Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
In this episode, I will walk you through…
Why hydration is important
Reasons you probably need more water
Tips to drinking more water
Advice on electrolytes
Consider this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast as a PSA of sorts! With spring and warmer weather right around the corner, your hydration needs are about to shift. It’s crucial to both your health and your fitness to make sure you are hydrating properly!
Hydration is so incredibly important and if you are in need of a refresher, motivator, or some tips on how to improve, you won’t want to miss this episode!
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Hydration is Important
I’m approaching this episode from personal experience. My partner had a scary run in with not hydrating properly that really brought my attention to the importance of staying hydrated no matter the weather. Now that we are heading into hotter weather, the chances of heat strokes are even higher! That means we need to be even more vigilant!
Signs You Need More Hydration
Lack of hydration can result in some serious illnesses and side effects. Ideally, you want to stay on top of your hydration so that you don’t experience any. However, it’s also important to know what to watch out for. Here are some signs that you need more water…
Muscle cramps and joint pain
Dry mouth
Sugar Cravings
Weight gain
Dark colored urine
Tips for Drinking More Water
If you, like many other people, struggle with getting enough water and hydration each day, here are my favorite tips…
Carry a clear water bottle
If it’s nearby, you’re more likely to use it! So, if you have any type of water bottle, keep it close. But, I’ve learned that if you have a clear water bottle and you can physically see your progress, then you may be even more successful with that visual reminder.
Skip the sugary drinks
They’re not great for you. They’re not properly hydrating you, and you should simply prioritize water!
Get creative with flavors
Just because you’re skipping on the sugary drinks doesn’t mean that you can’t have any fun! Try herbal teas, sparkling waters, or even supplements and electrolytes to spice up your water routine.
Try an app
Did you know there are even apps that can help you track your water intake? So awesome! If you’re on your phone a good bit (like most of us), it may be motivating to keep up with your intake via an app.
Thoughts on Electrolytes
While I’m no expert on electrolytes, I have seen their benefits. Especially when working out for extended activities, you’re going to need more than just water. Everyone is different. We all have different tastes and preferences, but we also have different reactions to supplements and things like electrolytes.
My biggest advice is to try out a variety of electrolytes and find one that works (and tastes) best for you!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Kelly and Kate Champion are joining forces again for another exciting K & K Chat! In this particular episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, they will be answering any and all of your questions about the Women’s Wellness Expo in Houston!
All About the Women’s Wellness Expo in Houston
The Idea
One day, Kate was working out in her basement when a vision emerged so vividly that she had to stop the rower. She envisioned a wellness event where women could come together as a big community to learn new and exciting ways to move their bodies, improve their health, and strengthen their minds. During this vision, she knew she needed an accomplice, and Kelly was the first person she thought of!
After that exciting day, Kelly and Kate got to work! After pouring hours into planning, the time is quickly approaching!
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The Details
The Women’s Wellness Expo will be in Houston, TX on April 20! If you select to be a VIP, it will continue through April 21!
There will be speakers and experts, small group breakout sessions, opportunities to try out new ways to move your body, and more! This expos is meant to be a full sensory, immersive event with both the mind and the body as the focus.
The Flow
The event will begin with a whole group speaker and then move into small group sessions. In the big room, you will find a variety of hands-on activities with opportunities for one-on-one interactions through strength training guidance, acupuncture, and more.
While one group is rotating through all the stations in the big room, another group will be doing small breakout sessions. These sessions will address topics such as setting healthy boundaries, personal development, coaching, and more.
During the lunch break, there will be an opportunity to be in the great outdoors at a local community garden!
Action Tip
If this expo peaks your interest, Kelly and Kate HIGHLY recommend putting your name on the list! Because the venue is smaller, the spots are very limited!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, which is part two of my three-part series, I will be walking you through the Blue Zones True Vitality Test. I will share my results and give my opinions on its quality and findings!
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Ever since that Netflix documentary came out, I feel like everyone is talking about the Blue Zones! Of course, it’s very interesting, and as someone who values health and fitness, I’ve created a series of podcasts exploring more about the Blue Zones and how we can learn from their example.
Blue Zones True Vitality Test
What is it?
The True Vitality Test is a quick online quiz that will calculate your life expectancy, health expectancy, and even provide recommendations on how to increase both results. The quiz is based on the research of how people in the Blue Zones live and was created in collaboration with the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
A Walk Through
In the podcast, I walk the listeners through each of the questions, answering them for myself. The quiz asks a variety of questions about not just my dietary habits but also my physical health, family history, overall happiness, friendships, and more.
