Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Join us as we discuss the common culprits of back pain and what we can do to stop it in its tracks and prevent it from ever coming back!
We’ve all had back pain or discomfort at one point or another. As a matter of fact, I was researching how to best help a client through her back issues when I stumbled upon this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast’s guest, Leon Turetsky! He is a professional ballroom dancer who used his experience with back discomfort to help others deal with their own.
About Leon Turetsky
Leon is a professional ballroom dancer, certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, and owner of the company Back Intelligence. He organically developed his company from a genuine interest in finding ways to correct his personal back pain while traveling as a dancer. The more he learned, the more he wanted to share his newfound knowledge to help others.
You can find more information about Leon and Back Intelligence by visiting his company’s website and Youtube channel.
Why Back Problems May Occur
There are a myriad of reasons why back problems can occur for people, and it’s important to determine what is causing discomfort, pain, and injuries to properly treat it and prevent it from happening again. Here are some common ways one may develop back discomforts…
Poor Posture - As we learn from Leon, posture is crucial. Even with a perfect posture on the dance floor, Leon himself discovered the issues with his posture while traveling and how that was affecting him.
Underactivity - Sitting for long periods of time (especially with bad posture) can be detrimental to our backs. The average person may sit for 7+ hours a day at work only to drive home (while sitting in the car), then sit down for dinner, watch a few shows, and head straight to bed. This kind of sedimentary lifestyle simply isn’t good for our muscles and tissues.
Overactivity - On the other hand, some people experience back pain from straining, pulling, or tearing certain muscles and tissues from overuse. Overactivity can also cause spasms and stressed muscles that will need intervention.
Of course, these aren’t the only ways one can develop back injuries. However, these are some of the most commonly diagnosed issues.
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Tips for Dealing with Back Problems
Once you’ve determined what is causing discomfort, it’s important to take action. First and foremost, it’s important to discuss any pain, discomfort, or injuries with your doctor. You must rule out any harmful injuries and get your healthcare provider's insight before moving forward in healing and prevention. The following suggestions on dealing with back problems are in no way meant to take the place of a professional’s opinion.
Understand Your Body
As we discussed, it’s important to know what is triggering discomfort in your body before moving forward. For example, if opening a door is causing sharp pain, you may be able to look at strengthening your core and correct this issue. Pay attention to your body and your pain triggers, then move forward.
Take a Holistic Approach
Talking with your doctor is important. Taking appropriate measures to correct and prevent your issues is also important. However, many don’t think about the power of your mind and how it’s also very important in recovery. Mental health, mindset, and lifestyle also correlate with causing pain, so it’s crucial not to overlook them.
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Get Up Every 30-40 Minutes
Because sitting too often is a big cause of back pain Leon recommends getting up every 30-40 minutes, especially if you’re working in a traditional office job. Get up and go get water, take a quick 5-minute walk, stand up and stretch, or do whatever it takes to keep yourself from sitting for too long.
Practice Good Posture
Pain in your neck and low back can come from sitting in a hunched position with your head forward, which is common for people sitting and looking at their computers or phones. Your back needs to be in a natural S curve with your spine neutral.
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Work on Mobility
Everything is connected, and mobility and flexibility can help prevent stiffness, tight muscles, and pain. From your neck and upper traps to your hip flexors, taking time to work on mobility can greatly help with discomfort in your back. Leon discusses all sorts of tutorials for stretching can be found on his company’s Youtube channel.
Ice and Heat Can Help
If it’s a newly acute pain like a quick spasm, ice can really help with inflammation. If it’s a persistent issue lasting 3-6 months or more, heat can also help ease pain and discomfort.
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Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
For this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I simply wanted to pop on for some quick words of wisdom. You see, I’ve noticed throughout my life that the things I’ve dwelled on, worried about, and ruminated on are typically a lot less scary when I just do it. Sitting around and thinking about what I need to do only makes things worse, and if I want to accomplish something confidently, I will just dive in.
