll OnFor general aches and pains.  I have a couple of things I pack, but a Biofreeze Roll-On is a great way to temporarily relieve pain and get me through the hike or adventure. CBDI’ve lately discovered the helping properties of CBD while adventuring outdoors. While some people use it for anxiety relief, it’s also becoming more and more popular amongst hikers for its anti-inflammatory properties and pain relief. Foot RubzMaybe blisters aren’t what is plaguing your feet.  Maybe it’s soreness and tightness from walking long distances.  If that’s the case, my go-to is a Foot Rubz. These spikey balls look like the opposite of what you’d want, but I absolutely love them and don’t leave for an adventure without them.Compression SocksAnother way to help make your feet and lower legs more comfortable is compression socks. I have a pair from several years back that I absolutely love.Trigger BallsIf you’re feeling aches and pains in your back from carrying your pack for long amounts of time, you could consider packing trigger balls. Personally, I prefer to put two in a sack and use them as a personal masseuse, but just one can also get the job done and relieve some of the tension and tightness.Red Light TherapyRecently, I’ve been utilizing red light therapy as another way to relieve discomfort. There are devices at all price points.The Ready StateMy final piece of advice to prepare for the aches and pains that come with challenging your body is to explore and join The Ready State. Discomfort and soreness come with the territory of being adventurous outside. This website literally has an area where you can pinpoint your discomfort, and it offers suggestions for alleviating them. It’s seriously a game-changer! 

Monday Nov 07, 2022

Episode SummaryOn this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be discussing the importance of little moments and how simply saying “yes” when you normally would say “no” has the potential to transform your future! Have you ever experienced a trajectory change? A moment in time where you’re trying something new or experiencing something unexpected that completely alters your life for the better? We’ll be discussing these potentially pivotal moments in this episode and how you can use them to your advantage. Charlie's BunionI was on a small kayaking trip when a friend reached out. He asked if I would join him on a hike. At first, my mind immediately thought no. I wasn’t prepared. I had some gear, but no day pack or anything to help me with hiking since I was packed for a kayaking adventure. But, when I heard it was Charlie’s Bunion, a place I had been wanting to explore, I hesitantly said yes. While I probably should’ve said no, I ended up having the time of my life. It was a trajectory-changing experience!The ChoiceThroughout life, we will all be faced with small, trajectory-changing decisions. At first, we may not even realize what it is! Like my adventure to Charlie’s Bunion, I’ve realized that there have been many moments in my life where I should’ve said no, but went for it. Of course, we should always use common sense. I would never suggest doing something irresponsible or something you’re not completely trained for. I would suggest simply being on the lookout. Notice when new choices come up. If you feel like it’s not something you’d normally do, but there aren’t any inherent risks, it may be worth thinking through a little more.The DecisionOnce you notice that you are being presented with a choice to try something new or slightly out of your typical realm, try saying, “Yes!” There was a client of mine who joined a group training for a big bike race. Immediately, she made it clear that she wasn’t good at biking and that she was only there to support a friend. When I challenged her to give it a try, noting that she wouldn’t regret it, she not only DID IT, but she crossed the finish line with a gleaming smile! The OutcomeJust as my former client found a new love for biking that she would have never known, there’s no telling what all could be out there waiting for you. Saying “yes” to getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new can be scary. Your brain may want to say “no”, but the outcome could be something that you never would’ve expected.

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