Results and Recommendations
At the end of the quiz, I am presented with a healthy life expectancy, life expectancy, and a potential life expectancy. I am also given advice like adding more whole grains and being more friendly in order to increase my life expectancy overall.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Episode Summary
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we are joined by my new friend, the incredible Philip Pape. As a physique engineer who focuses on strength training and evidence-based nutrition, he has dedicated his life to helping others optimize their metabolism and health without feeling restricted.
In this episode, Philip and I will discuss a variety of health and fitness related topics that include…
Importance of Strength Training
Staying Healthy While Traveling
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All About Philip Pape
Philip Pape is the host of the Wits and Weights Podcast, which is a top 25 nutrition podcast that centers around science-based strategies for all things health and fitness. Philip is a certified nutrition coach and a physique engineer who was inspired to help others through his personal fitness journey.
Philip Pape Website
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Philip Pape Instagram
Philip Pape Podcast
Importance of Strength Training
Despite what many may think, strength training is the path to fat loss. While the weight loss industry wants people to believe the numbers on the scale and the number of calories you consume are the most important thing, it’s just not true.
Eating less calories than you burn may result in temporary weight loss, but it also can trigger your body to think it is in danger. This creates an endless cycle of plateaus, restrictive eating, and slowed metabolism.
If you want to sustain a healthy way of life, you need to build muscle, which helps burn energy and fat. Not to mention, our muscles are meant to be challenged and used, so it’s important that we work them.
Overcoming Resistance to Resistance
There are so many reasons why people are resistant to strength training. Some may worry they’ll “bulk up,” while others may not enjoy it. No matter your reason, here are two main tips to move past your resistance to resistance training…
H3 Find out WHY
Evaluate why you are hesitant to try strength training. If it doesn’t sound fun, maybe you haven’t found the right type of gym or class that is fulfilling. If you don’t have time, start small. Find some videos online or tutorials to try in the comfort of your home.
Once you figure out why you’re hesitant, you can work through that reason and find something that works for you.
Gain Momentum
As mentioned above, start small. With resistance training, results can come quickly. You can notice your strength building. You can feel a difference in your movements. Find a quick win to ramp up your motivation and keep your momentum going.
Diets Aren’t One Size Fits All
Diets are too rigid. If you can successfully follow them for the rest of your life, good for you! But the reality is that most of us can’t. And even if we could, we’re all different in our needs.
When you’re eating, you shouldn’t feel restricted, guilty or unsatisfied. You need to find small ways to improve your eating habits in a way that is sustainable for you. For example, if you don’t have time to cook everyday, you’ll need to look for healthier options that are fast to obtain.
Travel Tips for the Health Conscious
Whether you’re out of town for 3 days or 3 weeks, it’s hard to stay healthy on the road. Here are three tips from Philip that can really make a big difference.
Have a plan
You know how long you will be gone and where you’re going. Use that to your advantage. Does your hotel have a gym? Is there a continental breakfast with good options? If not, should you pack some protein powder or shakes? Thinking through your trip will greatly increase your chances of making good, healthy choices.
Focus on protein and fiber
Eating perfectly isn’t realistic even when you’re not out of town. If you’re eating out a great deal or don’t have your typical foods, simply focus on higher protein options or options that provide a good source of fiber.
Check menus
If you know the restaurants you’ll be visiting, take a few minutes to check the menus beforehand. This can save a lot of time and prevent impulsive decisions.
When it comes to supplements and eating, protein is incredibly important when it comes to health and muscle building. Ideally, you want to eat one gram of protein for each pound of your goal weight.
If you’re thinking about supplements, some are taken because your body is lacking something and some are taken to increase performance. The supplements below are most commonly used because of a deficiency…
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Vitamin D
For performance enhancing supplements, Philip discusses the following…
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
This is the first episode in a three-part series that takes a deep dive into the Blue Zones. If you haven’t heard of the Blue Zones, they are particular regions around the world where people tend to live longer than average. Many researchers have studied these areas, and as someone who dedicates so much time to health and fitness, I find myself completely fascinated!
Join me on this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast as I explore the big trends of how people in the Blue Zones live and share how we can use them as inspiration to improve our lives no matter where we live!