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Confidence Comes From Action
For me, writing a book was something that scared me. Sitting and thinking about it brought all of these unnecessary doubts and fears. But, the days that I said, “Suck it up, Kelly,” and made myself sit down and write were the days when I felt my confidence grow. I realized, “Hey, I can do it!”
Because I felt that positive feeling, I would continue to schedule times for me to write, and this created an endless cycle of taking action and building my confidence until I accomplished it!
The same can be used for anything in your life. Whether you want to improve your fitness or start learning to cook, if you take action, you’ll realize it’s really not that bad, and you’ll learn as you go.
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life! Get updates here.
Adopt a Success is Inevitable Attitude
Another way to build confidence and get things done is by adopting a “success is inevitable attitude.” What I mean is…Tell yourself you will do it eventually. Play the long game, but know it will happen.
If you want to get healthy, knowing that you eventually will become healthy allows for more wiggle room and forgiveness. Miss a day at the gym? That’s okay. You’ll make it up tomorrow because you know you’re improving. Having a strong and positive mindset like this will also really help you reach your goals no matter how intimidating they may be.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
From a “one foot in and one foot out” attitude at the start, Patty made the important decision that she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” She left her excuses at the door, gathered some momentum, and decided never to look back. Join us as she shares some of the most important lessons she’s learned in this year-long process!
Every now and then, I love having clients come and visit on the show. It’s a great way to reflect on their journey and show others how close their health and fitness goals really are! Today is one of those days, and I am proud to have Ms. Patty on the Fit is Freedom Podcast. She is an absolute rockstar, and her journey is one that I feel so many of us can relate to.
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5 Big Lessons From Patty
With a very active husband, Patty oftentimes felt a little deflated and discouraged when they traveled or went on big hikes and outings. She recalls in a journal from a year ago wishing to be stronger, leaner, and more flexible.
Now that it has been a year, she shares that maybe her flexibility could still use some work, but she is amazed at how much has changed in such a little amount of time. So, what has helped Patty reach her goals? Here are her top five lessons from a year of fitness working with Kelly…
1. Change Your Mindset
Self-doubt and negative self-talk can be a challenging mountain to overcome (especially with the power of comparison looming). Once you quiet the voices and truly commit to your journey, things will begin to shift. It starts with a shift in mindset and everything else will follow.
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2. Baby Steps
Patty learned that fitness doesn’t have to mean going out and running a half marathon every weekend. It doesn’t have to mean spending hours upon hours in the gym every day. Getting started on your fitness could be as simple as a 5-minute walk around the block during your lunch break or an afternoon stroll with a friend. You start small and slowly work your way up to where you want to be.
3. Find Enjoyment
Now, if you love running half marathons, maybe that is fitness for you. But finding enjoyment for Patty meant simple things like turning on a TV show in the background or putting in a new Jazzercise video. She enjoys getting her workouts in at home, but you may love the accountability of a gym. Either way, it’s important to find ways to move that you enjoy, or it won’t stick!
4. Get Consistent
Consistency for Patty meant finding workouts that she could easily do at home or on the road as her family travels a great deal. It’s important to develop a routine that works and prioritize small, healthy decisions that can make a big difference over time.
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5. Progress Over Perfection
The final big lesson that Patty and I discuss is the importance of progress over perfection. Patty learned that she didn’t have to throw in the towel completely if she missed her workout to have a drink with a friend. Health and fitness is a lifelong journey and trusting the process is crucial. It’s okay to miss every now and then when you know you’ll jump right back on the horse tomorrow and get going again.
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Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Episode Summary
In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be outlining the top things you can do to deal with aches, pains, and injuries. From prevention to mitigation to rectification, I’ve learned some things along the way that I hope can help you in your fitness journey.
In no way am I pretending to be a medical expert or a doctor. I have no letters behind my name, but I do have years of experience being an athlete and coaching countless people on their health and fitness journeys. In that time, I’ve learned a thing or two, so here are some of the things I’ve learned.
