Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard

Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

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Monday Apr 17, 2023

Today, I have the pleasure of announcing that Kate Champion is back to chat with us about her new book, You Are Limitless, and discuss how we can overcome obstacles and achieve our health, fitness, and life goals. If you want to be inspired, you won’t want to miss this one! 
On Episode 137 of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we learned from Kate Champion, a talented author, therapist, and outdoor enthusiast. She discussed how it’s never too late to chase dreams, get on the trails, and train for big races, and how she found her inspiration from a woman dominating the trails while being well into her 60s. 
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About Kate Champion
Kate Champion is a mental health professional who found her inspiration for writing through watching others achieve incredible physical feats later in life. Since then, she has written her most recent novel, You Are Limitless, as a way to bridge the gap between the importance of movement and being in the great outdoors and mental health.
You Are Limitless
You Are Limitless highlights seven amazing people and their stories of overcoming grief, trauma, addiction, and other trials. This book not only serves as an incredible source of inspiration, but it also provides the reader with practical tips and strategies that can help you move your life in the direction you desire. 
How to Reach Kate
Kate Champion Website
Kate Champion on Facebook
Kate Champion on Instagram
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Importance of Hope
Like many of the stories in her book, Kate has firsthand experience overcoming struggles. She shares her challenging experience with two autoimmune diseases that essentially left her unable to move. Feeling scared, alone, and desperately trying to find answers, she was still able to find hope in the darkness. She believes we all can do this once we recognize our abilities to be resilient and find hope even at our worst. 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Importance of Role Models
Recently, I shared the importance of role models in a special episode celebrating my mother’s birthday! Similarly in this episode, Kate and I reiterate this importance and how seeing and reading about the amazing things people do can inspire us to do the same!
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Monday Apr 10, 2023

Looking for a quick way to course correct and refocus on your goals and aspirations? Join me this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast as I share an easy exercise that I complete once every 90 days that helps me evaluate where I am at, adjust where I’m heading, and envision my future successes.
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7-Question Guided Journal Session
If you’re a pilot, getting off course even 1% could be the difference between you landing in your desired location and somewhere hundreds of miles away. Similarly, it’s usually in the small decisions adding up that we get caught up and off course with our health and fitness goals.
One exercise I love practicing is journaling, and there’s a specific journal I do every 90 days or so that lets me pause, evaluate my journey, and make small adjustments. Here are the questions I answer…
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1. Where am I at?
Whether your answer focuses on your mental or physical state, this is a great starting point. Think about how you’re doing and where you are currently as a way to understand how you feel things are going.
2. Where have I come from?
What has happened in the past 90 days (or it could be longer if it’s your first time to do this prompt)? Think about your journeys and your challenges, and just let them flow freely on the paper.
3. What do I want to accomplish in the short term?
In other words, where do you want to be 90 days from now? What do you want to be writing about yourself when you do this journal entry again? 
4. What were my wins in the last 90 days?
Now that you have thought about where you’ve come from and what you want, it’s time to focus on the positive by pointing out what has gone well.
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
5. What are my desired wins in the next 90 days?
Seeing what has gone well so far is great, but now it’s time to shift to the future. Think about those wins you want to be jotting down next journal entry time, and write them here.
6. What are my desired wins in the next 12 months? 
Expand your goals even further. Picture yourself in a year’s time. What wins do you want to be celebrating? 
7. What are my desired wins in the next 5 years? 
Lastly, think long-term. What wins do you desire to see in 5 years? Are there some bigger aspirations you want to check off your list? Jot them down here! 
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Apr 03, 2023