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9 Steps to Emulate Blue Zones
Most of us don’t live in the Blue Zones. As a matter of fact, some of us live in places that make it really hard to picture living in a Blue Zone. However, there are things we can do and small adjustments we can make to increase our similarities no matter where we are.
Most of the Blue Zone areas have elevation variations. If you live somewhere with a variety of elevations, use that to your advantage with your movements. If you don’t, then simply incorporate more intentional movement into your life. It’s important to move with purpose and keep moving, so try that no matter where you are.
It’s also incredibly important to have a purpose. There are a variety of ways to feel fulfilled, whether that is taking care of others, volunteering, or working at a job that “fills your cup.” No matter what it is, try to find something to give your life more purpose and meaning.
Wind Down
Take time to slow down. Whether that’s meditating or going on a walk, find ways that help you to feel relaxed and lower your worries and stresses.
I don’t mean in the literal sense. When I say listening, I mean listening to your body’s natural cues. People in the Blue Zones know how to listen to their bodies and stop eating when they’re full.
Most people assume that the people in the Blue Zones all have similar diets. That’s not entirely true. However, it is true that the majority of their diets consist of plant-based foods. So, if you want to emulate the people in the Blue Zones, look for ways to increase the plant-based items in your own diet.
This one is a bit controversial. Depending on your beliefs, ability to handle alcohol, and more, wine may not be a best fit for you, but it was something that was found in all the Blue Zones. Personally, I think the wine drinking had more to do with community and a sense of belonging to a group than the actual beverage.
Speaking of belonging, people in these zones had a sense of belonging. For most, that was centered around a particular faith or higher power that gave their life meaning beyond this life on earth.
Family First
In the U.S., this priority seems to be shifting a bit, but the people in the Blue Zones typically put their families first. In the United States, so many people move away from their families for work and other big opportunities, which can make it a little more challenging to be more family-centric like the people in the zones.
Being Selective
Lastly, it’s important to have the right tribe. Have you ever heard people say you are the sum of the people you surround yourself with? Well, this seems to hold some weight. Be intentional with who you spend your time with and make sure that they have similar values and goals.
Three Suggestions to Get Started
If you want to be more like the people in the Blue Zones, you can’t just magically change your life to match all of the items above. Here are three suggestions I have for you to start shifting your life in the right direction…
Pick one of the nine items above to focus on. This isn’t a magical fix. This is a lifetime journey. Start small and pick just one before. Once you master that adjustment, pick another and keep moving forward.
Find some new and exciting recipes.
Reach out to somebody. There is a lot of research that ties life expectancy with the quality of relationships. Take some time today and reach out to a friend and build a connection.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Episode Summary
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Peggy Malone, a chiropractor, podcaster, and coach who specializes in the midlife transition for women. From perimenopause to slowing down the feeling of time passing, Dr. Malone and I discuss how you can gracefully thrive through midlife!
When you think of midlife, I bet you are picturing some dude in his forties going through a midlife crisis, buying himself a shiny new convertible. If this is what you picture, then you are going to learn a lot in this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast!
All About Dr. Peggy Malone
Dr. Peggy Malone has over 18 years as both a business owner and a chiropractor. After toying with blogging and hosting a well-being television show, she now hosts the Midlife Improvement Podcast and is a coach for individuals transitioning into midlife
Connect With Dr. Peggy
Dr. Peggy Website
Dr. Peggy Facebook Page
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Dr. Peggy Podcast
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Midlife Transition
For women, midlife transition is often met with a myriad of things. From children leaving the nest and parents aging and needing our support to perimenopause and body changes, this stage of life can be a lot. In the midst of all that is going on, it’s important to take time for yourself. Dr. Peggy Malone shares some tips on how to thrive through this time of life.
Become a Time Wizard
Do you remember when you were a kid? Time felt like it was in slow motion. Summer vacation felt like a lifetime. Vacations felt like months. School days felt like weeks.
As we age, it almost feels like time speeds up. Now summer vacation feels like a week. Vacations feel like a day. Work days feel like the blink of an eye.
There are ways we can rework this time warp and become time wizards! As a child, everything is novel. Our brains are taking in our new surroundings and experiences in a way that makes time feel slower. As we age, our routines create days that are a blur. We have fewer and fewer “new” experiences.