How to Deal With Aches, Pains, and Injuries
First and foremost, if you’re experiencing discomfort, pain, or something that is simply not right with your body, it is always best to seek the help of a professional first. Your doctor, physical therapist, or trainer is an important piece to both preventing and recovering from injuries!
In addition to utilizing a professional, I’ve learned some other great tools and tidbits of advice on handling aches, pains, and injuries that fall into two categories: physical and mental. To start, let’s dive into the physical ways to handle discomforts while on your health and fitness journey…
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Physical Ways to Deal
Listen to Your Body
Plain and simple, “No pain, no gain” is baloney! That way of thinking can be really harmful to you in the long run. Should you challenge yourself? Absolutely! Should you push yourself so hard after noticing an ache or sharp pains just to get your reps finished? Absolutely not!
Fitness Flip
If you’re noticing a twinge or a pain showing up consistently, consider doing a “fitness flip.” Like, if you’ve been running a lot and training for a long race, throw in some strength training or some upper body work. Changing things up can relieve some of the pressure off of overused joints and muscles, mitigating or preventing any potential injuries!
Go to Physical Therapy
PT has some great exercises specifically designed for you, your body, and your injuries! The only problem with physical therapy is the lack of commitment people have. If you put in the work, you’re going to see results. Plain and simple!
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Everyone is different, and some people may completely freak out when thinking about acupuncture! But I’ve actually seen a lot of success come out of it from clients and myself alike. I think it can be a very helpful tool to put in your toolbelt.
Similar to acupuncture, massage is just a way to take care of your body a little more than you typically do. Massages can be a great tool to work out some aches and pains from training consistently. Not to mention, it’s incredibly relaxing!
Many of you may not have heard of Egoscue, but it shares some similarities with PT. They look at your body structure and provide you with exercises to rebuild your strength in your body.
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In today’s society, yoga seems to be transforming into these big, challenging performative workouts. Taking a step back and doing some slow flow, gentle yin yoga with simple moves can really help you prevent or recover from your workouts!
Foam Roller and Trigger Balls
Boy, do I love to hate foam rollers and trigger balls! They can be painful at times, but they will also yield some incredible results for your recovery.
Neuro MD
Neuro MD is a therapy device that uses electrical stimulation to relieve pain in your back and other regions. I particularly love using this product for aches and pains because it doesn’t have a bunch of cords, and it’s easy to set up and use.
Compression Tights
Compression tights apply pressure to your lower legs to help with circulation and lessen the pain when running or working out. This would be a great thing to consider if you struggle with aches and pains in your feet or lower legs while working out, running, or hiking.
In a recent podcast, I shared all of the different supplements I am currently using to better my health. Finding the right supplements can help keep your body in tip-top shape!
Red Light Therapy
My final tip on how to deal with aches, pains, and injuries is more of a controversial one! I highly recommend that you do your research as I have about red light therapy. In my life, it has made a big difference!
Mental Ways to Deal
There are so many ways to deal with the physicality of aches, pains, and even injuries, but it’s also important to take care of yourself mentally.
Prepare for Withdrawals
Working out and moving your body is so good for you. It releases all kinds of feel-good chemicals in your brain. If you have an injury or pain that requires you to take time off, you need to be prepared for feelings of withdrawal. Your body won’t be receiving all of those natural benefits, and that can be hard to maneuver.
Be aware that this may happen, and try to find some alternative forms of movement if you can. For example, if you have a dislocated shoulder, you could still go for walks to get some movement in.
Be Aware
A way to prevent injury is to be aware of the risks, common injuries, and even your surroundings. If you understand the exercises you’re doing and their most common injuries, you can also learn specific ways to prevent them.
Listen to Your Body
The first tip for physical ways to reduce injury is also the final tip for mental ways. Paying attention to how you’re feeling when working out can really make a big difference!
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Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Episode Summary
This episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast is one simply from the heart. After experiencing the loss of a very great friend, join me as I celebrate her spirit, share about our friendship, and offer some advice about being in the here and now.
