Fit is Freedom with Kelly Howard
Coming Soon - Season 2: After an amazing 252 episodes in Season 1, I’m taking a break due to an unexpected injury. This spring, the Being Fit is Freedom Podcast returns with fresh episodes packed with even more fitness ideas, fun and adventure, mindset shifts, accountability tools, and practical tips to help you live a life of energy, vitality, and adventure. Hosted by me, Kelly Howard the Fitness Consistency Expert with a Touch of Adventure, consider this your go-to for skipping the scale, feeling amazing and prioritizing yourself. It’s time to unlock freedom and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or new to the show, Season 1 is the perfect way to get inspired and ready for what’s next. Here’s to a life of fitness, fun and freedom!

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Episode SummaryIn an incredibly timely episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m going to be sharing with you my tips and tricks on how to keep your fitness routine interesting while beating that hot summer heat! The heat of summer is quickly approaching, and I’ll be discussing 9 fun ways to stay fit, beat the heat, and have fun while doing it! Some of my tips include…Incorporating DanceTrying a Weighted Hula HoopChecking Out Your Local Rec CenterNitrosAnd more! 9 Fun Ways to Stay Fit and Beat the Summer HeatIf you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you may have less opportunities to go outside, or the temperatures may be simply too uncomfortable for you to handle. Either way, you don’t want your fitness routine to suffer, and you definitely don’t want your fitness routine to become mundane and boring! DanceIf you don’t have access to a gym or you simply want to try something new, you can always incorporate some dance into your cardio! It’s fun, it’s free, and you can find all kinds of Youtube classes to try! Weighted Hula HoopUsing a weighted hula hoop is also a fun summer workout. It works your core, requires you to work on your coordination, and is definitely an exercise for those who want to think outside the box! RebounderAlso known as a personal trampoline, rebounders are a great way to stay fit in the summer while staying out of that intense summer heat! My recommendation is always to find one with a safety bar to help make sure you are stable. PickleballSome places have indoor pickleball courts, but this sport is exploding in popularity as of late, which means you can probably find an outdoor court in an area near you. While this may be outside, you could always consider going earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon, but either way, it is a fun and competitive workout you could enjoy in the summer! Local Rec CenterOftentimes if you’re looking for ways to change things up, you can find something new to explore at your local recreation center. Some will have indoor pickleball courts, free yoga or jazzercise classes, indoor pools, and more. Just take a look and challenge yourself to try something new! NitrosDeveloped by Zach Bush, this type of workout is traditionally called a Nitric Oxide Dump. It’s a 4-7 minute intense workout that has all kinds of benefits, including reducing the risk of dementia, helping with weight loss, and more. can copy the other video block we have in the template towards the beginning of the post or you can pull a new one in from the “+” signs and search for the “video” block. Let me know if you have questions! **Yin YogaYin Yoga is essentially the opposite of a Nitro, but still a good way to beat the summer heat and change things up. It focuses on just a few yoga moves but holds them for extended periods of time, focusing on form and endurance in the moves. It’s incredibly relaxing, and I feel like I always have the best night’s sleep afterwards! ParkourI know what you may be thinking! Parkour is that crazy workout where people jump from one building to the next. Yes, you are right, but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about here. What I mean by parkour is simply looking at your surroundings in a different way and moving in different ways based on what is around you. For example, on my nightly walk, instead of just walking, what if I alternated stepping up on the curbs? Or, what if I hopped over every third line on the sidewalk? It takes a mundane afternoon routine and makes it more fun! Childhood FavoritesMy final way to stay fit and beat the summer heat by changing things up is by taking a trip down memory lane. What did you enjoy doing as a child? Riding bikes? Roller skating? Think back on activities you used to enjoy and try to incorporate that back into your fitness routine!

