Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Today’s freer form episode was inspired by an introspective writing exercise Kelly was working on, one that asked to consider her top three values. Two of the top values she whittled her list down to were health and freedom, which she believes to have a symbiotic relationship—after all, the healthier you are, the more you’re able to take advantage of life’s possibilities, but the less free time you have, the less time there is to stay in shape. You have to plan in both the short and long term to maximize your opportunity for both.
In this episode, Kelly discusses what it took to get her to consider her long-term health priorities and challenges you to dive deep into your own motivations and goals.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
The (not quite literally) backbreaking moment that forced Kelly to get a grip on her health.
Why focusing on fitness earlier in life is playing the long game with your health.
Exercise: ask yourself what really matters to you in both the short and long term? What does freedom mean to you? How frequently does work take priority over fitness? And most importantly, what are three things you can do today to get your health on track for the future?
If you’re interested in Kelly’s upcoming “30 Days of Let’s Make Stuff Happen” event, email
“If you want to have freedom in your life, you actually have to have health.”
“What we do today makes all the difference in the world on what we can do tomorrow.”
“What’s your long game, and what’s your short game?”
“What can you do differently, right now, so that you can allow yourself to have that time to take care of yourself?”
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Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Amber Brueseke is a certified fitness trainer, registered nurse and mother of four. Through her “Biceps After Babies” courses, podcast and blog, she helps mothers get into their ideal shape. Her success with these clients owes largely to her focus on “macro training,” which does away the idea of “good” or “bad” foods, instead emphasizing key nutrients in balance with one another.
In this episode, Amber explains the theory and evidence behind macro training, breaks down the wide variety of material available to people who browse her website, and reveals who’s the first musician she saw perform live.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
What exactly is macro training and what drew Amber to it.
How nutrition was the last piece missing from Amber’s fitness plan.
The three main macronutrients in our body and why we need to keep them in equilibrium.
Debunking the notion of “good” or “bad” food in favor of hitting the important numbers.
How Amber coaches her macro clients and tailors her teaching their goals.
The first steps you should take when visiting Biceps After Babies.
“I started counting macros and BOOM, eight weeks later I had abs for the first time.”
“We’re making sure that the foods that you’re eating are balanced and are hitting all the points that you need to hit in order to fuel your body in the best way possible for it to perform.”
“I’m big about moderation in all things, and macro counting gives you the structure to actually execute on that moderation.”
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Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Kelly frequently receives emails and questions from people who are very driven and successful in the professional world but feel like their physical life has taken a hit, barely able to find the time or energy to stay active and in shape. While this kind of life may be financially and professionally rewarding, it’s going to burn you out in no time at all. That isn’t very rewarding, but neither is it your only option. There’s a way to succeed and feel energized.
In this episode, Kelly discusses her own rough experience balancing business with activity, explains the key main components of feeling good, and suggests some ways you can keep these aspects of your life in sync.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Kelly describes the “either/or” stage of her life when she wasn’t able to find a healthy or energizing equilibrium between her responsibilities and pastimes.
The moment Kelly realized her work-life-fitness balance was severely off-kilter, and what she did to recalibrate.
Food: plan when you’re going to eat and keep a little bit of food on hand if you’re too busy for a proper meal.
Sleep: stay on top of tasks and avoid distractions so your mind is clear when you crawl into bed at night.
Movement: if you’re unable to find the time to exercise at the start of your day, find ways to sneak exercise into your day—the “snack” version of exercise rather than a “meal.”
Stress management: using meditation—or simple distraction—throughout the day to keep anxious thoughts from coming to a head.
If you find you’re feeling exhausted too frequently, then book a checkup with your doctor.
“It’s so easy to get caught up in work and not nourish yourself.”
“When I get super busy, I find that I have to figure out small ways to get exercise in.”
“Work with your schedule and make sure you’re getting the exercise in.”
“When you and your well-being are a priority, then your energy’s gonna stay high and everything else will fall into place.”
“A body in motion stays in motion.”