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Don’t Wait to Start Your Journey
In the wake of the loss of my dear, dear friend, I wanted to take a moment and share the importance of not waiting to do things you know are best for you.
You see, my friend was the yin to my yang. She was tall, willowy, and majestic. Another way she was my opposite was that she never worked out a day in her life. Over the past few years, she’s endured some health complications, and I loved joking with her about her next chapter and how we would get her in the best shape of her life.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to that next chapter, and I miss her dearly every day. If you’re catching yourself not doing things that are best for you, start today. Start sooner than later when you have more options, before things get tougher and tighter.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
One aspect of health and fitness that I haven’t covered in a while is supplements, and I’ve been really interested in learning more about them lately. For this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I thought we’d do a little “show and tell,” so to speak.
So…I thought I might show you all what I’ve been using lately to help keep me as fit and healthy as possible!
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Top Supplements for Aging
While I am in no way, shape, or form a doctor, I do consider myself to be an excellent student when it comes to all things health and fitness. One thing I’ve been particularly interested in lately is supplements and how they can support our bodies as we age.
There are so many different supplements on the market these days, but I wanted to share with you some of my personal favorites that I am currently utilizing in my everyday life in case you’d like to learn more.
As we age, protein becomes more and more important. Not only does our body need more, but it actually craves it less, so I’m always on the lookout for sneaky ways to get more in. Of course, protein powders are a quick and easy way to do so! Here are my two current favorites…
Naked Goat
As the name suggests, Naked Goat is a protein powder developed from the whey of goat milk. From what I’ve learned, it is the easiest for us to digest, and I really enjoy the taste!
Vega Pea Protein
Another more popular option for protein powder is Vega. The brand is very popular and has a variety of flavors, all derived from organic pea protein and other ingredients.
Amino Co
Recently, we had Dr. Robert Wolfe on an episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast where he outlined some of the incredibly brilliant science behind Amino Co and how it can be a game changer for people of all ages. I highly recommend checking out his podcast to learn how Amino Co can really help build muscle and prevent muscle loss.
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Athletic Greens
Chances are, you’ve heard of Athletic Greens. It’s one of the most popular green drinks on the market. It’s filled with so many different vitamins and minerals, and I am, personally, a big fan of the ingredient list. Its high quality ingredients really seem to cover a lot of the nutritional bases that we need, and I love starting my day getting what I need.
Algae Cal
The truth is…I’ve got bone loss. Like many Americans, it doesn’t matter how much I lift or that I’ve been healthy my entire life, it’s just something that has progressed for me over time. What I found incredibly interesting about Algae Cal is their guarantee that if you take their supplement for 6 months, you will have a favorable bone scan or you’ll get your money back.
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The last on my list of current supplements is Novos. The company’s whole focus is on how to stay younger for longer, and it does this in a couple of different ways. For starters, you can take their quiz and receive a score, noting your health. After that, you can explore their tips on how to improve your score, explore their longevity diet, and try out their supplements.
As opposed to the others on this list, Novos is a data-driven experience to help you stay healthy longer.
While this list doesn’t encompass everything, and I know that everyone is different, I just thought I would share what I’ve been into lately! If you see something that sounds interesting to you, I highly recommend exploring it for yourself and even talking with your doctor before giving it a try!
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Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In the health and fitness world, it seems like people are always talking about diet and exercise. There are things we need to take out of our diet or add in. There are always new and life changing exercises that we MUST try to reach our goals. But, there’s something else that is equally important, but not talked about as much….And that’s rest and recovery!
Rest and recovery is essential to meet your health and fitness goals, which is why I’m taking some time out today on this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast to discuss this. I’ll be sharing my top 7 items that I’ve found to be complete game changers for my rest and recovery which include…
Oura Ring
Red Light Therapy
Alen Air Filters
Thumper Massage Unit
Brain Tap
Neuro MD
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Top Items for Rest and Recovery
Whether it’s getting enough high quality sleep or helping your muscles recover through massages and other techniques, there are so many different items on the market designed to help us out. Here are some of my favorites…
1. Chili pad
Getting the recommended amount of sleep is instrumental in reaching your health and fitness goals. This ChiliSleep cooling mattress topper has been a complete gamechanger! It goes right on top of my mattress and allows me to adjust how cool I want it to feel.
