Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Episode Summary
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m sharing an episode from another podcast where I was interviewed! Listen to my mini crash course on fitness consistency, or read the show notes below!
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Show Notes from Living Big Mindfully podcast interview
In today’s episode of Living Big Mindfully, I chatted with Kelly Howard. Kelly is the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, podcaster, author, and adventurer who believes that when we feel strong, confident, and empowered, we can do anything!
Need a mini crash course in consistency? Kelly’s got you covered… everything from starting small, getting unstuck, to staying motivated for the long haul. Then we take a deep dive into the importance of living well, creating a sustainable health-span and using audacious adventures as a tool for lifelong learning, joy, and personal growth.
Kelly talks about the importance of finding community and candidly shares some of her personal struggles.
Make sure you stay tuned Kelly’s actionable tips, strategies, and sage advice to help you get moving!
Remember, follow, review, & share the show - new episodes every Tuesday!
Until next time...
- Kate x
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Connect with Kate Champion
Kate Champion Website
Kate Champion Author on Facebook
Kate Champion Living Big Mindfully Facebook Community
Kate Champion on Instagram
Kate Champion Podcast
Other helpful resources
Back of the Pack Athlete Facebook Group
Book by Kate Champion: Never Too Late: Inspiration, Motivation, and Sage Advice from 7 Later-in-Life Athletes
Book by Kate Champion: You Are Limitless: Anxiety, Grief, Trauma, Addiction – 7 Inspiring Stories of Hope & Healing
Free Hiking Pocket Guide by Kate Champion
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
This week on the Fit is Freedom podcast, learn how to have the mindset of a champion to reach your fitness goals!
Lesley McShane is on a mission to help women discover that everything they need to create an epic and healthy second half of life already lives inside them. As a podcaster, writer, author, and ACSM certified personal trainer, she wants us to prioritize our fitness and nutrition NOW to feel better and live happier, longer lives. Her podcast Redesigning Midlife is in the top 1% of global podcasts. She and her guests dive into the fact that it is never too late to feel amazing. Everything we need to create an epic and healthy second half of life already lives inside us.
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More about Lesley McShane
I loved interviewing Lesley! To me, there is nothing more encouraging than a midlife woman who is living life full out! I enjoyed following the breadcrumbs of Leslie’s life that have led her to where she is today: a first class fitness coach, a global podcaster, and a winner in cyclocross cycle racing.
It’s always fun to see what makes people who they are (and so good at what they do)!
In Leslie’s words…
When I Was Little
I ran around screaming “I Have The Power!” like a superhero
I loved riding my bike and pretending to be in the Tour de France
Today she is one the the most powerful fitness podcasters online, and she wins bike races!
pops up!
Every week I get questions from listeners and readers of my new book; FIT: Active & Ageless for Life! Questions about how to stay on top of your fitness mindset and what to do when negative thoughts pop up.
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I’ve spent the last two decades helping women with their fitness consistency, and thus their fitness mindset, because I know how crucial these are to our long term health and wellness.
Fitness Starts in Our Heads!
When I talk about a fitness mindset, I mean believing in yourself, challenging yourself, always having something to look forward to, and most importantly making sure that negative thoughts don’t derail you and your dreams! Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
What I Love
Getting up before the sun
Being anywhere with my best friend, my husband, Mike
The back deck, a good IPA, and nothing to do
A long bike ride with all of my cycling buds
Obviously what she loves is foundational to her being such a great coach and mentor.
What She Shares on the Podcast
The power of Journaling & Goal tracking
It’s never too late to follow your dreams
We are so much stronger than we know
There’s less competition in races at our age 😎
Follow your dreams, adjust your course when needed, keep moving forward!
Connect with Lesley McShane
Lesley McShane Website
Lesley McShane Instagram
Redesigning Midlife Podcast
You Deserve It: Goal Tracker, Planner & Journal
The Friday Night Beer Blog!
Get the Steps to Prioritize Your Health - TODAY!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Learn how to have the right fitness mindset and squash the negative voice that pops up!
Every week I get questions from listeners and readers of my new book; FIT: Active & Ageless for Life! Questions about how to stay on top of your fitness mindset and what to do when negative thoughts pop up.
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I’ve spent the last two decades helping women with their fitness consistency, and thus their fitness mindset, because I know how crucial these are to our long term health and wellness.
Fitness Starts in Our Heads!
When I talk about a fitness mindset, I mean believing in yourself, challenging yourself, always having something to look forward to, and most importantly making sure that negative thoughts don’t derail you and your dreams! Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Fitness is not just a Long Game, it’s a Life Game
Falling behind on your workouts? Just restart. Everytime you miss a week, start again. Fitness is not a one-and-done option, it's something you do again and again.
