Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Michele Drielick is the CEO of DestinyWell, a private laboratory that specializes in providing “at-home” medical tests for health-conscious individuals, as well as health coaching. With DestinyWell, she aims to keep patients on top of their health outside of their annual or semiannual checkups and identify which conditions your body may be susceptible to before they fully develop and become real problems.
In this conversation, Michele discusses how DestinyWell operates within the medical industry, what aspects of our healthy are frequently overlooked, and the importance of taking control of your health destiny.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Why Michele and her partners founded DestinyWell, and how its primary focus is personal responsibility.
How DestinyWell is built around the vast array of information available to patients today.
What health markers are Michele and her team looking out for.
Breaking down the concept of living “optimally well.”
Bone health, the vital importance of Vitamin D, and the dangers of calcium misuse.
Figuring out what treatments and regimens work best for you and your lifestyle.
How semi-annual checkups can put us off from seeking the treatment we need.
Next week: another special guest!
“I think what we fail to realize as individuals is our own responsibility.”
“Your path is not just predicted by your genes… you own your own health outcome.”
“With the availability of information today, a lot of people feel like they’re smarter than their doctor on a lot of things.”
“Optimal living is finding that place where you’re living congruently about what it is you know about health and about yourself.”
“Changing your lifestyle is medicine.”
“There’s so much to know. It’s evolving all the time and we’re just getting smarter and smarter about it.”
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Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Whether it’s from a bad day, an honest mistake you made, or events beyond your control, at some point down the line you’ll probably trip and fall into a deep pit of self-pity—“Woe is me,” I can’t believe I messed up like that,” “Can’t I do anything right?”, etc. Those moments leave us feeling weak and hopeless, but if you stay down in that hole for too long then self-pity risks becoming comforting and validating. So when you are down, it’s good to have the tools to dig yourself out.
In this episode, Kelly relates her friends’ personal experiences with self-pity, breaks down how self-pity gets us trapped in our own heads, and provides some helpful tips to get yourself back on your feet and moving again if life gives you a wallop.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
How pity parties quickly build up and override our thoughts.
Why it’s okay to wallow a little.
Figuring out which friends will simply comfort you vs. which friends will offer the constructive advice you need.
Why your significant other may not be the best person to turn to when you’re feeling down.
What’s your Kryptonite? Which stimuli negative affect your mood? What positive activities and pastimes can you bring into your life?
The importance of identifying what you can and cannot control.
How decent food and sleep will help you climb out of your pity hole.
“What we’re talking about today is the emotional body slam that happens most likely to all of us at some time in our life.”
“If something knocked you down, kicked your feet out from underneath you, then just acknowledge it!”
“Call a friend who’s not going to give you the pat on the back. Call a friend who’s gonna give you the tough love.”
“I just immersed myself in things that changed my mindset, that made me a little happier, that made me laugh. Look for the positive out there.”
“When we start focusing on something outside of ourselves, it is so easy to forget about our problems and help someone else.”
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Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
If your calendar doesn't have a lot of white spaces, chances are you're the kind of person who likes to keep busy and lend a hand when asked. But while saying "yes" to every request or opportunity may feel like the right thing to do, who does it benefit if you end up feeling too burnt out to help out or even just enjoy yourself? No one, least of all yourself! To be your best self, you will need to be choosey and prioritize the work that means the most to you and your time.
In this episode, Kelly discusses the risks of saying "yes" to every opportunity, why you need to save some time for yourself, and how the more opportunities you take advantage of means the more you have to decline.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
The pitfalls of being a "Yes-a-holic."
How it's possible to wear yourself out on behalf of others.
A "Joyful Yes" vs. a "Guilty Yes."
Why giving something up can mean giving someone else a good opportunity.
Kelly's cathartic and silly method for recognizing the time available to her.
"There are all of these unlimited opportunities in our lives and it's really up to us to pick and choose the things that really matter and just let the rest go."
"When it feels like too much, it's OK to say no."
"A yes given grudgingly, or a guilty no, do not have the same energy as 'Hell Yes'."