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Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Anne Ruthmann is a photographer, blogger, reiki practitioner and abundance strategist. Through her varied lines of work, she helps her clients understand the possibilities available to them and realize the kind of lives they could leave, as exemplified in her TEDx Talk “What Would You Attempt If You Knew You Could Not Fail?” She knows firsthand that there’s no shame in wanting to spread yourself across multiple interests instead of just specializing in one.
In this episode, Anne discusses why she enjoys being a Jack (Jill, rather) of all trades, reveals how she got into reiki, and reveals that even dream jobs have a daily grind.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Anne gets into the subject of her TEDx Talk and what inspired her to discuss it.
Why the idea of excelling in only one thing never resonated with Anne.
What exactly reiki is and how Anne uses it to help her clients.
Anne lays out her plans for travelling the world.
If it was literally impossible for you to fail, what steps would you take to achieve your dreams?
Understanding that the dream job you think you want may not be as fulfilling as you think—and that's OK!
“If you don't feel like you have everything figured out then everything is an opportunity.”
“I am such a multi-passionate person that having that one thing never felt quite right for me.”
“I'm comfortable travelling alone. It's just not, to me, as adventurous or as exciting as sharing it with other people.”
“You can always go back to the thing that you know well and the thing you've already done.”
“If you fail, you can always go back to where you are right now. And that's not so terrible.”
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Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
What's the biggest issue in your life whose very existence you'd rather not even acknowledge? One thing that could change everything if you take the time to put it out in the open and address it? We’ll often try to shake up other aspects of our lives—a new diet, a new exercise routine or hobby—but without cutting to the core of what’s really bugging us we can end up reverting to our old habits again and again and again.
In this episode, Kelly discusses some of her own “elephants” and those her clients have struggled with, and suggests ways you can suss out your own.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
How your elephant in the room can be the first toppled domino that makes the rest of your problems fall into perspective.
Consider what you really want to accomplish, then work backwards and figure out which obstacles are holding you back from that goal.
Find a buddy who you know is honest and will help you pin down your elephant.
How Kelly helped a client realize her resistance to changing eating habits tied into wanting to accommodate her husband.
“What's the real reason that whatever it is that you say you want just isn't happening?”
“We all have one thing that can lead to a big change for all the others becoming easier and easier.”
“Elephants are so much better in the wild. Find yours and set it free.”
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Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Even the best of us fall prey to the bathroom scale's single, commanding number, although we all know weight alone doesn't truly accurately indicate how healthy or unhealthy we are. One of Kelly’s friends and Kelly herself have been tricked into thinking they’re much fit than they actually were because of the bathroom scale’s widespread influence. So while you maybe shouldn’t throw out the scale, know that the number it rings up is not the sole means of determining your fitness.
In this episode, Kelly tells us why the bathroom scale isn't telling us the whole truth and suggests a few alternative numbers we can use to make genuinely helpful assumptions about our health.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Why not feeling good about ourselves holds us back from the activities we really want to do (and which could make us feel better!).
What a DEXA scan told Kelly about her body that a simple scale couldn't.
Kelly lays out some alternative measurement systems that will give you a more accurate understanding of how physically fit you are.
Do you want to lose fat and burn muscle? Figure out exactly what your food intake is.
Real fitness and weight loss comes with exercise, so be honest with yourself and others about how often you're working out in a given week.
“Use your good sense and check with your doctor if you think you need to change something.”
“I want to be able to do whatever it is I wanna do for as long as I possibly can.”
“It's the living and dying by the scale that takes away the joy and the fun in life.”
“We really need to be sweating several times a week.”
“Get serious about your long-term health and start tracking your numbers.”
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Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Niki Riat is a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist who makes use of the LeanStrong method, which mixes a vegan menu with comprehensive knowledge of the body and one-on-one coaching. We tend to think of vegan diets as lacking in protein, but Niki’s LeanStrong method actually optimizes the amount of protein you consume with this healthier diet without requiring meat or supplements.
In this episode, Niki examines the facts underlying the benefits of a vegan diet, breaks down what LeanStrong can do for you, and discusses the upsides of intermittent fasting.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Debunking some of the myths surrounding vegan and ketogenic diets and taking a closer look at the scientific evidence.