Challenge Yourself
Have new new goals. Create something special to look forward to. Stretch past your comfort zone! When we stretch past our comfort zone we never go back to being the same person we were before. We have new ideas. We have new dreams. We have new FUN.
Try New Things, Experience New Adventures
Make a list of new experiences you’d like to try. Grab a friend or go alone but either way, make sure you start experiencing new things. It keeps us young and keeps our brains engaged!
How Do You Stop the Negative Voice in Your Head?
Drown it out with action, self-love and when you need to, move your attention. Think about something new, listen to a podcast that empowers you, read a book that engages your mind and imagination. Take action, keep moving and do things that you enjoy and love.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Episode Summary
Creating the right habits and routines could be your key to getting fit! On this week’s episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re joined by Lorrie Mickelson, Wellness mentor, personal trainer, yoga, Pilates & meditation teacher and a self proclaimed habit guru.
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More about Lorrie Mickelson
With a master’s degree in Health and Physical Education and years of teaching, coaching and speaking, she most loves the opportunity to share her perspective on daily habits and routines. She passionately believes that they are stepping stones to a more fulfilling and purposeful life and loves to coach clients, class participants and anyone who will listen, on the value of exploring and implementing these healthy, life enhancing gems.
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Connect with Lorrie Mickelson
Lorrie Mickelson website
Lorrie Mickelson on Facebook
Lorrie Mickelson Habit Guru 365 Program
Lorrie Mickelson Podcast
Extra Support from Lorrie Mickelson
Lorrie teaches online yoga, pilates and meditation classes and offers wellness courses, challenges and coaching through her monthly membership site “Habit Guru 365” at She can be reached at, and her website at
For more how-tos, live videos on postural exercises and discussion and sharing around all things habits for our health and happiness, join Lorrie’s awesome Women’s Wellness Community here.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Episode Summary
On this week’s episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, learn how to get off the sidelines and take action towards your fitness goals with Lindsey House, dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach!
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More About Lindsey House
Lindsey always heard her clients saying “I know what to do, I just need to do it”, so she made it her personal mission to help individuals take action. While taking action, individuals get to see other exciting results, such as:
Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism)
Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate
Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids
Lindsey is honored to be invited on her clients personal health journeys & be part of the accountability dream team!
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Connect with Lindsey
Lindsey House on Facebook
Lindsey House Website - Direction Not Perfection
Lindsey House Direction Not Perfection Podcast
Lindsey House Direction Not Perfection YouTube Channel
Extra Support & Accountability From Lindsey
Click HERE to register for your FREE Master Class if you are interested in busting through weight loss plateaus! You will also learn how to turn away from diet mentality and build sustainable results! The class will run August 31st @12:00 EST
Click HERE to join our FREE Direction Not Perfection Community: Real Weight Loss for Women After 40
Click HERE to Discover 5 Stress Free Meal Planning Tips to Increase Energy & Lose the Fluff -Without Giving Up Everything You Love Or Feeling Deprived
Click HERE if you want to be able to watch the podcast on our YouTube Direction Not Perfection Station!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, Stacey Crew will be joining me for a wonderful and important conversation about overall wellness. She is an author, radio host, and health coach who has dedicated her life to helping others with their personal transformations through mind, body, and kitchen. From organization and meal planning, to spending less time on our phones. We discuss all kinds of things that can help us reach our potential.
Over the years, I’ve discovered that health and fitness isn’t just about working out and eating healthy. There’s so much more to our mental and physical well-being, and our guest this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast is a testament to this!
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All About Stacey Crew
Stacey can do it all! She is the author of Mind, Body, Kitchen and The Organized Mom, the host of the radio show “Practical Mindset”, and a Certified Health Coach. Her journey into this amazing career started with her own personal transformation.
It began with finding a passion for decluttering and organizing and realizing how impactful it was on her mental health and wellbeing. Later on she began running which made her realize that her diet needed some tweaking in order to be successful in her new endeavor. One thing led to another, and Stacey discovered how all of these things connected to a better her. It was at this point that she decided to help others make similar transformations with their lives.
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
All About Mind, Body, Kitchen
This book stemmed from Stacey’s discovery that health and fitness requires a more holistic approach. Upon this discovery, she decided she wanted to help others experience their own personal transformations just as she did. Her goal with the book was to create a guide to simplify the complicated information out there in the world and get right to the results.
As Stacey shares on her website, Mind, Body, Kitchen is separated into three different parts. The parts focus on creating a healthier you, healthier kitchen, and healthier home.