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Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Anyone who regularly steps on the bathroom scale knows the power—and intimidation—of numbers when getting physically fit. But the black-and-white reality of numbers are beneficial to achieving the vision of ourselves we want. Just by tracking what you eat and how you exercise, you’ll find yourself on a more concrete path to becoming the You to want to be.
In this episode, Kelly discusses using your idealized vision to design a personalized schedule that will allow you to meet the numbers you need to succeed.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
-Vision: what are the specific goals you want to accomplish, e.g. physical appearance and fitness, activities you want to participate in, etc.?
-Taking advantage of mental encoding.
-How scheduling lets us turn our abstract goals into concrete reality.
-Kelly provides an example of her typical schedule for reference.
-The “boring” but important process of tracking your food intake and exercise habits.
-Water: easy to overlook but so very necessary to staying fit and healthy.
-Why you shouldn’t solely rely on BMI (Body Mass Index) and give Dexa bone density scans a shot.
“You need to know your vision, you need to have a schedule, and you need to know your numbers—but those numbers do not always come from the bathroom scale.”
“Being able to feel it, see it in your mind, and know what it is you want is a super quick shortcut to getting what it is that you want.”
“There is magic in [putting] pen to paper and then having your schedule somewhere you can see it.”
“The bottom line is: you do need to know, at least in broad strokes, what you’re consuming.”
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Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Remember the old saying about “the best laid plans of mice and men”? It’s important to keep in mind because life often has a way of intruding on our carefully crafted work schedules and workout routines. While it’s easy to feel down ourselves in these situations for not accomplishing everything we hope to, it’s important to take a gradual approach to personal progress that allows us to feel good by taking small but important steps.
In this episode, Kelly discusses how to pick yourself up after stumbling, find solace in the little steps you take, and why you should take a hard look at the reasons you’ve set certain goals.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
-Dispelling the illusion of “perfection,” and finding an alternative.
-The benefits of loosely focused rather than laser-focused action.
-Kelly’s kayaking experience and taking it one step at a time.
-Considering what you really, truly want out of your goals.
-Plan little celebrations for each successful step you take!
“Occasionally we get exactly perfectly what it is we set out to accomplish, but mostly life’s a little messy.”
“Progress means you’re moving forward, even if you’re not moving forward at superhuman speed.”
“Perfectionism sets an improbable and unsustainable standard.”
“Remember to look back and be gentle with yourself when you don’t hit your goals.”
“Look forward at what you want, look back at what you accomplished.”
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Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
We all want to change some aspect of our lives, be it eating habits, exercise routines or even how we socialize with others. But successfully making those changes means more than simply adding a new task to our agendas. To make truly lifelong changes, you will need to commit and figure out which habits need to be improved and which ones need to go entirely.
In this episode, Kelly discusses differing levels of commitment, why taking on new tasks means getting rid of others, and scheduling your new, healthy habits.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
-How complete commitment to one task can overrule other parts of your life.
-Why 99% commitment feels more stressful than 100% commitment.
-Turning lifestyle choices into lifelong habits.
-Determining when to give one task/choice a good try, and when to go all-in.
-“Keystone habits” and Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit.
-Kelly’s three-step process to identifying and changing habits.
“The truth is, when you’re a hundred percent committed to something, there are other things in life that aren’t gonna get done.”
“If you are 100% committed to whatever it is, then you don’t really have to think about it.”
“If it’s something you really want to do, it eventually becomes a habit.”
“Everytime you stop an action, you’re getting something in return.”
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Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
In your journey to get your life fit and in order, don’t forget to make time for fun. After all, while hard work makes for a sustainable and healthy life, fun helps make it enjoyable and can get you through a rougher day. So for this episode, Kelly focuses on how you can get necessary chores out of the way so you can make the time to relax and cut loose.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
-Discussing overwork and when you need to give yourself some time off.
-Kelly points to Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff, so you can find inspiration to complete the tasks you’ve been putting off for a while.
-Acknowledging that making chores fun incentivizes ourselves to keep at them.
-Kelly’s 30-day challenge: doing something fun and something fit each day; starts October 15; click on the “I Want a Challenge” link on the Angel Tiger Fit website.
“Today we’re going to be chatting about the science of fun—and believe me, that is not an oxymoron.”
“The less it lights you up, the harder it is going to be to stick with it in the long term, every time.”
