Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard

Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

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Monday Feb 15, 2021

Have you heard of using a vision board before and dismissed it because it sounded like oh-so-much-woo? Or, you’ve tried it before and found it was a bunch of pretty pictures that didn’t produce any results? How do you make a vision board that actually works?
My guest today, Amy Westbrook might just change your mind in a very big way.
Amy discusses how vision boards work, why they can work for you, and the brain-based science behind vision boards.
Amy is a CPCC is a Holistic Wealth Coach, neuroscience nerd, and authority on high performance. She works with mission-minded women to BE more and DO more without sacrificing their well-being or their health! Her techniques harness the power of your mind and give you innovative + practical techniques to help you achieve greater success, fitness, income, and impact to unleash your possibility!
Once you discover old patterns and methods that keep you playing small, you’ll be able to stretch past limits and translate your vision into a board that maximizes your success + joy.
As Amy talked about how a vision board can help you reach goals, I was reminded of a client I worked with a few years ago. She desperately wanted to hike the Avalanche Trail in Glacier but due to an injury she could barely walk a mile. BUT she had vision. In fact, she had a photo of the trail as her screensaver, a printout of the actual trail map on her wall and when we walked in Houston (flat, hot, Houston) we acted and talked as if we were climbing that trail. She later sent me a photo of her finishing that hike. The power of vision!
If you are interested in learning more, Amy has a very special opportunity for my listeners who want to be a beta tester of The Re>Imagined Vision Board: An Innovative Approach to Activate a Grander Vision and Accelerate Your Results
Apply to be a Re>Imagined Vision Board beta tester Here
I’m going to be one of the beta testers because Amy has so much to share and I love learning from smart people who know what they are doing!
See you in the group ~ Sign up here.

Monday Feb 08, 2021

At a time in our lives when we are possibly less connected to friends, family, and our community, we need to go the extra mile to find ways to bring that connection back. An online fitness community can be any group of people who come together for a common purpose. Shared activities, shared fun, shared goals, shared desires: All of these are excellent reasons to rally together.
Why bother?
Because communities have power. When we’re connected through something outside of our day-to-day work or family, we grow, expand, and often try new things.
Our brains need the connections that online fitness community brings. Sharing in a community is one of the best things you can do for your (mental) health today.
Personally, I’ve seen huge changes and growth in my Inner Circle Program as the connections are made, and everyone steps up to cheer each other on.
How do you find online community in your life?
Start with shared interests:
Love dogs - find groups of dog lovers, even breed-specific groups!
Are there outdoor activities you love or want to learn to do? Start searching in your area. (If you live in the Houston area two excellent groups are: and
Into the spiritual side of life but not ready to attend services yet? Check online - so many houses of worship and spiritual groups are connecting that way.
Look into for all types of activities.
Anything you want to do, in person or online is out there. You just need to reach out and try something new. And then, come back again. Everyone is a little uncomfortable at first. Just don’t worry about it and keep showing up. One day you’ll realize you have a completely new community ready to cheer you on.
Are you looking for a small, powerful group of women who are committed to feeling great, increasing their health, having fun, and supporting each other? Put in an application to join the Inner Circle.
Link: Inner Circle
Link: SugarReset

Monday Jan 25, 2021

I believe we need a heightened sense of urgency around our health. If there is anything we have learned in the last year, it is how important our health is. Without our health, we can’t care for those we love, run our businesses, and enjoy our lives.
So how long does it take to get fit and healthy?
It will be different for everyone, but there are a few things I know:
Starting small makes things easier.
Don’t try to change everything all at once.
If we work in 30-day increments, it’s easy to add new habits that stick!
We need knowledge, action, and consistency to make a fitness plan that works.
Learn how to build a workout plan that works for you
There's loads of knowledge out there to be had, but we tend to fall short when it comes to action and fitness consistency. That’s why we use a layered approach when trying to reach our health and fitness goals, adding a new layer each month.
The Monthly Fitness Layers we use are:
Movement - a minimum of 30 minutes a day of cardio at a level where you KNOW you are doing something; this is not a stroll :)
Reduce sugar intake from sweets, processed foods, and alcohol
Need some extra support to reduce your sugar intake? Join us for 5-day Sugar Reset. (new Resets happen all the time, just jump on the list)
Sleep more ~ Stress-lessRead more about how to get a good night’s sleep.
Nutrition and hydration
Fun, Adventure, Play
Each month we bring in the next layer to try, test, and see how each layer will fit into our lives.
Listen to the full episode for more details on layering your fitness each month.
Want to find out more about the MasterMind? Email
Subject line: MasterMind