2. Oura Ring
A lot of times, we will think we’re getting adequate sleep when we’re really not. You may be going to bed at the right times, but your body may not be getting the good, deep sleep that you need. I love the Oura ring because it helps me monitor my sleeping habits and even gives you a “sleep score.” It allows me to learn about myself and learn how I can adjust my sleep for the better.
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3. Red Light Therapy
It’s a little bit of a funny story of how I got into red light therapy. It was actually for my cat at first. I learned about it from her vet and how it could help her heal. From there, I ended up reading a book about red light therapy and its benefits for me.
Now, I have a panel for myself and utilize it when I am recovering. It’s been a game-changer, and I highly recommend that you read up on it for yourself!
4. Alen Air Filters
Rest and recovery isn’t all about sleeping and taking care of our joints. It can also be making sure that we are breathing in high quality air. Recently, I invested in some of these amazing filters, and I can really tell the difference!
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5. Thumper Massage Unit
Maybe this one goes without saying? Either way, I’m sharing because this is definitely a favorite recovery tool for when I have some intense aches and pains! As a matter of fact, my Thumper massage unit was quite the popular commodity on a recent hiking trip with some clients and friends!
6. Brain Tap
This one is definitely unique. The Brain Tap is a contraption that looks a bit like headphones, and it helps people focus with meditation by synchronizing with brain waves. I have personally found that it’s helped my focus while meditating, so you may want to give it a try as well.
Either way, meditation is another great way to recover from your typical exercise regimen, slow down the brain, and allow your whole body to rest.
7. Neuro MD
My final recommendation that will help with rest and recovery is the Neuro MD. It’s a butterfly-shaped compact device that uses electrical stimulation to bring pain relief and recovery. I personally love to use it on my lower back region, which is perfect for lifters, hikers who carry around big packs everywhere and anyone in between.
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Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
This is an incredibly special episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast as I share some very exciting news! Spoiler alert: I am writing a book!
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life! Get updates here.
Not only am I writing a book, but in this very podcast, I will be reading my first chapter titled, “The View From the Top of the Mountain,” in which I share about women coming together on a journey.
I can’t wait to share more, and I am very excited for you to give this a listen!
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Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
This episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast is jam-packed with all kinds of inspiring stories and content that is going to make you want to get outside and knock out your bucket list!
This week, we are joined by the incredible Julia Goodfellow Smith. She is a returning guest who is dedicating her life to helping and inspiring ordinary people to do something extraordinary! In this episode, we are discussing…
Why adventure is important
Julia’s bucket list and how she’s tackling it
How to prepare for long journeys
Her new book, Live Your Bucket List
And so much more…
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Why are adventures so important?
Especially for women, type two fun is crucial. Type two fun is the type of fun that requires grit and confidence. It’s the type of fun where you’re met with adversity, but when you overcome it, you look back on the experience with such fondness and pride.
It’s important to have type two fun for women in order for us to push ourselves, get out of our comfort zones, and experience life more fully. One great way to experience these adventures and this type of fun is through a bucket list, which is just what Julia Goodfellow Smith is doing!
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Julia’s Adventures
So many of my clients have been incredibly inspired by Julia, her last visit on the podcast, and her last book. To name a few…Julia has walked the Camino de Santiago more than once, which stretches nearly 500 miles. She has also cycled King Alfred’s Way among so many other things!
Where to find Julia
Julia Goodfellow-Smith website
Julia Goodfellow-Smith “Walking the Camino” book
Julia Goodfellow-Smith “Live Your Bucket List” book
Julia Goodfellow-Smith on Facebook
Julia Goodfellow-Smith on Instagram
Julia Goodfellow-Smith on YouTube
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life! Get updates here.