“There really is something very important about making sure that you’re loving at least some of what it is that you do, and enjoying as much of your fitness that you can.”
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Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
As much as we may want to get fit and organized, life can throw obstacles in your way, be it pain, fatigue or just not being able to find the spark to get off. To keep ourselves on track and accountable when we really just aren't feeling it on an off day, it helps to have a solid plan to provide motivation and structure.
In this episode, Kelly discusses the dangers of overwork, how to formulate a plan that keeps you active yet not worn out, and some key techniques for becoming your own best coach.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
-Kelly relates her own difficulties working through fatigue and discomfort.
-The importance of finding a friend you can be accountable with.
-How essential it is to follow through on the promises you've made for yourself.
-Turning your wish list into a workable schedule.
-Download Kelly's 12-step plan to get back on your feet.
“Sometimes we can't always keep ourselves on track and motivated. Sometimes we need the power of friends and a good plan to get ourselves back on track.”
“I think this is where most of us fall off, when we have a wishlist instead of a schedule.”
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Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
After tackling her health head-on and embracing a fitter lifestyle in her 40s, Oonagh Duncan now specializes in a total mind-body approach for getting into the shape you want. Her 28 Day Transformation Challenge is a comprehensive course in changing your food and fitness behaviours so that eating and living healthy comes to be second-nature.
In this episode, Oonagh discusses the key habits that lead to healthy thinking and healthy living, why viewing non-smokers and non-drinkers as something “other” can impede our personal growth, and the importance of moving past the notion of what our bodies “should” be like.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Addressing the Us vs. Them mentality that can make it all the more
difficult for smokers to give up their habit.
Kelly describes her own 90 days without drinking alcohol and how it’s
changed her approach to casual drinking.
How our own perceptions of what our body is supposed to be like can
impede our drive to want to get fit.
Oonagh summarizes her 28 Day Transformation Challenge and its
habits-based approach.
Identifying “keystone habits” and developing new habit patterns to
encourage healthy living.
Avoiding confusing temporary diets with permanent lifestyle changes.
Oonagh outline some basic steps to changing your mindset toward
living a healthier lifestyle.
Using meditation to counter your cravings.
Oonagh describes her upcoming “retreat” where she and others will
live at peak mind and body healthiness.
Next week: Kelly outlines her own five-step plan.
“You do have to do some mental adjustments about who you are now when your body changes.”
“It’s not that my workout burned so many calories, and that’s why I’m fit. It’s because it set off this ripple effect of other positive behaviors throughout my day.”
“Is this [diet] something you’ll do when you’re so, so busy? Is this something you’ll do when your loved one is in the hospital?”
“If you want fat loss, [your diet’s] going to be 99% nutrition.”
“People think they want to lose weight, but they don’t want to lose weight. They want the feeling they’ll think they have when they’ve lost weight.”
Official Fit Feels Good website -
Oonagh’s homepage -
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Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Getting yourself refreshed and in shape is near-constant reminder of how harsh we can be towards ourselves, judging our own appearance and drive. To get our minds and bodies fit, getting yourself in a healthy, positive headspace more effectively enables us to do the work we need to put in.
In this episode, Kelly discusses the negative thoughts she and others have had to grapple with on their paths to self-improvement, as well as the steps we can take to keep ourselves on a healthy track even if work can get in the way.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Kelly’s interviews her fellow conference-goers about self-doubt and
discusses the surprising answers she received.
How “work mode” can distract from the regular exercise we need to put
The little ways we can keep ourselves healthy from day to day even if
we’re really busy.
Finding a new voice to describe yourself.
A helpful little meditation tactic you can try on your own and put
yourself in a better mood.
Next week: an interview with Oonagh Duncan of Fit Feels Good!
“We shouldn’t be thinking those kinds of thoughts because they’re really counter-productive, especially if we want to be healthy and vibrant, right?”
“You can’t really change something until you know what you’ve got.”
“I may look for the great in other people but I wasn’t doing it so consistently with myself.”
“I had to shift my entire thought process around how I was looking at myself, and it’s made a difference—it’s made a big difference, actually.”
“I believe that without our health, we can’t have everything that we want in life.”
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