Monday May 13, 2024

The #1 Fitness Tip for Your Health

What is the Most Important Habit for Fitness? 

As the Fitness Summit interview wrapped up, the Host tossed out one more question my way; “Kelly, what do you think is the most important fitness habit someone can have?” 


I’m sure she was expecting me to answer something like; fitness consistency, doing things you love, moving every day. 


The stuff that I always talk about. 


Get The fitness consistency book that will change your life!


I wasn't expecting this question so I paused for a second and thought “what is the number one action that leads to a healthier life everyday”? 


A good night's sleep. 


When we sleep, we heal. 

Sleep elevates our mood. 

Gives us a healthier heart. 

Lowers our cortisol. 

Increases our immune system. 

Clears our brain. 

Allows our bodies to rebuild.


When you sleep, you renew. You create a day filled with cascading good options! 


How to Sleep Better

Here are a few of the things I do to get a great night’s sleep:

  • A good sleep environment is dark, cool and quiet. 
  • Bringing work to bed ensures your brain will stay active long after the day is done.  This includes your laptop and your unfinished worries of the day. If you wrap up your day with a clear view of what is in store tomorrow, it will help alleviate stressful thoughts during the night.
  • Stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Stop drinking caffeine by the early afternoon and alcohol a few hours before bed.
  • Sugar can contribute to poor sleep as well.
  • Stop the scroll. Social media and TV is designed to keep us looking, and thus keep us awake!
  • Sleep Gear:
    • White noise machine 
    • Mouth Guard if you grind your teeth
    • Blue light glasses 
    • Use a red light for reading
    • Journal if you are having trouble with your thoughts
    • Instead of melatonin use a product called deep sleep.
    • If you use screens, like a kindle, turn down the brightness (or use the Easy Eyes app) and read something that isn’t too engaging. 
    • Use one of the many sleep trackers to verify your sleep quality as your sleep improves; Oura Ring, WHOOP, FitBit, Apple Watch etc!

Insert button here → Grab this FREE TIP SHEET and you’ll get thirteen more sleep tips! 

Sleep for Your Health

Remember, when we sleep we heal.  Sleep is a non-negotiable in life. By making a few small tweaks, you’ll get a more restful night and a healthier body!


Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call with Kelly here!


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