How to Prepare for Long Journeys
Julia shares that she finds it best to train with a backpack on. More specifically, a heavier one than she may be used to. She recommends working up to 2-3 consecutive days of about 10 miles, since you don’t typically do much more than that per day.
In addition to building up distance and time, you can also work on handling heavier weights, slowing building up your backpack weight. Then when you actually complete your long hike, your actual backpack’s weight feels like a piece of cake!
Preparing for long biking journeys can be very different from hiking journeys. You can easily be walking fit, but that may not cut it for a long distance bike ride. Here are some things that Julia incorporated into her workouts in order to train for her big ride in just 6 weeks…
- Spinning classes
- Practicing hills
- Longer distance flat rides
- Paying attention to posture and positioning
Live Your Bucket List
The great thing about Julia’s new book is that it is a book with simple steps to live your dreams. Whether you want to hike a long distance like Julia as part of your bucket list, or if you want to visit a particular area or anything in between. This book not only pulls examples from her personal experiences but also provides readers with actionable steps.
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Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be highlighting some of my clients and their most recent triumphs in hopes that some of you may connect with these stories and find some inspiration.
What some people may know is that I love working individually with clients from all over! I enjoy helping women feel inspired and find a health and fitness journey that sparks joy.
Client 1
The first client I’m highlighting today wanted to reach her goals, but hated a set plan! She didn’t want to feel like her day in and day out was micromanaged, and I understand that. So, we created a menu! Not the kind with actual food, but filled with choices of various exercises that she could pick and choose from throughout the week.
As time went on, this client started realizing that picking from her menu the day before was helpful because she could prepare the items she’d need ahead of time.
Then, she started realizing it’s so much easier to lay out her menu for the week, and before we knew it, she was planning her weeks, seeing results, and enjoying the autonomy she had over her workouts and her fitness!
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Client 2
My next client was completely bored with her workouts and routine. One day, I asked, “Well, what do you want to look forward to?” Immediately, her eyes lit up. When she realized what she wanted to accomplish, she found a journal and wrote out her plan to reach it. More and more, she realized the goal was the spark she needed to find inspiration in training and planning out her fitness routine.
Client 3
When Client 3 came to me, she was not active at all. So, she saw a lot of success at first. Then, she plateaued. After several weeks of not seeing the needle move (part of her fitness goals involved weight loss), we realized that she had never tracked her food and water intake.
After some simple paper tracking of these things, we were easily able to spot an extra 300-500 unnecessary calories, and get her off that plateau.
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Client 4
My next client was in her late 60s and had never lifted weights in her life! So, when she first tried them out, she wanted to be this perfect achiever and do everything right. While it’s important to focus on form, it’s also important to get curious and open your mind to having fun.
Over time, she learned this lesson and focused on progress and fun by learning new exercises she never would’ve tried. She even took some new Pilates classes.
Client 5
Last but not least, I want to share about client 5 who, for a solid year now, has changed her habits and mindset completely. However, when she and her husband decided to ditch their conventional life and travel the world for 6 months, she panicked. She worried that all of her hard work would go down the drain.
We first focused on easily packable items. For example, running shoes, weighted vests, and resistance bands are easy to pack and great for little workouts. Then, she started getting creative! With each new city, she found at least one new (and fun) exercise to try! Whether it was stand up paddleboarding or renting bikes, she planned little fitness excursions in each city, continued with her fitness success, and had a blast while doing it!
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life! Get updates here.
What Do They Have In Common?
I’d be willing to bet that you can see yourself in at least one of the clients I shared about today. They’re all unique in their wants, needs, and preferences, but I did observe they have some very similar qualities.
First of all, these clients all work with me. They have a support system that is focused on their health and fitness journey. It’s important to have someone to keep you accountable and help you through those rough patches.
If it doesn’t spark joy, it’s not going to stick. All of these awesome ladies found ways to spark their joy with their plans and their fitness journeys!
Lastly, they all did some form of planning and tracking. It’s crucial to have a why and then make actionable steps to get there!
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