Important Links
Stacey Crew’s Website
Stacey Crew’s Book Mind, Body, Kitchen
Stacey Crew’s Radio Show “Practical Mindset”
Stacey Crew’s Facebook Page
Stacey Crew’s “GO PACK” Free Download
Easy Ways to Improve Your Mind, Body, and Kitchen
Throughout the podcast, Stacey shares wisdom from her personal life, her books, and her radio show. Here are some ways she discussed that can help improve your mind, body, and kitchen!
“A health plan is like a home remodel”
In her book, Stacey shares that a health plan is like a home remodel. A lot of times, when people are renovating their homes, they uncover a lot of unaccounted for twists and turns. Let’s say a couple wants to redo their kitchen floors, but when they pull the floors, they find the subfloor rotting. So, what started as a simple task turns into something a bit more complex.
With a health plan, it can be similar. Maybe you start your health journey on January 1 with a brand new gym membership. But, once you start going, you realize that you need to get more sleep or adjust your diet to have more energy.
Think More Holistic
Like the analogy above, we are complicated human beings. There’s so much that goes into our health and wellness, and it’s important to think about it in those terms. You’re not going to reach all of your goals simply by working out while eating Twinkies for every meal. You’re not going to reach your goals if you eat a balanced diet, but you sleep 5 hours each night and watch 5 hours of television a day.
A big part of health that Stacey shares about is the power of decluttering (the mind and the home). One amazingly simple tip is the GO PACK method for organizing, which stands for: group objects, purge, assign, contain, and keep it up!
Eliminate Distractions
Everyone is different and has different distractions in their lives. For some, it is their phones or the television. For Stacey, it was the news. It was creating so much worry and stress in her life that she realized her mental health needed her to take a break from it. Finding your distraction and eliminating (or limiting) it can really help your progress.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Are you ready to be inspired? I am absolutely inspired by this particular guest. Not only is she incredibly active, but she is also 81 years young and showing no signs of slowing down! Did I mention she’s my neighbor?
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I am joined by my neighbor and good friend, Joanna, who is an absolute force of a human being! In the middle of the hot summer weather, she literally rode her bike to my house for the interview if that tells you anything!
Join me as we learn all about Joanna, why she is so active, and her advice for us!
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About Joanna
Joanna has been a mover her whole life. From horses to gymnastics, she has done it all from a very young age. She loved movement so much that she majored in physical education and went on to be the head of the dance program at the University of Houston for 21 years. Since her retirement in 1998, she has found even more fun and new ways to move through swimming, tai chi, biking, and more!
Joanna’s Helpful Highlights
As Joanna shared about her life, here are some helpful highlights…
Keep Moving
One big highlight from this conversation with Joanna is the importance of movement! Joanna is a very active 81-year-old and you can simply hear it in her voice! Find a variety of things you enjoy that keep you moving, and never let age deter you from trying something new!
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Joanna also shared that she loves to find ways to stretch out, preventing herself from “being a bundle of nerves and tightness.” Finding gentle ways to lengthen your body daily can really help with your mobility for the long haul.
Open the Door and See What’s There
In this episode, we learn that Joanna isn’t necessarily a big planner. She likes to “open the door and see what’s there.” This means that she believes we are always changing. She encouraged us to pay attention to our bodies, see where we’re at today, and determine what we’re capable of. Our interests and abilities constantly change, and if we listen to our bodies, we’ll always be able to find new and different ways to keep our bodies challenged and moving.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
What exactly is it that makes us finally commit to fitness? What makes us finally decide to make the change and choose fitness and freedom? Well, everyone is different, but Kay is joining us today to share the lessons she has learned on her fitness journey to finally prioritize her health!
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About Kay
Kay is a rockstar client turned great friend who kept putting off her health and fitness. Unhappy with her lifestyle, she made her family the priority for years and years telling herself that one day she’ll “get it together”.
For about the past year, she has done more than just that! From joining our group on retreats to hitting the road running with our accelerator program, she is happier, stronger, and feeling more confident than ever!
Lessons From Kay
Kay has learned a lot about fitness and health throughout her journey, and she’s here to spill the tea! Here are some of the many lessons she’s learned along the way that just may help you…
Others Can Help
Never underestimate the power of help and community! For Kay, she started this journey thinking she could figure it all out herself. She quickly learned that we all have places we can’t see.
Relying on the help of others can give you new perspectives on your fitness, provide some much-needed accountability, and make things more fun!
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Look at the Data
Learning about ourselves through data can really help us build confidence and monitor improvement. For some, that may be taking measurements. For others, it could be documenting your macros or even your sleep!