Monday Jan 18, 2021

We're celebrating our 100th episode with some fantastic returning guests! They’ll all be giving you their expert tips on how to get motivated during the new year.
When I first turned on my microphone to record episode 1 of the Fit is Freedom podcast, never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd hit 100 episodes! Should I admit that? Probably not, but the truth was those first episodes were epically hard for me. I'll never admit that I wrote out every word, printed out the scripts, and then practiced 3 4 5 times and still stopped mid-way through for a long walk and some tears. Did I admit that? Not a shining moment, but beginning a podcast was more challenging than I expected.
Today, we hit 100 episodes, and there's a celebration going on!
To celebrate, we invited back some of our first guests, amazing, gold-standard stars.
We asked each of these guests to share their top tip(s) for getting, and staying, motivated in the face of difficulties; here's who you’ll hear from today:
Lorrie Mickelson: Yoga & Pilates Teacher, Wellness Coach and the HabitGuru behind the amazing HabitGuru365 and so much more.The Simple CARE Approach to Habits: Interview with Lorrie Mickelson
Joe Jacobi: Olympic Gold Medalist, Performance Coach, and author of Sunday Morning Joe. Coaching on how to perform your best at what matters most, without compromising your life.Simple Daily Shifts: A Chat with an Olympic Champion: Interview with Joe Jacobi
Lisa Hisscock: Health and Fitness Coach. Behavior Change Specialist. Helping mid-lifers reclaim their health one habit at a time.Healthier Habits for a Fitter Future: Interview with Lisa Hisscock
Ricki Heller: Food coach extraordinaire, who shows us how easy & delicious it can be to eat healthy for LIFE. ‍ Sugarfree Glutenfree Eggfree Dairy-free, tasty recipes included.Surviving the Social Side of Food: Interview with Ricki Heller
Tara Wagner: The creator of the Breakthrough Boss®, and coach for self-employed women ready for more, helps identify and overcome habits, mindsets, and approaches that are holding you back, life gets simpler.Belief Breakthroughs: Interview with Tara Wagner
Allison Boyle: THE backpacking coach for women ready to kick their crippling fears to the curb...and become self-sufficient & strong through backpacking outdoors.Backpacking for Beginners: Interview with Allison Boyle
Ensure you follow these experts; there's nothing better than learning from the best of the best!

Monday Jan 11, 2021

It’s a loaded question; do fitness resolutions for the new year work?
Does it feel like NOT having new year’s resolutions is setting yourself up to fail in a year we’re desperately counting on?
Or, have you noticed that your past new year fitness resolutions just sputtered out after a few weeks, leaving you feeling worse instead of better?
Here’s how I’m tackling 2021 fitness goals; I hope this gives you some ideas to make this a year to accomplish the goals you set out to do.
Fitness Resolution Ideas
First, start with a theme for the year.
Last year, my theme was Adventure and Travel. Ask me how that worked out 😀. In reality, even though I did almost no travel, some adventures would never have happened if we weren’t in semi-lockdown where I live. A saltwater surfing kayak, a motorized dirt bike, a back-packing trip. These all happened because with a theme of adventure and travel, I had to get creative!
What’s your theme for 2021? It can be a word, a sentence, a few words; what would make 2021 magical for you?
Next, make some short term goals, say 90 days.
Ninety days is the perfect time frame to change habits, see results, and still not lose your focus. When we have year-long goals, they seem so far away that often people put off starting what needs to happen asap.
Then, take your 90-day goals and break them into 30-day sprints.
A lot can happen in 30 days when we’re focused and have clarity. Small shifts happen in 30 days, but three sets of 30 equal 90 days, and this is when you get noticable changes. Noticeably closer to what you want in life.
When you have your 30-day sprints set up, then make a plan
(you didn’t think I was letting you off without a plan, did you)? Plans turn dreams into reality.
What happens if you slip up?
Nothing. Nothing. Just start again and increase your resolve. We’re human. Life happens. If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it should be patience and grace with ourselves.
You are stronger, smarter, and so much better than we might believe. Bring that magic into 2021 and believe. Here’s to everything you want and desire!

Do a Sugar Reset in 2021

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Welcome to 2021 and a very Happy New Year to you!
This week we’re talking all about the benefits of less sugar in our diets and how to accomplish it. Sugar is addictive, and the more we consume, the more we need to get the same rush.
In honor of 2021, you’re invited to join me, and a bunch of awesome people in a Sugar Reset. I’m not saying that we have to take sugar completely out of our diets forever but sometimes a good reset is what it takes to start making better choices.
Do you ever wonder what sugar does to your body?
Less sugar means better sleep, clearer skin, less brain fog, less inflammation, more gut health, and thinner waists. After a year of change, stress, and uncertainty, we desire to start 2021 on a healthy, strong note!
You can get an invite to the 5-day Sugar Reset at
Here’s how to get started today:
Desire ~ You need to really want to do this. If you’re not ready for the change, wait until the next time, no judgment!
Awareness ~ We’re the blatant and the hidden sugar in your day-to-day diet? Check labels.
Prepare ~ Clean your cabinets, fridge, and freezer of the things you don’t want to be consuming. Make a shopping list, try new recipes, look for foods and drinks that make you feel good.
Observe ~ Start looking for the triggers in your life that make you want sugary foods or drinks. Typical triggers are: time of day, emotions, location, and activities.
Hope to see you on 1/25 for the 5-day Sugar Rest. Register here:
Check out Episode 18 for an enlightening discussion on sugar and hormones!