If you want to slow down time in your midlife, act more like a kid again. Try new things! Do something that gets your adrenaline pumping! Change up the monotony of the week with an evening out with a friend. If we introduce new and novel experiences, we can create the illusion of time slowing.
Accepting the Restart
Dr. Malone shared how so many people may start out strong with a new habit or routine, but will quickly abandon it if they aren’t “perfect.” For example, you set a new year resolution to run everyday, but you miss a day. Instead of accepting the restart, many people will just give up.
It’s important to give yourself grace to come back. If you’re making a positive change in your midlife, it’s going to be messy. You’re busy. You have responsibilities. But, you shouldn’t use those things as excuses to not try. You should allow yourself the ability to keep showing up and keep trying even if life gets in the way.
Power of Gratitude
One very powerful tool to take into midlife is the power of gratitude. It’s the antidote to negativity and allows you to check yourself in the midst of a negative spiral. Whether you journal about things you're thankful for or simply recite them in your head at the start of your day, taking time in your midlife to show gratitude can make a big difference.
Takeaway Exercise
Tapping into the wisdom of your future self can be incredibly helpful to accomplishing your goals. While this exercise is set for a mid-length goal of six months in the future, you can easily do this exercise for a longer term goal.
Close your eyes
Think about a goal or something you want to accomplish six months from now
Think of the future you who has accomplished that goal and how it feels to accomplish it
Ask the future version of you, “What should I do now?” and listen
Take action and follow the advice
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Episode Summary
In today’s episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re going to be talking about all things sugar. From the dangers to the great Sugar Freedom Experiment, we’re going to prepare to limit our intake and take back our health (both minds and bodies)!
From “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies to “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard, songs aren’t the only things that include a lot of sugar. As a matter of fact, there are so many “healthy” foods that have hidden sugars and lead so many of us to accidentally overindulge.
What’s Wrong with Sugar?
Now, I’m not ANTI-sugar! By no means should you swear off sugar for the rest of your life! Doing that wouldn’t be realistic. As with most things, moderation is key!
And in the spirit of moderation, it’s important that you educate yourself on sugar. Here are three main things to be aware of when it comes to sugar…
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Sugar is Addictive
There have been countless studies to prove that sugar is incredibly addictive. In one study with Connecticut College, rats were given Oreos. The researchers quickly learned that the oreos activated more neurons in the rats than cocaine. Isn’t that crazy?
With the average American consuming 17 teaspoons of sugar per day, it’s safe to say that many of us may be more addicted to sugar than we may realize.
Sugar is Hidden
One main reason we may not realize we are as reliant on sugar as we are is because sugar is hidden in almost everything!
One cup of Dannon low-fat yogurt? 8.5 teaspoons of sugar!
Vitamin Water? 4.4 teaspoons of sugar!
Dressings? Ketchup? Chewable Vitamins? Yep! Added sugars are in all of those and more!
Sugar has Negative Effects
Of course, sugar being addictive is a negative effect! No one wants to be reliant on any substance. But, there is also a laundry list of other negative effects of consuming too much sugar which include…
Higher blood sugar
Fatty liver disease
Heart issues
And more…
What’s the Sugar Freedom Experiment?
If you find yourself feeling the effects of having too much sugar in your daily meals or you’re looking to shift your health, you may want to give the Sugar Freedom Experiment a try. Essentially, the Sugar Freedom Experiment is a way to get curious about your health, notice how your body and mind feel without sugar, and detox in a healthy and less-pressured way for 30 days.
Tips for the Sugar Freedom Experiment
Whether you’d like to join me or try it on your own, here are my four main tips for participating in the Sugar Freedom Experiment…
Read Labels
First, get curious. Look at what you have in your house. Are there large quantities of hidden added sugars in your favorite drinks, sauces, snacks, and more? Explore the grocery store. Start noticing where sugars are and where they aren’t.
Create a Runway
Instead of jumping on a hard detox, take your time setting yourself up for success. Create a “runway” to take off gently. Take out the items in your home that are riddled with sugar. Purchase some healthy alternatives that can lessen your cravings in a better way. Talk with your partner or spouse and make a plan for their level of contribution. If they still need their Oreos in the house, establish an agreed upon place that will limit your temptations.
By reading labels and educating yourself and then creating a runway to successfully take off, you’re much more likely to commit to your experiment.
