Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
How can I stick to my New Year’s resolutions? Resolutions can be exciting and powerful, but they can also be painful if you find yourself making the same ones year after year. The resolution process below is designed to empower your entrance into the New Year.
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Put aside an hour or two to go through this entire process. Give yourself the gift of planning the upcoming year in a relaxed state, which is always more conducive to achieving whatever you desire.
Grab a notebook, a new journal for the new year, and your pen. Settle in with your favorite herbal tea in a cozy and comfortable spot. Follow the directions to create a “Convincing State,” simply a state of mind where you are relaxed and open to new possibilities.
Create your Bliss List - What are things, actions, activities, and lifestyle choices that make you smile and bring happiness and enjoyment to your world?
Write out your “wins” from the previous year.
Make a list of highlights of the past year.
Create a PowerPoint List: What are the most potent things you learned, read, watched, or listened to this last year?
Now, bring this all forward.
Grab your bliss list and calendar, and start adding things that bring joy to your 2024.
Use your PowerPoint List to plan your next year by pre-scheduling books to read, audiobooks to listen to, and podcasts that enrich you. Keep these front and center.
What didn’t work this last year? How can you change this so it is no longer a problem in your life?
What is one change that you will focus on in this new year? Focus on it each day, and make this action a part of what you want your life to be.
Take action.
Schedule your upcoming week
Focus on a word that you want 2024 to embody
Keep your feeling present, positive, and who you want to be
Simple actions like movement, connection, and focusing on your Bliss List will have powerful implications!
Remember, you only need to take one empowered action each day to change the trajectory of your life completely!
Here’s to an amazing 2024!
FIF 213
(01:26) Tips for making your 2024 successful
(02:14) Get a Journal
(03:24) Get into your “Convincing State”
(06:21) Write your “Bliss List”
(09:49) What were your wins?
(13:01) Make a Power Point list
(16:54) Incorporate your lists together
(20:29) What didn’t work last year?
(22:38) What’s one change that you want to focus on?
(29:11) Extra Pointers
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Spoiler alert! I’m a sucker for a happy ending, and this episode is full of them!
I’m joined this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast by my friend and our Alumni, Anne. She’s an amazing member of our community who has made so many strides since joining the tribe.
Learn about her journey from joint pain and an unbalanced diet with activity on the backburner to taking control of her freedom by finding the fit!
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
We’ll also be touching on...
The importance of moving through the discomfort
Unexpected benefits of being fit
Importance of a community to reach your goals
How being fit really matters for a life freedom
If you’ve been wondering about what the Fit is Freedom Experience is like, this is a wonderful taste of our community.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Have you been searching for ways to improve your health and fitness? If you’ve been thinking about taking a leap of faith and joining the Fit is Freedom Experience, this is a wonderful chance to hear an experience firsthand!
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we are joined by our very own Jenny Fitzpatrick. She is a program alum and has been with the program for almost a year now!
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Listen in as Jenny recounts her own fitness journey and the ways our community has impacted it. We’ll also touch on some of our foundational values when it comes to health and fitness, which include...
-Having a fitness community for support and accountability
-Approaching fitness as a marathon not a sprint
-Shifting your mentality from selfish to self love
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
There’s nothing like a big event to throw us off and shake us to our core. In this week’s episode, we’re going to be talking about how to handle situations that throw us off the fitness wagon. We’ll go into how we should use that experience to help us grow and make us better for next time we jump back on!
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Not too long ago, I woke up to my world with no power in the midst of an unprecedented snowstorm. Did I expect this to happen? No! Did this interfere with my 10 week program and fitness goals? Yes! Am I going to sit over here and fret about it? No!
I’m going to be sharing some tips for handling the unexpected including…
Understanding that timing isn’t just an excuse, sometimes it can really knock us down
There will never be a perfect time to start something.
Every time you fall off, getting back on isn’t starting from scratch. It’s starting from an elevated state.
Planning for perfection, but shoot for 80-90%
Giving yourself grace
We’ve all been there. Starting a new sugar detox, learning a new skill, or setting a new goal, then all of the sudden being hit with the unexpected. Well, remember that it doesn’t have to completely derail you!
Use the experience and keep moving forward!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Are there areas of your life that you wish you could improve, but you simply feel like it would be compromising your life and your lifestyle? Well, this week I’m joined by Olympic gold medalist Joe Jacobi whose mission is to help others be their best self WITHOUT compromising their life!
Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!
After his 2004 Olympics debut, Joe has dedicated his life, through his book and being a high performance coach helping people reach their potential. On the podcast, we discuss all the ways we can set ourselves up for success.
In this episode, we’ll be addressing:
Setting up the night before
Eliminating distractions
The importance of finding what’s in your way
Making small adjustments to change your life
One of the things I love about Joe (as you’ll see in the interview) is his approach to fitness and well-being. It’s not a DO or DIE approach. It’s a realistic look at our goals, assessing where we are, improving step by step while giving grace along the way.
Joe Jacobi WebsiteJoe Jacobi InstagramJoe Jacobi Twitter
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Episode Summary
This week we're diving deeper and following up on last week's episode about how to make a workout plan that works for YOU, by looking at the things preventing you from sticking to your workout plan.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you need more motivation to change a bad habit or to add a good practice? What would help you make the difference?
If you've followed me for any time, you know I'm big on writing out your workout schedule every week; if it's not written down, it's not real. The truth is, this is what I do because it's been what I do for a very long time. It's a habit for me, so it's easy. If creating a weekly schedule for your workouts feels a little daunting or you feel like you are making something up, something you won't be able to stick to it, you’re in the right place. Thanks for being here!