I’m one of the lucky ones. Growing up, I had an amazing, loving, and motivated mother as someone to look up to. She was my role model, and there’s not a day that goes by when I’m not thankful for everything she did for me.
Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, join me as I celebrate my mother’s birthday by sharing fond memories and discussing the importance of finding a role model in your life.
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Why Do We Need Role Models?
You see, my mother was years ahead of her time. She exercised regularly, became a 5th-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and was still teaching yoga well into her 80s. She was the perfect example of how you can care for your mind and body, live a full and happy life, and find fun no matter your age.
As we move through life, finding someone with the life you aspire to lead is important. Seeing yourself in someone a little more accomplished or leading a life you want to lead will motivate you to continue toward your goals.
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How Can I Find a Role Model?
For some, it may be a close relative, but for others, it may be a coach, mentor, or inspirational leader. It doesn’t matter who it is, just as long as they represent where you want to be headed.
If you don’t have an immediate family member who is living the life you want to lead in the future, look outwardly for inspiration. You could find people locally who teach or coach fitness classes you enjoy, but thanks to the World Wide Web, you can also search online.
Find authors or podcasters who align with your dreams and aspirations or peruse social media for women or men who inspire you. 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Who Are Some Great Role Models?
Thanks to this podcast, I get to speak with so many inspirational men and women. There are a few people who’ve joined us on the podcast that come to mind. Be sure to check our Fit is Freedom Podcast archives for so many more inspiring guests and role models! 
Kate Champion
Kate is the author of Never Too Late, a book set out to inspire people of all ages to stay fit and healthy well into your 50’s, 60’s, and beyond. 
Dr. Mimi Secor
Dr. Secor not only decided to pursue her doctorate degree in her early 50’s, but also found a newfound love for fitness and bodybuilding with the encouragement from her daughter. 
Renee Landers
A bodybuilder at 69 years old, Renee Landers didn’t even start lifting weights until her late 50’s! 
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Mar 27, 2023

As we age, fueling our bodies properly becomes more and more important. There are certain deficiencies that we need to make up for to prevent loss of muscle mass and stay fit.
One of those deficiencies we experience is protein and, more specifically, essential amino acids. This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast I’m joined by the incredibly knowledgeable Dr. Robert Wolfe, who helps us better understand these deficiencies, what they can do to our body in the long term, and how to prevent it!
With over 40 years of clinical research, three books, and over 500 peer-reviewed publications under his belt, Dr. Wolfe’s vast understanding of muscle metabolism and how it can be affected by aging and stress is fascinating. Join me as we learn more about him, his journey, and how we can take actionable steps to age gracefully.
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About Dr. Wolfe
Dr. Robert Wolfe was a college athlete at UC Berkeley, playing basketball, track, and golf. He returned not long after graduating to obtain his Ph.D., and since then, he has accrued many accolades and published a great deal of works focusing mainly on muscle metabolism.
He served as a faculty professor at Harvard Medical School for nine years.  Dr. Wolfe is currently the Director of Translation Research for Aging and Longevity at the Reynolds Institute of Aging in Little Rock and is also co-founding a company.
Throughout his over 40 years of clinical research, he has written three books, over 500 peer-reviewed published articles and holds many active patents. 
How to Optimize your Diet
The human body has over 3,000 major proteins and about 21 different amino acids that comprise these proteins. The amino acids and the proteins are essential in preventing muscle atrophy and loss.
In addition to proper diet and exercise, supplements can help prevent the muscle loss that happens as people age. As a matter of fact, a recent study found that utilizing supplements with essential amino acids showed a 15% improvement in muscle strength and mass in men and a staggering 50% improvement in women! 
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Why do women lose more muscles as they age? 
As women age, menopause seems to play a significant role in protein metabolism. Changing hormones makes it harder to keep up muscle mass. Another factor that could lead to this is a dietary change in women as they age. Dr. Wolfe shared that women tend to have a sweeter taste preference as they age, which also limits their protein and amino acid intake. 
Why try an amino acid supplement?
Supplements can even out your dietary needs to meet the basic requirements. When taking a supplement, you don’t have to worry as much about the protein quantity in your diet, which can get more difficult as we age. 
Why are there different formulations?
In Dr. Wolfe’s research, he found that changing the components and ratios of the amino acids can alter your desired outcome. Everyone is different and has different lifestyles, and by varying and customizing your supplement for your lifestyle, you will reap the most benefits. 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Who do I know which product is best for me? 
All products have the same basic components, just with different ratios. Here are the four products…
This supplement is a general stimulant of muscle growth. It targets aging clients who aren’t exercising and still desire to improve their amino acid intake. 
Perform is designed to promote the maintenance of muscle during exercise. So this is ideally for people who are active and want something to take before their workouts.
Exercise damages our muscle tissues, and it’s in the regrowth where your muscles build and strengthen. Heal is a supplement designed to help the body rebuild muscles after working out. 
The final product Dr. Wolfe discusses is Purity, a liver product that focuses on preventing the liver from storing unnecessary fat.
Can you take amino supplements and protein supplements together?
It’s important to incorporate supplements and added protein (as well as exercising) to reap the full benefits of muscle growth and loss prevention. 
Why do supplements such as these matter?
At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to live a longer and healthier life. We want to age gracefully and stay active well into our 60s, 70s, and beyond. Supplements like these aren’t going to be the magic ticket, but they can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle to help promote longevity.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Mar 20, 2023