Be Flexible
Consistency is all about flexibility. Things will come up. You’ll have friends visit from out of town. You’ll need to take an extra rest day every now and then. What’s important is that when those days arise, you go with it and adjust accordingly.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Episode Summary
Here on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we talk a lot about fitness. We talk a lot about movement and adventure and reaching big goals. But there’s one important piece to health and fitness that I thought our guest Monica Reinagel could weigh in on. That important piece to the health puzzle is nutrition.
As a trained nutritionist, Monica will help answer all of our questions about food's importance. Some of the topics we’ll cover include:
The dangers of fad dieting
Why protein is important
Amazing tips for optimizing your nutrition
Being mindful-ish and what that means
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About Monica Reinagel
Monica is a trained nutritionist, author, and host of two amazing podcasts (Nutrition Diva and Change Academy) who dedicates her life to helping and coaching others to lead healthier lives.
Interestingly enough, before her podcast debut and her nutritionist credentials, she was also a trained opera singer! How cool!
Monica Reinagel website
Monica Reinagel Facebook Page
Monica Reinagel Instagram
Change Academy Podcast
Nutrition Diva Podcast
Tips for Nutrition
The awesome thing about Monica’s approach to nutrition is that it is simple. It’s upfront and easy to follow. It’s realistic, and it isn’t lost in all of the “eat this, not this” rules that society leads us to believe are the right way to diet. Among many things discussed, Monica shares some incredible tips including...
Don’t Do an Overhaul
It’s much easier to take small parts of your life and adjust then take your life and transplant it into a completely different diet and lifestyle. It’s just not sustainable. Start small. Look for little areas of improvement and work with what you already know.
Be Flexible
Life is going to happen! You’re going to get invited to a girl’s night out. You’re going to forget to pack your meal-prepped lunch. It’s okay. If you have a flexible mindset and know that things are going to come up, you are much less likely to just throw in the towel.
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
Be Forgiving
Understand that you (and your nutritional decisions) don’t have to be perfect. Knowing that you will make mistakes along the way will keep you moving forward. Let go of that “all or nothing” attitude, and understand that life happens sometimes and that’s okay.
Have Fun
We can’t just eat for our health. We need to have fun! Find things that you enjoy and that you look forward to!
Be Mindful-ish
Adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is all about getting rid of the “shoulds.” Yes, it’s great to be mindful about what you’re eating, but take everything in stride. Our bodies, circumstances, and environments are constantly changing. It’s more important to discover a process for finding what works best for us so that we can adjust along the way.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be discussing the importance of movement and motivation as we age in order to keep doing the things we want. I’m also going to be sharing some different perspectives on how to get there.
A recent outing with a group of friends really got me thinking. We were out on a hiking trip with friends who varied greatly in ability and age. One particular friend was really struggling, and while they were growing frustrated with my attempts to offer advice and tips and tricks, I realized that there are some people who simply aren’t willing to do what they need to enjoy experiences like this.
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Are you willing to do what you need to do in order to do what you want to do?
As we age, we’ve got to prepare. I used to be in shape enough to just “dial it in” at one point or another. For example, a friend texts me to join them on an impromptu bike race or a long kayaking trip.
You see, after we hit about 45, our bodies are just different. We’ve got to work to get our fitness base in a spot that will accommodate the movements and activities that we strive for.
Coming Soon! The fitness consistency book that will change your life! Get updates here.
3 Answers
When asked, “Are you willing to do what you need to do in order to do what you want?” the answer isn’t always going to be “yes.”
Over the years, I’ve had a variety of clients. They’ve had a variety of goals, some of which they were really motivated to do. Some of their goals, however, weren’t for them. They just didn’t have the motivation to prepare.
If your answer is “No,” then I suggest finding something else that can change your answer. Maybe you don’t want to go out and run that marathon with your friend Sally, but would you want to try a kayaking trip? Would you want to go and hike in the Smoky Mountains?
Not Exactly
I once had a client whose husband was training for this HUGE hike. To my client, she found this completely overwhelming, and she felt defeated even thinking about it. The thought of training and preparing for this big of a feat felt overwhelming, and thus, unmotivating.
For this particular client, we adjusted. We looked at options, and we thought about what would be best for her. In the end, she figured out a way to hike for some of it and then finagle a shopping trip while her husband finished the rest! It was a win-win for her, and she was able to prepare.
As I said, some people simply don’t have what it takes to prepare. But, if your answer is yes, then it’s time to get moving and planning! Figure out what you can do today to keep your passions tomorrow.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!