Niki’s three-pronged approach for creating a healthy diet that has long-term effects.
Why an overabundant food supply doesn’t necessarily equal a healthy food supply.
Coming up with healthy strategies in situations/events when vegan or keto options might not be available.
Diving deep into intermittent fasting—or “intermittent feeding,” as Niki thinks of it.
How you can give your own cells a “spring cleaning.”
Niki’s method for optimizing your protein intake even while on a vegan/keto diet.
Why Niki’s LeanStrong program is like learning to drive a car.
The next round of LeanStrong is starting up—here’s how to figure out if it’s right for you (it probably is!).
“You can lose weight a lot of different ways but they’re not all necessarily healthy.”
“We’re not eating in the same way our ancestors did thousands of years ago, so we kinda have to do things just a little bit differently.”
“We are hard enough on ourselves; we don’t need anyone else giving us anymore rules.”
“It’s really fun to watch women break the rules.”
“We never give our body the chance to heal itself because we’re constantly make it work by digesting food, by constantly feeding ourselves.”
“I've really taken the decision fatigue out of dieting.”
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Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
In response to last week’s episode about dumping the fears that hold you back, listener Diane wrote in and voiced her concern that she had lost her passion and was slipping into a rut with her own daily routine. The fear that we're unable to make a difference can prompt us to shrug our shoulders and give in, allowing our usual routine to dominate what used to be joyful and inspiring. So what we need to do is reassess where our passions lie and find new ways to structure our routine around them.
In this episode, Kelly discusses what we can do each day to make ourselves healthy, successful, and full of joy, how she changed up her own nightly routine, and explains why looking for perfection might not be the best path.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Don’t be the hamster stuck in its wheel!
Why chasing perfection is only going to set yourself up for disappointment.
How Kelly noticed a rut forming in her own home routine, and how she went about changing it.
Plan your perfect day, then figure out what you would need to do to make it a reality.
Next Week: A hands-on, by-the-numbers look at fitness.
"We all know that all work and no play doesn't just make us boring—it makes us unhealthy."
“A good routine is really like the Holy Grail.”
"Getting out of a rut is like getting out of boredom."
"Getting out of a rut can be as simple as turning off the TV or starting a conversation."
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Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Spring is in the air, and with the season comes big changes and new beginnings. The first change-up is that Kelly has stepped down from the company she’s lead for nearly 15 years; the second is that the Angel Tiger Fit website and Your Body Mind Fit Connection are both being renamed to Fit Is Freedom! This is because she knows how easy it can be to fall into a rut and limit what you’re truly capable of, and to prevent that from happening you need to broaden your horizons and push back against your fears.
In this episode, Kelly explains why she stepped down from her company, reveals how she overcame her fears, and lays out a plan to help you get out of any rut you might be stuck in.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
How being in a rut is different from being in rhythm.
Kelly's techniques for conquering her phobias of heights and the dark.
The pinky promise Kelly would like you to make to her this week.
The steps you should take to identify if you’re in a rut and get yourself out of it.
“What's one person's fear is another person's pleasure.”
“The other side of fear is not just relief—it's excitement.”
“There is so much freedom on the other side of the fear.”
“Where in your life has your rhythm turned into a rut?”
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Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Houston’s recent unrelenting rain kept Kelly and her running buddy indoors. While the downpour was certainly an obstacle, Kelly also realized she didn’t have the drive to go out in the first place, which got her to thinking about what gets us psyched up and how we can maintain that level of motivation for when we most need it.
In this episode, Kelly explores where motivation comes from and looks for ways we can reclaim it whenever we find it slipping away.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
Set yourself up for success the night before so there are as few barriers as possible between you and exercising.
Finding little ways to bribe yourself into doing the work.
What’s the difference between having a goal and having a vision?
Let Kelly know what plan works for you in the comments!
“Until I walk out that door, I haven’t even had to think about what I’m going to do to get myself out the door.”
“There are gonna be some days when you just need to give yourself a pass.”
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