Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
In the midst of a worldwide pandemic with a lot of stress and uncertainty, there’s also a great deal of comfort eating going on right now. Because of this, I am thrilled to be joined this week by Tricia Nelson! She is an emotional eating expert who has joined us to talk about how we can “break up with Ben and Jerry” for good!
We hear her amazing story of weight loss, self discovery, and how she is using her journey along with many years of research on food addiction and emotional eating to help others.
Tricia and I will also be discussing…
Why comfort foods comfort us
How people differentiate between physical and emotional hunger
The importance of the PEP test in identifying our use of food
This episode is a real treat! (Pun intended)
If you’re interested in learning more about Tricia and her program or you simply want to take her quiz to see if you’re a food addict or an emotional eater, be sure to check out her website!

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
This week on the podcast, we talked about all things motivation! People have all kinds of different opinions about motivations and the types of motivation it takes to complete a task or reach a goal.
Well, have you ever thought about the fact that motivation can be both 100% internal and 100% external?!
Unlike other things, motivation is a skill that you can learn, and in this episode, we’re going to be breaking down both types of motivation and how we can use them in our own lives.
When it comes to internal motivation, we’ll be exploring the importance of…
Motivation Multipliers
Self-check ins
But, we’ll also be looking at the importance of external motivation through…
Join me on this deep dive into the world of motivation and you’ll be feeling extra motivated to achieve your hopes and dreams in no time!

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
This episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast is a bonus Friday episode!
I was on a walk with my dog this morning, reflecting on my ideal morning routine when I realized how seldomly everything happens perfectly. Of course waking up without an alarm, spending time meditating and journaling with a fresh cup of coffee, then heading out to a workout before my day truly begins sounds like a dream. But, it isn’t reality most of the time. Things come up and the schedule gets shifted.
On the days that you can’t have your perfect morning routine, I wanted to take time with this bonus episode to share some of the things you can do to help get your day going right including:
Scheduling your day beforehand
Laying out what your need
Taking action
Dumping perfection
If you feel like your mornings are just hectic and stressful and you’re feeling discouraged that you’re not getting everything you need from your start to your day, be sure to join me on this week’s episode!

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Joining us today is Julie Michelson, a National Board Certified Medical Health Coach who is devoting her life to helping others reduce inflammation, pain and fatigue from their lives.
Julie recounts her chill bump-inducing story of how she found healing in the midst of a hopeless situation and then became inspired to help others do the same.
Along with her story, Julie discusses some really key factors that can greatly impact our life, health, and wellbeing that include:
Chronic Stress
If you’re interested in learning more from Julie Michelson, be sure to click here and check out her website and her one-on-one coaching programs.

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
When we try diets ,they’re not fun and they’re not sustainable. The only way we can lose weight is by living the way that we want to live. “If it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable”
This week on the podcast, Heather joins me to share about clutter and its impact on different kinds of weight loss.
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the different kinds of clutter, which include:
Home Clutter
Heart Clutter
Head Clutter
Decluttering the head, the heart, and the home will not only lower stress, but also make a huge difference on your weightloss journey.
Heather and I also look at the different types of weight loss including…
Mental Weight
Emotional Weight
Physical Weight
Spiritual Weight
What a fun and eye-opening episode that you definitely won’t want to miss!

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Lately, I’ve noticed some changes in peoples’ fitness routines since the start of this pandemic. I’ve seen many people who were on top of their fitness game at the beginning falling off the wagon, and I’ve seen others who never considered a fitness lifestyle making a change with newfound motivation!
No matter if fitness is newer to you or you’re looking to get back on the wagon, we’ll be discussing ways to think about your fitness to help you stay consistent with all your goals on this week’s podcast!
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the importance of the following when keeping up with your fitness goals…
Fitness as a Long Game
Starting Small, Slow, and Steady
Understanding that it Takes Time
Join me, and let’s prepare for a lifetime of consistent fitness that will lead to a lifetime of happiness and health!

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
During this pandemic, this has been my labor of love, and I am so excited to share my Motivation Multiplier Method with you today on the podcast!
Over the past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, so many people have been contacting me sharing that they just can’t get moving. They are mentally and physically stuck, running high on stress and low on internal and external motivation.
Join us as we explore the importance of having an arsenal of motivating multipliers when you are lacking motivation.
We’ll also be exploring a couple of my favorite motivation multipliers including:
The Giving Grace Multiplier
The Why Multiplier
The Future Me Multiplier
With just a little mindset shift and some motivation multipliers, we can get unstuck and on our way to achieving our fitness goals!

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
My dear friend and habit guru Lorrie Mickelson joins us on the podcast this week. She’ll be sharing with us her CARE Approach that takes an interesting look at habits and routines in order to get us to health and happiness!
We learn about her backstory and how she grew interest in learning about habits and how it impacted her life.
We’ll also be taking a deep dive into how the CARE approach can transform our everyday lives into something extraordinary. The CARE approach includes...
Join us to see how all of this connects our habits with our health, happiness, and wellbeing!

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Today on our podcast, we are joined with Cari Rosno, an amazing entrepreneur who devotes her life to empowering others to see past their self doubt to reach their true potential.
Join us to hear her incredible journey that all started with the tragic 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that led her to learning all about the subconscious and how our bodies unknowingly act in self-sabotaging behavior. This then led her to selling her multi million dollar business and starting new with a goal of helping others learn how to help themselves.
Along with this, we discuss…
How to take steps forward once you have realized your trauma
The importance of asking questions and staying curious
Finding awareness of what is getting you stuck
Sitting and meditating
You WILL NOT want to miss this one!

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
This is the third and final part in our Something to Look Forward to Mini Series, and today is all about taking action!
In part one, we discussed the importance of why we need something to look forward to, and in part two, we explored why we need to stop worrying about knowing everything before taking action. So, it’s only fitting that today we take the leap into looking at taking action and making your dream adventure a reality!
As with everything, preparing to make this a reality will take time. In this podcast, we’re going to be addressing the different phases of your preparation and training so that you will be ready to go when the time comes.
The phases I’ll be sharing that you’ll need to train properly include...
Base Phase
Build Phase
Buff Phase
Maintenance Phase
If you’ve enjoyed the Something to Look Forward to Mini Series, be sure to hurry and grab a spot in our master class for even more details, fun, and planning when it comes to achieving your dream adventures during uncertain times!