Monday Dec 21, 2020

This week is a special episode for me; my amazing niece Katie is joining us to discuss pushing limits and what that means for her. You're in for a treat because not only is Katie amazing, she's a free diver, which you might never have even heard of before!
I've never had kids. But, my brother and sister had terrific children who have all married amazing people, so I'm surrounded by awesomeness if I say so myself. Plus, it seems I've been meeting all these cool women who are having big, fun adventures in life, which I love seeing. Just as I reached out to a backcountry trekker to invite her on the show, I thought of my niece Katie and what she's up to.
Done, I had to bring her on!
Katie and I are both drawn to the water, and we're drawn to the sea. She went a bit further with her love for the sea than I did. She has a 100-ton vessel Captain license, which means she can captain almost anything on the ocean except ocean-crossing ships carrying containers. Wow! Currently, she lives aboard a 57' sportfishing boat in the Canary Islands. That sportfishing boat was what lead her to freediving.
What is freediving, you might ask?
It's essentially learning and teaching your body's ability to dive to significant depths of blue water or any water, really, for extended periods without a tank. Zero diving tank, just a big breath of air, the knowledge of how to do it, and a lot of bravery!
Technically, it's the body's ability to use a lung full of oxygen and make it last as long as possible while absorbing the biological practices that our bodies go through as mammals; when we dive deep, a lot of stuff happens physically. Katies says, "when we dive in the water and when we're submerged our blood, and our heart and rate of blood flow slows down to the extremities. And it focuses our the important organs, the brain, heart, lungs, things like fingertips are just that important, and you won't feel them".
Wondering what "deep" is? As a beginner freediver, Katie can go to about 80 feet below the surface with no gear (except a spearfishing gun. She's a sportswoman who believes in finding her own food, land, and sea). Her dives are 1 minute, 20 seconds long right now. That's a long time to hold your breath, especially when your 80 feet below the surface!
Make sure you check out the book "Deep" by James Nester; it's fascinating reading.
How much does Katie love freediving? Let's just say her husband proposed to her on a dive because he's a smart guy and knows what she loves!
You have to check out Katie's IG account here (full disclosure, you might see some pictures of what's for dinner that she just caught)

Monday Dec 14, 2020

This week we're diving deeper and following up on last week's episode about how to make a workout plan that works for YOU, by looking at the things preventing you from sticking to your workout plan.
Can I ask you a question? Do you need more motivation to change a bad habit, to add a good practice? What would help you make the difference?
If you've followed me for any time, you know I'm big on writing out your workout schedule every week; if it's not written down, it's not real. The truth is, this is what I do because it's been what I do for a very long time. It's a habit for me, so it's easy. If creating a weekly schedule for your workouts feels a little daunting or you feel like you are making something up, something you won't be able to stick to it, you’re in the right place. Thanks for being here!
Let’s talk about the three most significant areas people get stuck, why this happens, and quick ways to turn it around!
Stuck #1 You need knowledge but not too much.
When someone is creating a workout plan, almost always the first thing they do is "just a little research," which will lead you down a black rabbit hole that never ends. Then you realize you've spent all the time you were going to use to workout that day doing research instead, and you have so much information you don't know where to begin. It's like death by a thousand cuts. Start small. Try a site like for bodyweight exercises; for stretching and simple yoga moves, try, throw in some walking or e cardio.
Stuck #2 Habits that aren't working to your benefit.
Think about the habits you have that hold you back. What needs to shift, what needs to change? Listen to episode 76 with Lorrie Mickelson, or episode 06, all about Training Your Brain to be your ally. Remember, there are two types of habits, the ones you want to remove and the ones you want to add. You need to focus on both! And then make it a priority.
Stuck #3 No consistent action
Consistent action is what makes everything work. If it's scheduled, the possibility of you actually taking action so much higher, so much more significant, right? Even if the action you take seems so infinitely small, the smallest step will always lead to the next step and the one after that. Just start small.
Life gets crazy. Sometimes we just say "to hell with it" and quit for a while. And when you fall off the bandwagon. Bad habits creep in, or you toss your workout plan. Life happens, and all we can do is start again. Take a deep breath, tell yourself it's ok, and then get back out there.
Our health is a long game, and we're here to feel great and have fun. Thanks for being here!

Monday Dec 07, 2020

This week’s Fit is Freedom Podcast is all about YOU! We’re going to be diving into how to make a very specific workout and fitness plan that is tailor made to you! Whether you want to achieve a certain level of fitness or have a specific goal in mind, you can find something that works for you.
While we’ll dive into all areas of tailoring your goals to your fitness, there are three things that everyone will need. And these three things are…
Strength Training
Join me as I dive into all of the ways that you can think deeply about your goals and aspirations, and make a plan that is a perfect fit for you and your lifestyle!

Monday Nov 30, 2020

This whole global pandemic has brought lots of things in our lives to a halt, but one thing it doesn’t have to affect is your fitness! Some people think that you need a gym and fancy weights to achieve your fitness dreams, but that simply isn’t the case.
Today on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we’re going to be talking about how to make the outdoors your gym!
I’ll be sharing my top tips for making your ideal outdoor workouts including:
Using the environment you have available
Thinking creatively
Bringing excitement with a future goal
The great outdoors not only provides you with fresh sunlight, it can also provide you with exciting ways to keep up your fitness!

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