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Let’s talk about the three most significant areas people get stuck, why this happens, and quick ways to turn it around!
Stuck #1 You need knowledge but not too much.
When someone is creating a workout plan, almost always the first thing they do is "just a little research," which will lead you down a black rabbit hole that never ends. Then you realize you've spent all the time you were going to use to workout that day doing research instead, and you have so much information you don't know where to begin. It's like death by a thousand cuts. Start small. Try a site like for bodyweight exercises; for stretching and simple yoga moves, try, throw in some walking or e cardio.
Stuck #2 Habits that aren't working to your benefit.
Think about the habits you have that hold you back. What needs to shift, what needs to change? Listen to episode 76 with Lorrie Mickelson, or episode 06, all about Training Your Brain to be your ally. Remember, there are two types of habits, the ones you want to remove and the ones you want to add. You need to focus on both! And then make it a priority.
Stuck #3 No consistent action
Consistent action is what makes everything work. If it's scheduled, the possibility of you actually taking action so much higher, so much more significant, right? Even if the action you take seems so infinitely small, the smallest step will always lead to the next step and the one after that. Just start small.
Life gets crazy. Sometimes we just say "to hell with it" and quit for a while. And when you fall off the bandwagon. Bad habits creep in, or you toss your workout plan. Life happens, and all we can do is start again.
Take a deep breath, tell yourself it's ok, and then get back out there.
Our health is a long game, and we're here to feel great and have fun. Thanks for being here!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
This week’s Fit is Freedom Podcast is all about YOU! We’re going to be diving into how to make a very specific workout and fitness plan that is tailor made to you! Whether you want to achieve a certain level of fitness or have a specific goal in mind, you can find something that works for you.
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While we’ll dive into all areas of tailoring your workout to your fitness goals, there are three things that everyone will need. And these three things are…
Strength Training
Join me as I dive into all of the ways that you can think deeply about your goals and aspirations, and make a plan that is a perfect fit for you and your lifestyle!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re going to discuss that pesky little voice in our heads. You know...the one that can keep us from achieving our dreams and reaching our goals. I'm talking about overcoming self doubt.
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If I could change one thing about everyone, it would be this! That voice that says, What if I can’t keep up? Or What if I hold others back? It actually ends up holding us up and keeping us from trying new things and putting ourselves out there.
Among other things, we’ll be discussing some ways to overcome self doubt through some of the following…
Not being ashamed to be a little behind
Not taking things personally
Not letting one struggle define us
If you’ve ever experienced the nuisance of self doubt, this is the motivating episode for you!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
With the Fit is Freedom program, what can you really accomplish in just 8 short weeks? Well, you’d be surprised!
Today on the Fit is Freedom podcast, we are joined by my good friend and client Jenny Fitzpatrick. Jenny is an adventurous, cancer surviving super mom who could’ve let life’s obstacles get in her way!
Join me as I interview Jenny about her personal story and experience with Fit is Freedom!
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Among other things, we share the importance of...
Finding a good balance between diet and exercise
Keeping perspective on your goals
Get some motivation, give this a listen, and you never know where you may be 8 weeks from today!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I am re-joined by the amazing Monica Reinagel to share a new and exciting fitness approach to the impending holiday season! Join us as we share our plan to approach this season in a way that allows us to enjoy it and indulge in all of the fun and treats without overdoing it!
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We’ve all heard of the Sunday scaries. It’s that little bit of dread and stress that you feel preparing for the week ahead. But have you heard of the holiday scaries? Well, maybe it’s because I just made it up! In all seriousness, so many of us get the holiday scaries when we start to worry about the stress of all the food and drink to come.
The overindulgence of the season makes so many of us feel like we have to overcompensate when January hits. We feel this pressure to do all of these New Year’s resolutions because we’ve gone way overboard from the first sight of Halloween candy to the final holiday cookie.
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All About Monica
Monica is a trained nutritionist, author, and host of two amazing podcasts (Nutrition Diva and Change Academy) who dedicates her life to helping and coaching others to lead healthier lives.
Monica Reinagel website
Monica Reinagel Facebook Page
Monica Reinagel Instagram
Change Academy Podcast
Nutrition Diva Podcast
30-Day Nutrition Upgrade
Kelly and Monica are joining forces to offer their listeners a 30-day nutrition upgrade to combat that out-of-control feeling so many of us have with the holiday season quickly approaching!
What is it?
The program is a 30-day program that focuses on progress and accountability. There is a group element that comes with special access to a Facebook group and special Zoom meetings for support with others participating.. You also have access to a special tool (Monica’s App) that allows you to keep track of your choices without feeling completely bogged down, offering just enough structure to hold on to your healthy habits!
What is the main goal?
The main goal of this program is to bring awareness to your choices during this thirty-day time period in hopes of continuing it through the holidays. It offers support and a touch of accountability in a way that is user-friendly.
How will it work?
There will be an initial Zoom meeting for a 30-day kickoff! After the kickoff, participants will utilize the App to learn their health “grade” based on their choices throughout this time, aspiring for a particular average instead of having to count every single calorie. Participants will also frequent the Facebook group to share their struggles and successes, learning from each other along the journey.
There are so many reasons why someone would want to join in on this adventure! First and foremost, it will help you stay accountable heading into the holidays. Secondly, surrounding yourself with a community of others who are aspiring for the same goal is a great motivator! Lastly, participating will help you appreciate your choices and learn that there’s a big difference between indulgence and overindulgence. The goal is to learn your limits ahead of this season so that you can truly enjoy them guilt-free!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!