This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be flipping the script! Instead of focusing on what we need to be adding to our lives, I’m going to be sharing the 8 things we can REMOVE that will help us reach our fitness goals.
When people are talking about their fitness journeys, I hear it all the time… “I need to do this…I need to be doing that…I really need to add in more of this…” 
We always think about things we need to be doing and adding to our lives.  This can be overwhelming.  The mentality of needing to do more and more and more to achieve our health and fitness goals can lead to burnout. 
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8 Things to Remove to Improve Your Fitness
The “More” Mentality
First of all, we need to remove this negative talk that I discussed above. More isn’t always better. It can actually lead to burnout, fatigue, injuries, and more.
If your goal is to start running, you don’t have to add a mile to your distance every time you run. It’s not sustainable and can be hurtful to your body in the long run. That’s why the first thing we need to remove from our plates is this mentality. Once we get rid of this notion, we can move on more freely. 
Boring Exercises
Fitness should be FUN! I like to say that at least 80% of what I do needs to be something that I enjoy and value. If you dread going to the gym, try going for a hike with some friends or a new fitness video online. Find a way to make it fun, and you won’t regret it. 
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Another thing that is sucking the fun and joy from your fitness goals is comparison, and it has got to go! Of course, comparing yourself to others is something to avoid, but it’s also important to avoid comparing yourself with who you used to be. You are different, you’ve changed, and that is OKAY! 
Take time to appreciate your body and get rid of the fun thief that we call comparison! 
Jumping Around
Yes, it’s great for your body to change up your routines every now and then. However, if you’re trying to achieve a particular fitness goal, you don’t want to jump around too often. When you find things you’re enjoying, stick with them for a bit to really see if you notice a change.
Putting Others First
I find this one especially hard for women.  If you want to achieve your goals, you’ve got to stop putting everyone else’s needs in front of your own. Just like the flight attendants always share to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others.  You’ve got to do the same when it comes to your health and well-being! 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Changing for Someone Else
If YOU want to make a change, great! If you want to make a change because you want someone else’s approval, attention, or favor, you’ve got to let that go. We are most successful when our intentions are pure, and we are motivated from within! 
Remove quitting from your life! Start small, make little changes, and stick to them. Don’t add so much to your plate that you can’t keep up. That way, when you do start something, you can commit to it with more ease.
Falling for Clickbait
Flashy advertisements promising overnight results sound so enticing! But, you know what? It won’t work that way. True change happens over time.  Make sure you don’t get caught up in this clickbait culture filled with empty promises. 
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Monday Mar 13, 2023

I talk a lot about motivation, both with my clients and here on the podcast. Motivation is the driving force behind our health and fitness journeys, and we really do need it to be successful. 
I’m constantly talking with people about ways to create it, improve it, or find it again. We can create motivation externally with accountability partners, we can lay out everything we need the night before a run, or we can even create it internally through planning things to look forward to.
But, there is a piece of motivation that I haven’t really touched on until now. Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be discussing the middle piece of motivation. It lies somewhere between the internal and external motivators, and it can make a big difference in your overall motivation towards your fitness and health. 
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3 Middle Pieces of Motivation
A calm mind is a motivated mind. A calm mind is a driven mind. When you can calm your mind, you can shift your brain, your outlook, and, in turn, find your motivation with ease. I have three middle pieces of motivation for you:
Yes, meditation can make a huge impact on your motivation. The thing I love about meditation is that it clears the fog from your mind. It takes all of that constant chatter and completely shuts it down. 
Whether it’s that negative Nancy in the back of your mind constantly criticizing you or the never ending to-do list running on repeat, simply taking 5 minutes to do some breathwork can shut it down and clear your head.
People are starting to catch on to the power of meditation. You can find it anywhere! The Peloton App, Headspace App, Calm, and even on Spotify and Youtube are just a few of the many places you can find guided meditations from your phone.
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Some people LOVE this one, and some people simply don’t understand the benefits…yet! 
Just as with meditation, if you simply take 5 minutes, you’re going to notice your mind quieting and your body calming down. Simply sit with a piece of paper and a pencil, and you’re bound to write. And when you write, you’re getting all of those thoughts out of your head, clearing your mind.
If you’re not sure what to write about, you can always find some prompts. Here are some of my favorites that could get you going…
Something that didn’t work yesterday is…
Something that DID work yesterday is….
Something that brings me joy is…
Giving journaling a try is another great middle piece to motivation! 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Find a Mentor
This middle piece of motivation is a little different than what you may be thinking. When I say mentor, I mean a couple of things.
First, I’m sure you’ve heard how much the people we surround ourselves with greatly influences us; our success, our outlook, and even our motivation. So, if you hang out with negative people, you are way more likely to start picking up those negative habits as well. On the flip side, if you surround yourself with motivated go-getters, you are more likely to follow suit.
Second, it’s not just who you’re hanging out with, it’s also what you’re consuming. A mentor doesn’t have to be a physical person that you meet with like a coach or trainer. One “mentor” that I love to find is inspiring authors. Find people you look up to and read about their stories. Find motivational fitness books and listen to them. Listening to positive writing that gives you something to think about, stimulates your desires, and motivates you can make a huge impact on your overall motivation.
The great thing about finding mentors through books is that you can do them whenever! I love listening to inspiring audiobooks on my walks, when I’m getting ready, or even when I’m cooking dinner! 
When you listen to these things, they calm your mind and unlock motivation in a new and unexpected way! 
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Mar 06, 2023

Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, an incredible guest joins us! Ros Place is a guardian angel communicator from England who devotes her time to helping women find more purpose and accomplish their goals. 
Not only do we learn about Ros’s incredible line of work and her journey to finding her own purpose, but we also discuss the power of meditation and how it can impact every aspect of our lives!
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All About Ros Place
Ros wasn’t like every other child in her area growing up. For a while, she thought that she was! But, it was around 11 years old when she realized that no one else could see or communicate with angels, and she desperately wanted to just be “normal”.
As time went on and she encountered a couple of troubling times, Ros finally learned the value of her special gift and decided, along with her guardian angel, that she would dedicate her life to helping others. 
Now, she does just that and even has a book, Channel of Clarity, that helps so many people “find, follow, and live their purpose”! 
More About Ros Place
Ros Place website
Ros Place Facebook
Rose Place Book
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Benefits of Meditation
I’ve experienced the astounding benefits of meditation on my health and fitness journey and in all aspects of my life. There are countless benefits, but here are the biggest ones Ros and I discussed…
This almost goes without saying, but taking time to meditate brings this unparalleled calming feeling. It quiets that constant chatter in your mind of endless to-do lists and negative self-talk. Meditation creates a sense of calmness that is almost instant, but it also carries with you throughout the day. 
In addition to a sense of calm, you also find a newfound clarity after meditating. When your internal dialogue is quieted and all of the chatter subsides, you’re left with clarity. No longer are you worrying about whether or not your outfit looked good enough last night or that silly thing you said last week. You’re able to hone in on what really matters and see what’s most important. 
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life!  Get updates here. 
Carries with You
There are so many other feelings and benefits you receive, both mentally and physically, from meditating, but one of my favorite things about meditation is that the feelings and benefits follow you for the rest of the day. 
Taking that small amount of time to take care of yourself at the beginning (like that famous flight analogy of putting your oxygen on first), you’re able to feel better for the rest of the day, focusing on what truly matters with your personal life and your goals.
Contribute to the Lives of Others
Like I mentioned above with the analogy of the oxygen mask, meditation is the same. When we take time for ourselves, we are able to help others way more than we would otherwise. 
If you’re positively feeding your soul (like through meditation or other avenues like fitness, quality time with friends, etc), you have so much more to give to others because your cup is filled up. If your cup is empty from the get-go, you’re not going to have the energy or mental capacity to contribute to others the way you might have wished to! 
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Monday Feb 27, 2023