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Episode SummaryKnown as the “Midlife Whisperer”, Dr. Ellen Albertson joins me this week on the Fit is Freedom Podcast to share about her new book, Rock Your Midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter, and how we can embrace and thrive no matter our age. Dr. Albertson and I will also be touching on some key ways to do this including…Having Self-CompassionBeing a Warrior NOT a WorrierEmbracing ALL of our EmotionsDr. Ellen Albertson While we learn about her book, Rock Your Midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter, Dr. Ellen Albertson is more than just an author. She is a psychologist, registered dietician, board certified health and wellness coach, teacher, and more. She has dedicated her time and energy to helping millions of women learn to love themselves and the stage they are in.Rock Your MidlifeDr. Ellen Albertson shared her inspiration for writing her book was finding a way to reach millions of women in an easy, approachable way. Through her book, she provides the 7 steps she has found to completely transform your mind, body, and spirit no matter the chapter of your life. Her 7 steps include…AuthenticitySelf-LoveEnergize YourselfReprogramming your MindEmpowering YourselfRehabbing your RelationshipsEnlightenmentFinding Self-CompassionSo many of us think, If I can just accomplish [insert any goal here], then I will be happy and love myself. In reality, this is a lie. True happiness and self-love starts with self compassion, leaving the backpack of not-enoughness in the dust.Thankfully, self-compassion is a skill that can be learned and practiced. It will help us reduce body shame and improve our appreciation for our bodies and the stages of life we are in. Be a Warrior not a WorrierIt may be easier said than done without the right tools and practice, but worrying really doesn’t serve us. It doesn’t bring solutions. It’s like praying about what you don’t want. Manifesting in the negative instead of moving into the positive. Instead of worrying and fretting over the small things, whether that’s our age or a hard day at work, we should shift our focus onto our strengths.Embrace All of Our EmotionsFinally, it’s important to remember that we should embrace all of our emotions. Our emotions have a message for us. They give us information about our lives and where we’re at. By embracing the ebbs and flows, we allow ourselves to be open. In turn, we will be able to actually feel more highs and appreciate them when they come. As women reach their forties and mid-life, there are so many things going on mentally and physiologically. Learning to embrace the changes and the emotions will allow us to embrace the experience, bringing us more joy in the journey ahead.

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Episode SummaryWe’re flipping the script with this week’s episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast! With her blessing, I’ll be sharing with you a conversation I had with the wonderful Lorrie Mickelson. Not too long ago, we got together to discuss our passion for the great outdoors, which includes:Why you should head outdoorsHow to get started with an outdoor activityWhat can happen once you’re outsideTips for a successful experienceWorking Out in the Great OutdoorsLorrie and I both have a passion for the great outdoors. From my past as a sailor and long-distance skate racer to discovering my love for hiking, kayaking, and helping women like me realize that they can do these things too, I’ve experienced firsthand the benefits of prioritizing the great outdoors. Advantages of heading outdoorsIn Europe, doctors literally prescribe their patients to spend time outside. So, there’s got to be something amazing about it, right? Right! Spending time outdoors can do so much. It can clear your brain, heighten your mood, lower your stress, make you more relaxed, get your body moving, and so much more.What Should I Do?Maybe you’ve heard all of these amazing benefits of moving your body in the great outdoors, but you just don’t know what you should do. If this is the case, start by asking yourself these simple questions…What is in my area? What do I want to do?What do I need to do it?What have I always wanted to do? No matter your age or what you think your limitations are, just remember you can get there.How Do I Get Started? If you want to try an outdoor activity, like hiking or kayaking, it’s important not to overthink it. More often than not, we know a lot more than we think we do. There are just a few essentials that can help you get started safely, which include:Making sure you’re dressed for the weatherMaking sure you have waterMaking sure you know the route or trailMaking sure you tell someone where you are goingWhenever you start something new, start slow, build your way up, and trust the process! Final TipsOnce you’ve determined what you want to do, what you need, and how you’re going to do it, here are my final tips for getting yourself out there and soaking up the benefits of working out in the great outdoors…-Schedule it. It’s important to get it on the calendar if you want to get it done. If you take the time to put it on your schedule, you’re much more likely to get out there and do it! -Know you can do it. One of the biggest things I’ve seen with women is their self-doubt. Negative self-talk can really impact our abilities. If you’re starting something new, start with the belief that you can do it. You’ll be amazed at what you will be able to do!

Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
If you’d like to learn from my many hiking and adventure faux pas and save yourself the learning curve, join me on this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast. I outline my outdoor adventure must-haves including:WaterElectrolytesDay PackTrekking PolesAlong with this, I’ll share my tips and advice on how to pick the right items for you, your adventures, and your climate! Outdoor Adventure Must-HavesI was reminiscing with a client recently about embarrassing experiences in the great outdoors. As we were swapping stories, she shared how she literally brought a Dixie cup of water for her first long outdoor run. Writing it out sounds so silly, but oftentimes, we go on these amazing outdoor adventures and will find ourselves in these kinds of situations where we’re underprepared for what is to come! Because of this, I’m going to be sharing my outdoor adventure non-negotiables. WaterWhenever you’re doing anything outdoors, water is the biggest necessity. As a general rule of thumb, it’s suggested to drink .5 liters of water for every hour of exercise. This can greatly vary though based on the weather, your body composition, and how strenuous your exercise is. On hikes, runs, or really any outdoor activity, I always have a bladder to hold my water. Most bladders hold between 2-3 liters of water, which would work for 3-5 hours of exercise. Tips for Water BladdersWhen you’re on the hunt for the perfect water bladder, you want to make sure you first find one that is comfortable to you! If you regularly go on longer adventures, you may want to get a 3 liter bladder, but if you simply do shorter trail runs in favorable weather, then a 2 liter will work just fine! ElectrolytesEssentially, electrolytes are the good salt and minerals that your body loses as it sweats. While Gatorade may be the most widely used form of electrolyte, there are so many out there with a lot less sugar and additives. If you’re like me and live in a hot climate area where you sweat a lot during your adventures, or your adventures are longer than an hour, electrolytes may also be a must-have for you! Tips for Finding the Perfect Electrolyte DrinkThere are so many options out there. While I personally like Nuun, the best advice I have for finding the perfect electrolytes for you is to just sample them. Pay attention to how your body responds and how you feel. Does it sit well with your stomach? Do you like the taste? Buy some samples and be open to trying a few before landing on an electrolyte that works best for you! DaypackDaypacks are another must-have when adventuring because you’re going to need a place to store some supplies! There are daypacks, running vests, and everything in between. Be sure to check out my video on the Fit Is Freedom Youtube Channel to see all of the different kinds of packs I use and my pros and cons for each one! Tips for Finding the Perfect DaypackIf you’re going on a small trip (just a few hours), you aren’t going to be needing many things. You will need water, some electrolytes, sunscreen, and maybe a little snack. For this kind of activity, a running vest may be best. If you’re doing an all-day adventure somewhere, you may want to invest in a daypack. Either way, when you’re trying to find the perfect daypack for you, comfort is of the utmost importance! Look for packs that can adjust, and make sure you try it out before setting out on your adventure! Trekking PolesThe final adventure must-haves on my list are trekking poles! There seems to be a debate about whether you should use one or two on your hike, but I always advise to use two! Tips for Finding the Perfect Trekking PolesMy biggest tip for finding the perfect trekking poles is to find ones that are expandable and contractible. When you are hiking up steep hills, you’ll want poles to be shorter and when you’re hiking down that steep hill, you’ll need them to be longer. Other than looking for adjustability, you also will want to feel the handles for comfort. Personally, I prefer cork handles, but that is completely a preference from trying out a bunch of different ones. So get out there and enjoy some hiking!

Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Episode SummaryThis week, I’m joined on the Fit is Freedom Podcast with Elena Sonnino. She is a life coach, yoga teacher, and author of Inhabit Your Joy: A Book of Nudges. Join me as we discuss her journey to joy, how little changes lead to great changes, and how we are the keys to unlocking our own joy. She will also outline her 3 ingredients of embodying joy, which are…Getting RootedGetting CuriousGetting AliveMore about ElenaElena Sonnino is a life coach, yoga instructor, and speaker who focuses on helping women uncover their own radiance. Her book, Inhabit Your Joy: A Book of Nudges, does just this along with inspiring others to focus on the good while embracing your true authentic self. Elena’s Journey to JoyAfter having battled Hodgkin Lymphoma in her early 20’s, her doctor informed her that she would never be able to conceive, and if she did, the pregnancy would not be viable. Knowing this, she took steps to find an egg donor. When she was a mere weeks away from becoming the mom she’d always dreamt of being, she was completely shocked to receive a phone call from her doctor sharing that she was, in fact, already pregnant. In this moment of uncertainty, her doctor shared something that would stick with Elena for the rest of her life. Her doctor stated, “You can grieve or you can celebrate until the day you can’t.”This one phrase launched Elena into becoming the person she is to this day. From that moment forward, she experiences a seismic shift in her being. This allowed her to focus on the present and learn to celebrate the joys in her life no matter the circumstances.3 Keys to Unlocking JoyElena Sonnino developed 3 keys to unlocking joy: get rooted, get curious, and get alive. Through these three interchangeable keys, she believes all can find their true and joyful selves. 1. Get RootedGetting rooted can take form in a variety of ways. Elena shares that it can be as simple as bringing awareness to your breath, moving your body, or decluttering the mind. 2. Get CuriousOnce you’ve come into the present and become rooted, Elena shares that you can then get curious about what’s going on around you. You can start evaluating your life, looking at what is going well. You could even do something as simple as creating an “Evidence Jar”, documenting the good you are seeing and observing around you. 3. Get AliveOftentimes, when you think of joy, you think about how you must be happy all of the time, but that’s not the case. Being alive is experiencing the full spectrum of life. It’s about appreciating the darkness because you know the sunrise isn’t far away. It’s about loving yourself completely and accepting life in its fullness.

Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I’m joined by the amazing Gail Storey, award-winning author for her book, I Promise Not to Suffer: A Fool for Love Hikes the Pacific Crest Trail. From running low on supplies to intimacy in the woods, we talk about everything under the sun when it comes to braving the wilderness. Here are just some of the many nuggets of wisdom we discuss…Adventure’s impact on relationshipsImportance of preparing and trainingEmbracing the quietExpressing compassion for yourselfImpact of meditationDeepening Intimacy Hiking the PCT with a PartnerGail Storey has written many publications and books in her career with her most recent, I Promise Not to Suffer: A Fool for Love Hikes the Pacific Crest Trail, having won the National Outdoor Book Award, Foreword IndieFab Book of the Year, Nautilus Silver Award, among others! Her award-winning book takes on the true story of her embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail with her husband because she refused to let him go alone–despite the fact that she’d never hiked or camped before. Challenges and RewardsHiking long distances like Gail and her husband, Porter, endured with the PCT was exhilarating, exhausting, and rewarding. It brought many challenges on a day-to-day basis from running out of water to blisters and more, but it also brought a great deal of discovery and the building of a strong relationship.After selling her car, their house, and throwing multiple dinner parties to say “goodbye” to friends and loved ones, Gail found herself on a spring weekend in 2004 heading out on the adventure of a lifetime–hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Gail explains how there’s just something about hiking in the wilderness for days on end, relying on someone else for survival and entertainment, that brings two souls together. The stillness. The unexpected circumstance. The beauty of nature. The lack of escaping one another. From this experience, Gail and Porter formed an unbreakable bond, she wrote an award-winning book, and she learned the importance of physical fitness in the connection of your mind, body, and soul. To this day, at almost 75 years old, she continues to work on her fitness and help her community through environmental activism.

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we celebrate the final chapter of the Consistency is Key Series. I present the ultimate roadmap to consistency and fitness freedom, which is filled with all of the tips, tricks, and tidbits I've shared along the way. From the importance of your “why” to finding your kryptonite, this journey to consistency is all about small movements snowballing into big life changes! I'll also highlight and share some of my client's success stories and what each of their journeys has taught me. It's a fun celebration of the end of this amazing series, and you won't want to miss it!

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
In this chapter of our Fitness Consistency is Key Series, I will be sharing my tricks of the trade when it comes to digging in deep and getting you moving again! When our motivation wanes, our fitness consistency can quickly derail. BUT…it doesn’t have to! Just because you’re low on motivation doesn’t mean all of your hard work is destined to disappear. The magic is finding a tactic that brings back your spark, drive, and motivation! Some of my tips include…Finding the RIGHT Accountability PartnerWhy is it that tracking what matters does not include the scale?How putting something in your earbuds can help you get startedAnd much, much more…In your journey to fitness consistency, your motivation will ebb and flow. It’ll go up and down, and it’s important to find some fun and helpful strategies to get you out of your “down” moments and back to your new and renewed, consistent self!

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
In Chapter 7 of our Fitness Consistency is Key Series, we took a look at the top fitness consistency killers. We explored what happens in our day-to-day that is putting a halt to our health and fitness goals. But what happens if there’s an unexpected halt to your goals? Whether it’s an injury, illness, or family emergency, this episode is all about taking in the unexpected and making it work for you!In this episode, I’ll be sharing my personal struggle with an unexpected injury that left me unable to move and wallow. However, after a period of playing the victim, I accepted my situation and used it to transform my business and my life.Join me as we explore ways to prevent and avoid fitness injuries and how to handle them when they do rear their ugly head!

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
What happens if there’s an unexpected halt to your fitness goals? Whether it’s an injury, illness, or family emergency, this episode is all about taking in the unexpected and making it work for you! In part 6 of our Fitness Consistency is Key Series, we took a look at the top fitness consistency killers. We explored what happens in our day-to-day life that is putting a halt to our health and fitness goals. In this episode, I’ll be sharing my personal struggle with an unexpected injury that left me unable to move. However, after a period of playing the victim, I accepted my situation and used it to transform my business and my life.Join me as we explore ways to prevent and avoid fitness injuries and how to handle them when they do rear their ugly head!