Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
This week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re going to discuss that pesky little voice in our heads. You know...the one that can keep us from achieving our dreams and reaching our goals.
If I could change one thing about everyone, it would be this! That voice that says, What if I can’t keep up? Or What if I hold others back? It actually ends up holding us up and keeping us from trying new things and putting ourselves out there.
Among other things, we’ll be discussing some ways to get rid of this troublesome voice through some of the following…
Not being ashamed to be a little behind
Not taking things personally
Not letting one struggle define us
If you’ve ever experienced the nuisance of self doubt, this is the motivating episode for you!

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
I’m joined on the podcast today by my good friend, Jane Hogan. Jane is a functional medicine certified health coach who uses her platform to help women heal naturally from joint point and find the happy, less stress filled life they were meant to lead.
Jane walks us through her personal journey that, at one point, was riddled with so much stress and inflammation, that she could barely even walk to where she is today, summiting high mountain peaks and helping to inspire others along the way.
Along with learning about Jane’s journey, we also discuss some really important topics regarding our health including:
The impact our lifestyles are having on our stress levels and inflammation
Quality food for our health
Tackling joint pain
Helpful “thought swaps” and how they can impact you
Putting ourselves first to achieve optimal health
This episode is riddled with thought provoking tips and meaningful reminders about slowing down and taking care of our bodies. If you’d like to learn more about Jane Hogan, be sure to check out her website by clicking here.

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
This episode is all about FREEDOM! Entrepreneur extraordinaire Eleni Anastos joins me on this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast to discuss all the ways we have the power within ourselves to be free.
When I think about freedom, I usually think about it in the sense of fitness. Fitness brings so much freedom to our lives through being able to chase goals and find new journeys, but Elani shares a new perspective with me today.
Elani shares that to be truly free, we need to remember that we have the ability to choose. Even in the middle of a pandemic where it might seem like our choices are limited, we still have so many things that are still in our control.
On the theme of freedom, we also discuss…
Sourcing your own power
Maintaining personal boundaries
Not owning other peoples’ struggles
Dangers of self-limiting beliefs
Learning from experiences
And so much more…
This episode is truly packed with all the inspiration and freedom you could ever need! Give it a listen and get focusing on what you can control on your way to a freer, more fulfilling life!
Eleni Anastos Website
Eleni Anastos Facebook Page
Eleni Anastos Instagram

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Episode 90 Show Notes
With the Fit is Freedom program, what can you really accomplish in just 8 short weeks? Well, you’d be surprised!
Today on the Fit is Freedom podcast, we are joined by my good friend and client Jenny Fitzpatrick. Jennis is an adventurous, cancer surviving super mom who could’ve let life’s obstacles get in her way!
Join me as I interview Jenny about her personal story and experience with Fit is Freedom!
Among other things, we share the importance of...
Finding a good balance between diet and exercise
Keeping perspective on your goals
Get some motivation, give this a listen, and you never know where you may be 8 weeks from today!

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Episode 89 Show Notes
Have you ever wondered what it would actually be like working with me through Fit is Freedom and coaching sessions? Well, you’ve come to the right podcast episode!
On today’s episode, I’ll actually be interviewing one of my clients, Shari, as she walks us through her journey to fitness and her experience of working with me!
As a mom of six with two businesses, she found herself struggling to lose baby weight with some pains and injuries that were holding her back. With her big goal of a family hiking trip in her sights, she decided to commit and make a change for the better!
In this episode, Shari and I will discuss:
The problems with diet culture
Finding balance with your fitness routine
Accountability and its role in fitness
If you’ve ever considered taking the leap and joining me to make life fitter, easier, and more fun for you, you won’t want to miss this one!

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
In this episode of the podcast, we’re going to get real and take a really good look at our time, how we spend it, and if we really are too busy to work out.
Spoiler: we’re not! We’re just lacking in imagination!
This week, we’re going to explore ways to carve time, get creative, and start heading towards our fitness goals!
Some of the tips I’ll be sharing include…
Tying workouts with everyday tasks
Thinking outside of the box
Thinking outside of the clock
Giving yourself an imagination boost
Join me on this podcast, and we’ll find ways to make fitness a priority!

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast, we’re talking all things accountability!
Did you know that there are actually both good and bad kinds of accountability?
Most people only talk about accountability as a good thing that keeps you on track and reaching your goals, but not all types of accountability are created equal!
We’re exploring the three main types of bad accountability including:
Using a friend
Using a partner
Using an App
We’ll also dive into the types of accountability that will get you to reach your goals like layered accountability!
There are simple and easy ways to keep yourself accountable, and we’re discussing it all on the podcast today!

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Episode 86 Notes
In my eyes, there are two types of hope. There’s a good kind of hope, and something I like to call “hope fitness”. The good kind of hope is one of my favorite things about what I do. There’s nothing better than leaving a call with a client where I can tell that a person suddenly feels that what they want to achieve is possible. It’s like a lightbulb goes off, and they can see all of their doubts and fears are melting away.
On the other hand, “hope fitness” is that type of fitness where someone simply hopes that they can do something, but they really don’t see it actually happening. This kind of hope is a hope without a plan and without anything to back it up.
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast, I’m going to be discussing one amazing way that you can change “hope fitness” to the good kind of hope where you are ready to make your fitness dreams a reality!
Join me as I’ll be sharing more about the ultimate Fit is Freedom experience, which includes...
...and more!

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
With my group coaching opening soon, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of coaching in our lives. There are so many different types of coaches out there. There are fitness coaches, life coaches, business coaches, and the list will go on and on.
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast, I’ll be recounting some examples of good opportunities of working with coaches as well as some bad ones.
We’ll also be exploring the qualities of a good coach which include:
Leading by example
Observational with quality feedback
Provide check-ins
Challenge you to step up
Working with a coach can be a life changing experience if you know when to say yes and when to take their feedback and go on your own way. Join me today to learn the difference!

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Founder and creator of the Run Wage App and host of the Run Your Day podcast, Dan Hafner, joins us on the podcast this week!
On the podcast, Dan walks us through his journey from absolutely despising the very idea of running to making it an integral part of his life, now helping others find their own love and passion for running.
More specifically, he inspires and works with beginning runners to build and improve overall running habits, helping others reach their goals and crush their personal running milestones.
We’ll also be discussing…
Importance of reward systems
People’s key motivators
The negative loop and how to get out of it
If you are looking for some inspiration to get off the couch and go for a run, whether it’s your first run ever or not, this is the podcast episode for you!