Episode Summary
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I have the pleasure of being joined by the incredibly knowledgeable and passionate Dr. Mimi Secor!
Join us as Mimi shares her journey into the health and fitness world at a time when she truly didn’t believe she had ANY time to give in her life. With our combined passions of everything health and fitness along with helping women, we’ll also discuss some incredibly important topics plaguing us women as we age including:
Taking care of yourself
Finding your tribe
Dealing with and preventing aches and pains
Anti-Diet Culture
And so much more! 
All About Mimi
Mimi is a force to be reckoned with! She has over 45 years experience as a Nurse Practitioner and has always had a knack for helping other women. At the age of 59, she decided to go for her doctorate instead of preparing for retirement. This was one of the toughest decisions, but also the biggest life-changing decision.
In the throws of her doctoral program, she found inspiration from her daughter, who literally got Mimi off her feet and into a gym. Once Mimi started taking care of herself, thanks to the not-so-subtle nudging of her daughter, she realized how much her life and her body were improving.
Since that life changing moment, Mimi has competed in multiple body-building competitions.  She works alongside her daughter to help other women achieve their long term fitness goals, and has even written a bestselling book! 
Tips from the Doctor
Throughout the podcast, we discuss a variety of topics. Here are some of the top tips from Dr. Mimi Secor…
Take Care of Yourself
Self-care is quite the buzzword these days, but it is so important to take care of yourself. As a general rule, the more stressed you are, the more you need to be doing to take care of yourself.
Of course, there are all kinds of things you can do to take care of yourself, but here are some of the easiest to implement quickly..
Speak kindly to yourself
Drink water and stay hydrated
Get enough sleep
Move your body
Get outside
Do something you enjoy
Find Your Tribe
Women have to consider all kinds of factors when they are trying to make lifelong positive changes.  Choosing your tribe may be one of them. Do you have people who pressure you to eat in ways you don’t feel will fuel your body properly? Do you have people who aren’t encouraging of your new health habits? 
It’s important to surround yourself with a tribe that has similar values. Maybe you could find a group that enjoys hikes or walks in the afternoon.  Maybe there’s a particular friend of yours who enjoys reading inspirational biographies. The point is…be intentional with whom you surround yourself.  It’s really important!
Aches and Pains
We all get them from time to time. Waking up sore. Bending over to pick something up only to feel a twinge in your back. As we age, this has the potential to become more and more common, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Here are some things you can do that can keep your body flexible, agile, and prepared as you start aging…
Anti-Diet Culture
Both Mimi and myself despise diets. I mean, it literally has the word “die” in it!  What we do support is optimizing your health in a way that is sustainable and changes your life for the long haul. It all starts with your mindset and then trickles down to your food, your sleep, your movement, and more. 
If you focus on making small changes over time, you are much more likely to change your life in a big way down the road. It creates consistency and habits, which will keep you working even when life throws its unexpected stressors at you. 

Monday Feb 20, 2023

Episode Summary
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be sharing how we can use questions to get us out of our bad habits and on our way to creating new ones that better serve our fitness goals! 
Ever feel like one of those hamsters on a wheel? Constantly moving with your life kind of on autopilot? Sometimes, it feels like we repeat the same steps and days over and over, doing the same habits and routines.
When it comes to fitness, this can be a great thing or it can be a not so great thing if our habits aren’t leading us to where we want to be. 
My coach always says, “The quality of your life (and health) is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.” He’s got such a great point, and I think we should dive a little deeper! 
Questions that Lead to Change
Whether we’re stuck in habits and we’re too busy to change or we’re simply that hamster on autopilot when we see the wheel, there are some ways we can get out of it. 
I believe all growth is preceded by a mindset shift. We have to change our thinking before we change our habits.  Asking yourself quality questions can really help. As a matter of fact, I was incredibly inspired by Will it Make the Boat Go Faster, which is a book by champion Olympic rowers who used this simple question to completely turn around their careers.
You see, they would ask this question when faced with all sorts of decisions…Going to the pub the night before a big practice, changing up their positioning, etc. In our lives, we need a guiding question! Here are a few that I think may help…
What would my life be like if I quit doing X?
Instead of thinking, “Why do I always keep eating candy at night?”, thinking “What would my life be like if I quit eating candy every night?” can really help shift it from a negative to a positive. Focusing on the outcome and what your life can be will be much more motivating (and create a lot less shame) in the long run.
What can I do on a daily basis that will make me more motivated?
This kind of question gets you to think deeply about what you’re doing and where it is getting you. Maybe you’d be more motivated to do something if it were fun? Maybe if it had a touch of adventure? Maybe you’re dreading your workouts and feeling completely unmotivated by them, so you need a change.
Regardless of whether it is about your fitness in terms of activity or what you’re eating, thinking about how to make yourself more motivated can help you out of that endless loop.
Will this make my body or health better? 
Like the rowing team, this question comes with a yes or no answer, and I love it!  Before sitting down with your nightly bowl of icecream to binge Netflix, you ask yourself this question. Even if it only deters you 3 out of the 7 nights you did it this week, think about how that could impact your life in the long run as well.
When you’re going for a fitness lifestyle, it’s all about small, manageable changes over time, and asking yourself these questions can get the ball rolling in the right direction. 