Be Curious
It’s called an experiment for a reason. Take time throughout the journey to be curious about yourself. Take note of your most frequent triggers. Is it a particular time of day? Is it in a specific location? When you observe your triggers, you can make a plan of action and prevent it from happening. For some, it could be breathing exercises to work through the temptations. For others it may be a healthier alternative like a small dark chocolate bar or a chocolate protein shake.
Find Support
Lastly, and most importantly, it is crucial to find support. Whether you choose to work with me and join our accountability group or simply have a supportive spouse, you’re going to be more successful if you have someone challenging, encouraging, and joining you in the process.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Kelly and Kate Champion have health and fitness conversations about clients, the new year, and the new and exciting opportunity they are planning in March! The inaugural episode of Kelly and Kate. This will be a recurring segment where they plan to join their communities for a monthly podcast special.
All About Kate Champion
Like so many others, Kate didn’t find fitness and adventure until later in her life. She started backpacking at 55, she became an author at 57, and started her very own podcast at 60! She is an inspiring mental health professional who dedicates her time to bridging the gap between fitness and the great outdoors and mental health.
Connect with Kate Champion
More Kelly and Kate Episodes
Kate Champion Website
Kate Champion Author on Facebook
Kate Champion Living Big Mindfully Facebook Community
Kate Champion on Instagram
Kate Champion Podcast
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New Year, New You?
Kelly and Kate aren’t the biggest fans of the whole “New Year, New You” trope. They don’t love the pressure and unhealthy habits that can come from setting a bunch of new year’s resolutions like, “lose 30 pounds” or “quit eating dessert.”
They do, however, believe that there is something magical about a new year that can bring new sparks and new hope. And with this in mind, Kelly and Kate share their hopes for the year of 2024, which include…
Helping people
Impacting other peoples’ lives in a positive way
Bringing hope
Cheer others on as they reach their health and fitness goals
New Year, New Opportunity!
It was a mundane day on the rower when Kate had a vision for the future. She envisioned an expo of sorts. She envisioned an expo that gave women the opportunity to try out new activities and ways to be fit. She envisioned a community of caring and supportive women who came together and learned together about health and wellness. As soon as the idea was sparked, she knew she wanted Kelly on her team.
Together, Kate Champion and Kelly have organized an expo just as she envisioned. It will be on March 16 (with a special event on March 17) in Houston where women can come together, practice and play, eat great food, and learn together. Spots are limited!
Tips for a New Year
As we head into the new year, the dynamic duo have a few tips to start it strong.
Focus on your why
Don’t let perfectionism get in your way
Grant yourself grace
Start small
Find something with a touch of adventure
Takeaway Challenge
If you are wanting a little activity to get your mind right on the new year, take a few minutes, grab a piece of paper and a pencil, and follow along…
Before beginning, close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths.
After a moment, ask yourself, “What is really important to me this year?” Then jot down all that comes to your mind.
Once you know what you really want from this year, make a t-chart. On the left, list all of the barriers to accomplishing what you want.
Once you have the barriers, on the right column, list how you’re going to combat those barriers.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Are you in your 40’s, 50’s, or beyond? Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s too late to find your fitness and prioritize a healthy lifestyle?
First of all, it is NOT too late. Second of all, you have come to the right place!
In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I am joined by Kevin English. Kevin is a healthy aging expert. He iis going to walk us through the three main keys to achieving, maintaining, and improving your optimal health as you age gracefully.
All About Kevin
In his mid-forties, Kevin English discovered he was losing track of himself and his health. While his health slowly crept into an unsatisfactory state, it was a sudden health scare that served as a wake up call to start prioritizing himself once again. This personal change led Kevin to become a healthy living expert and he founded Silver Edge. Silver Edge is a business that includes a podcast, coaching, and so much more that focuses on finding health and wellness for those over 50.
Kevin English Website
Kevin English Podcast
Kevin English Facebook Page
Kevin English Instagram
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Three Keys to Optimal Health
Kevin thinks of the three main pillars to optimal health, like a three-legged stool. If you have all three, you’re solid, but if you’re missing one, it can all fall to pieces. When setting your sights on being strong and healthy beyond fifty, it’s important to make sure all three of the following keys are a priority…
Did you know that 70% of the average American’s diet comes from processed foods? That is a staggering statistic that can wreak havoc on your health. The general rule of thumb for fueling yourself properly is to focus on eating as many real foods as possible. Shop the edges of the grocery store. Switch out those Cheez-Its for some peanut butter and an apple.
Another important thing to consider when fueling yourself as you age is protein! Generally, our body tends to lose muscle mass as we age, but prioritizing protein in your diet (along with the other keys to optimal health) can prevent that from happening. Ideally, you want to eat .7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of your ideal weight. So, if your ideal weight is 180 pounds, you should aim to eat 126 to 180 grams per day.
Sticking to non-processed foods and packing the protein will get you going on the right track to building muscle and maintaining your health and strength as you age.
As we age, we lose about 10% of muscle per decade. For a while, people in the health and fitness industry just accepted this as an inevitable fact. As it turns out, this doesn’t have to be the case. Yes, losing muscle mass can become easier as we age, but if you prioritize a variety of movements (along with eating a healthy, protein-focused diet), you can prevent muscle loss.
There are two main types of muscles: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 muscles are slow twitch muscles that are well developed for longerform exercise like walking, running, etc. Marathon runners have well developed Type 1 muscles.
Type 2 muscles, however, are the opposite. They fire with faster movements like strength training and progressive overload. Type 2 muscles are metabolically expensive and the easiest to lose. As we age, it becomes more and more crucial to prioritize movements that continue to build your Type 2 muscles.
So, for those who are serial cardio lovers, don’t forget about those Type 2 muscles and make sure you take time to strength train properly.
Lifestyle Integration
This “third leg” of the three legged stool is crucial. You can’t simply achieve health and wellness by focusing on your fuel and movement alone. You’ve also got to ensure you are sleeping and resting in a way that heals your body and allows it to properly thrive.
Kevin thinks of sleep as a magical secret hack. It’s the foundation for over 50 health because it is where all of the repairs happen. Make sure you are prioritizing not just sleep, but also rest.
Recovery is critical to getting strong and progressing. You will inevitably get hurt if you are breaking down your muscles and then only allowing them to partially repair. We need to break down our muscles, allow them to repair, and then adapt.
With proper fuel, intentional movements, and lifestyle integration, anyone can find their way back to health and fitness in their later years!
Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!

Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’ll cover more tips on how to stick to your New Year’s Fitness resolutions.
Last week on the podcast we talked about getting our mindset right for the new year. The next step towards a powerful and successful New Year is making sure you have a plan and a schedule created to take you forward into 2024!
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Creating a Successful New Year’s Fitness Plan
Before you can put any fitness plan into action, you first must know what the outcome is you desire. Your desired outcome will drive how you create your fitness plan. Do you need to recover from an injury before you can focus on improving your fitness level? Is this the year you prioritize strength so you can improve your bones? What’s your desired outcome?
Step 1
Step one is to commit to creating and keeping a fitness plan. I have never seen someone successful at improving their fitness without a plan.
Step 2
Step two is to remember that every fitness plan needs these three basic pieces; mobility, cardio and resistance.
Step 3
Step three is to embrace the fact that every woman who is focusing on her fitness must also be willing to add rest into her fitness. Rest is when we recover, it keeps us from injury and it allows us to enjoy our movement more.
Additional Notes
Once your plan utilizes each of these three steps. A couple of notes to remember. Motivation is a learned skill, not something people are born with. Everytime you prioritize your fitness, you’ll become more motivated.
Remember, at times life gets busy and we miss a day or a week of fitness. Don’t panic and especially don’t give up. Simply start again and refocus. One easy way to keep your body in motion is to have a Minimum Daily Movement plan (MDM). This is nothing more than 10 minutes in a day where you have committed to yourself that you will always move. Any easy MDM includes three minutes of mobility and joint warms up followed by some simple do-anywhere move like squats, bicep curls and tricep kickbacks using a water bottle instead of weights and then a brief walk. Or, do your three minutes of mobility and then go for a seven minute walk.
You’ll be surprised at how often ten minutes turns into twenty and you’ll feel twice as good!
Join us on January 10th, 2024 for a live (virtual) event : FIT is Your Superpower!Learn more and register here:
Key Timestamps
(01:42) What is your desired outcome?
(04:39) A text from one of Kelly’s clients
(06:25) Everyone’s plan needs: Mobility
(07:11) Everyone’s plan needs: Cardio & Resistance
(08:09) Everyone’s plan needs: Rest
(09:00) Make it personal
(11:51) Learning motivation
(15:14) We have to have a reason
(19:48) Kelly’s bonus tip
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