Monday Feb 13, 2023

Episode Summary
This week, I will be sharing how to start your day with less aches and pains, how to get the most bang for your buck with only 30 minutes to workout, and how to know where to start on your new fitness journey! 
Last month, I started a Q&A for rapid fire questions. In true Kelly fashion, I dove way too deep on each question I was asked!  So, this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast is a continuation of my Q & A. Consider it a part 2 where I answer your questions! 
As always, if you have any questions for me, there are several places you can reach me! There’s a contact form on my website, you can DM me on my socials, or you can simply shoot me an email to!
Q1: When I get up in the morning, everything hurts. What should I do? 
Assess Yourself
I know it can feel like “everything hurts,” but oftentimes, it can be something that is triggering other issues. I would start by assessing yourself. Be in tune with your body and think about what is truly hurting.  Is there a root to the issue? 
Oftentimes, it can be a simple solution. Maybe if it’s your neck, you could simply try a new pillow. If you’re stiff, some morning mobility could do the trick. Or, if it is something that needs intervention, it’s still always good to assess yourself first and evaluate what is actually going on.
Don’t Panic
An injury or a discomfort that happens suddenly can be alarming. More often than not, the issue is temporary and not at all life-altering. Our bodies are amazing at coming back, so it’s important to simply stay calm, take the right precautions, and be patient. You’ll be back at it in no time! 
Start your Day with Mobility
Like I mentioned in tip number 1, mobility is so important and gets even more important as we get older. Oftentimes, our body is just stiff in the mornings. Mobility is simply warming up the body through movements. Some quick yoga poses in the morning can get your body up and ready for the day.
Take Care of Yourself
If you aren’t noticing improvement or know that you need something more, do what you and your doctor think is best for your body. Do you need physical therapy? Do you need some advice on some new stretches? 
Personally, if I have some aches, I love checking out It’s like PT on your computer and has been a complete game changer for helping me work through some twinges or soreness! 
Q2: I only have 30 minutes a day to myself. What do you recommend? 
While this may not seem like a lot of time, I have a feeling you’ll find that if you use it wisely, you’ll surprise yourself with what all you can accomplish. I’ve created two workout recommendations that I think would bring the bang for your buck! 
Day 1
Length of Time
5 Minutes
Outdoor Movement
10 Minutes
Resistance Training
15 Minutes
As I mentioned with the first question, mobility is so incredibly important, so always start your limited time with mobility.  Next, I am a FIRM believer in being outdoors. Not just for our physical well-being, but also for our mental well-being. So, I would find an activity outdoors for as little as 10 minutes.
Lastly, resistance training gets more and more important as we get older because we begin to lose our muscle mass. Find some form of resistance training that you enjoy, and devote just 15 minutes to it.
Day 2
Length of Time
5 Minutes
High Intensity
20 Minutes
5 Minutes
For days where the weather is less than ideal or you are looking to mix things up, I am a big fan of high-intensity workouts. Now, I’m not exactly talking about high-intensity training where you are doing 1000 burpees. I’m simply talking about hard, strenuous movements with breaks in between. 
One great start for getting into high-intensity workouts could be walking as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then walking at a normal pace for 1 minute and repeating this cycle. You could do this same model for running, going up stairs, and more. Simply put, it’s going as hard as you can at something for 30 seconds and then resting for 1 minute.
Q3: I don’t know where to start. Help?
I know, I know. It’s such a simple, yet complicated question. Oftentimes, getting started is half the battle, and it can be very overwhelming. In general, my fitness advice is that you need a mix of mobility, cardio, and resistance. That’s the magic combination to get you where you need to go. 
But, if you are feeling incredibly lost and have no clue where to begin, I’d suggest assessing the following…
How is your sleep?
It’s amazing how much our sleep (or lack of) can affect the rest of our life.  Start by looking at and assessing your sleep.  Brainstorm ways to improve this area.
How is your nourishment?
There are all kinds of diets and fads out there. I’m not talking about jumping on a particular diet, but it can be helpful to take a closer look at what you’re eating. Is the majority of it processed? Then, it could be affecting your energy levels as well! 
What am I currently doing fitness-wise? 
What are your current fitness activities? If there are none, you can always start incredibly small. A 10 minute walk outside, parking farther away from the grocery store, and other similar things. Look at what you’re doing and for how long and see if there’s area for improvement. 
If you are completely lost, you can always find a professional to talk with and to help you gain some insight. Here’s a link where you can schedule a simple 15-minute call with me! I can give you immediate feedback and help you get started. 

Copyright 2022, Kelly Howard

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